World Sofa Report – Episode 6 – Trunalimunumaprzure, roughly speaking

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So,… Trunalimunumaprzure or President Trump? At the moment of taping, that wasn’t sure at all. Even at the moment of publication it’s still not really sure, though the assumption is Trunalimunumaprzure. So until that is clarified, we took the time to look at other facets of the election which are already clarified but few talk about (both on the Left and on the non-Left).

There have also been elections in Bolivia and Republic of Georgia. In Bolivia the former president is ending his exile after his former aide won the election, but his return doesn’t make the socialists happy. In Tbilisi, the ruling party was reconfirmed – yet the opposition refuses to concede.

Putin may step down sooner due to a degenerative disease and Kosovo’s president has already stepped down and will face charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

The Eurocrats appear to have struck a deal to use EU funds as a tool for ideological enforcement against the countries who disagree with the extremist Brussels “consensus” and the followers of a certain religion of Peace are upset that the French Republic has taken a break in kowtowing to their demands.

Meanwhile, a mayor in Australia apologizes for saying boys have a penis – while Ethiopia might be bracing for a civil war because the do-gooder Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who serves as prime minister doesn’t understand the base of his own country. In NZ the establishment is afraid that its own relationship with China will have to be reevaluated even if Biden wins the US election. Notice a pattern? Whether it’s the West, “the Rest” or the third world – the “do gooders” are always the same: disconnected from reality. Or, even worse, educated out of reality.

That’s it, for now.

Reading on election:

Republicans claim a software glitch in Michigan incorrectly sent 6,000 Trump votes to Biden before local election officials caught the error –

Fox draws Trump campaign’s ire after calling Arizona for Biden:

Why were US pollsters and media blindsided – again?:

Facebook Takes Down Group Organizing Protests of Vote Counting:

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World Sofa Report – Episode 5 – Multiple shifts in the Overton window

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Amy Coney Barrett is now Associate Justice Barrett and some rivers of leftist tears are still flowing as a result of this. We do issue some caution for those who over-celebrated. It’s a step in the Right direction, yes, but not a home-run. It is also another reason to appreciate Cocaine Mitch. Happy Birthday, Hillary Clinton 🙂

In other news, Silicon Valley “workers” are even more exhausted than before the Wuhan Cough panicdemic as they’re figuring it out that “work from home” is in fact pure unadulterated cancer and far from the digital utopia they imagined. Wow, who would’ve thought?

Meanwhile, Venezuela and Belarus do what dictatorships usually do – namely arrest its opponents because they can. In Belarus the opposition was supposed to stage a national strike and bring the country to a standstill in order to force Lukashenko’s hand. The BBC offers a glaring coverage but the reality in the field is a lot more complicated. We go quite deep into explaining how this works in practice.

In the meantime, Danish researchers are still having serious troubles in publishing the results of the biggest study in the world when it comes to the muzzles in relation to the Wuhan Coronavirus. Apparently, those who “fucking love science” are suddenly pretty quiet when having to face the results of the Danish study. The results are still not public but, judging by the obviously politically-motivated controversy, we can make an educated guess about the results.

In other news, the Religion of Special Needs goes full bananas yet again in France, looting continues to be a thing in Nigeria on the backdrop of the EndSars protests, Germany finally admits (albeit tacitly) that the Wuhan Flu situation is first and foremost political as Merkel is trying to convince state premiers on restrictions (and it ain’t working!), and Australia is being lauded for its sanitary fascist regime that makes China look like a democracy by comparison. We’re on the sofa to offer the other side of the narrative that the Cathedral will probably print next year or even in 2022.

Obviously, we spent a decent amount of time talking about the US election and about Big Tech’s interference as this is the last episode before the election.

That’s it for now. Enjoy!


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To Conservatives, Barrett Has ‘Perfect Combination’ of Attributes for Supreme Court –

Justices Thomas and Alito lash out at the decision that cleared way for same-sex marriage –

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Editorial: The Herald endorses Trump –

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A town in New Zealand adjusts to life without foreign tourists:

World Sofa Report – Episode 4 – Hunter Biden may be more

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Slowly the planned changes are being rolled out – the most visible being the change of the location for the World Sofa Report and soon enough the format as well.

Of course, we spend more time than usual on the US election (risking a Democrat investigation for a Romanian collusion 🤡) since Romania was mentioned and more details about Democrat corruption is coming out no matter how much opposition the Cathedral is mounting.

While His Holiness Chinavirus itself wasn’t with us in the setup this episode, there is some news about that too. For starters, almost everything the Cathedral has told you about Bolsonaro’s management of the situation was, at the very least, exaggerated – as now the IMF admits the situation is rather comparable with Europe in terms of economics. Socially, Brazil is positioned better as Europe is bracing for a winter of protests and some of those will, for sure, turn increasingly violent.

In the meantime, the Three Seas Initiative is going forward. The 2020 Summit was very lame – but the evolution in the field is not to be neglected. Via Carpatia is happening and the Trump administration also finalized an agreement for an expansion of the civil nuclear facilities in the south-east with a view to increase the energy independence of the region from Russia.

Speaking of protests and Russia – the situation in Belarus continues to escalate. Lukashenko threatened to use deadly weapons and in return the protests were bigger than ever. The opposition is threatening with a national strike on October 26. If that succeeds, Lukashenko might have to write three letters soon (the reference is explained in the episode).

Further in the East, Winnie the Flu increases his posturing on the military front while the CCP apparatus reports “record economic growth” – reports which are worth less than the paper they’re written on but which are still sadly believed by way too many NPCs.

Meanwhile, Japan becomes the canary in the coalmine for the much more deadly wave of health problems: mental health problems and psychopathologies are already killing more people than the Wuhan Cough.

And finally, Australia might end up having a new state as a more rural area is getting sick and tired of being told what to do by disconnected city dwellers. In the meantime New Zealand democratically votes to shoot itself in the foot. Or the head. Fun times ahead anyway!


News #1 –

Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big with Chinese firm:

Meadows: ‘You’ll See a Romanian Connection’ with Money Flowing to Bidens:

Jim Jordan Posts Hunter Biden-Burisma Story after Twitter Censors House Judiciary GOP –

Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm –

Facebook and Twitter cross a line far more dangerous than what they censor –

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Bolsonaro endorsement –

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US And Romania To Sign $8bn Agreements For New Reactors:

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World Sofa Report – Episode 3 – Trump coughed

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So… Trump coughed and this was enough to throw Hollywood celebrities into full conspiratorial mode. Just in time to cover the real conspiracy recently revealed by the DNI’s declassification of documents that reveals the Democrat’s coordinated attempt at using the State to frame President Trump as a Russian agent.

Meanwhile, the US administration continues its efforts to flatten China while Democrat officials continue to do what they know best: Torpedo the economy and the society at large on ideological grounds. California just adopted a new “diversity” bill, Portland de facto banned urinals because women can’t use them and we’ve just learned from “scientists” that speaking English spreads more Chinavirus.

Since we believe science, we tried our luck at Polish, Danish and Hebrew in an attempt to limit the spread of the Wuhan Cough 🤡

Meanwhile, in Europe, real Russian shilling intensifies with Emmanuel Macron telling Lithuanians that they should ignore their own history so he can get his “collaboration” with Russia. No, seriously!

At the same time, in Russia, the “voluntary testing” of Sputnik V continues although the details of that are only available in Russian. The British taxpayer pays for the BBC Russian Service but then real information is not then translated into English. Quelle surprise!

Speaking of the British taxpayer, the plans for a multi-billion GBP nuclear power plant have been scrapped condemning northern Wales at further economic depression so that the Ettonian greenies in London can feel good about themselves whilst sipping their soy lattes.

In Berlin, a referendum that aims nothing less than nationalization of houses has been given the green-light to be organized and in the Intermarium legal action is being prepared against Big Tech over freedom of expression concerns.

Oh, and there are a few honks too: China prepares an antitrust (!) investigation against Google (!!) and the most upset peeps over the Israeli-UAE-Bahrain deals are the “peace” NGOs.

Welcome to the World Sofa Report. Let’s explore 😀


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Green Jobs Answer man –

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Progress, not peace –

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World Sofa Report – Episode 2 – Out of sociar credit

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Alongside with our permanent guest – the fluffy Chinavirus itself – we come in front of you once again for a long glance at the world news.

For starters, you should be wearing a muzzle while using the gloryhole. That’s the official recommendation of the Canadian government. And apparently nobody sees anything wrong with that coming from the party that whined for decades that the government shouldn’t be regulating what adults do in their bedrooms.

In the meantime, the United States continues to do what must be done – namely to ignore all the “world experts” and tell them to shove it as they are all not just worthless, but inherently dangerous to basic civilization. Obviously, the paid shills really don’t like this latest move from the White House. In the same trend, the White House also announced it would helicopter the “diversity trainings” calling them by their proper name: Instruments of extremist propaganda that are inherently harmful to the federal workforce and to the Nation itself.

We also get the first instance of the Sofa’s Witnesses – which is a process by which something discussed on the Sofa appears in a mainstream outlet afterwards. In the first episode we discussed why rushing vaccines through just because hypochondriacs and shills want to is inherently haram and anti-scientific in itself. Six days later, the CNN openly discussed this with even more examples. And the UN just released another report showing the most recent blunder in the vaccines department – this time in Sudan.

Regular people are also becoming smarter on this whole charade. Protesters in San Francisco organized as “angry salon customers” picketed Nancy Pelosy’s house after revelations that the Chinavirus bullshit rules are indeed just for the plebs while the nomenklatura continues to live normally. Targeting individual people rather than institutions is exactly the right way to do it because people hurt more than institutions. With this occasion, at the end of the podcast we provide a longer segment on how to organize pandemic protests, how to frame the messaging and how to pick your targets. Many protest movements failed or are failing because they don’t follow proper guidelines on community organizing.

In other news, the DOD uses latest data on the Chinese Military in order to drive the point home that the arms’ race in the new Cold War has to be taken seriously. Co-host Victor explains in great detail what that means.

Meanwhile, Russia turns inwards when it comes to its main geostrategic weapon: gas. This time around Gazprom wants to connect under-served Russian regions, in part as a way to quell some of the resentment accumulating in Khabarovsk and other regions.

And, finally, the German and European diplomacy seems to have found some balls on the Chinese question with Heiko Maas going tough on China in ways not believed possible 6 months ago and with a based Czech politician poking Xi Jinping in the Taiwanese Parliament.

These, and a few honque-generating topics are covered in a long episode, just enough to last for the upcoming break due to the local elections where we will apply some of what we talk about on the sofa in our own backyards.

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UN report –

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National Nuclear Lab’s Employees Sent to Seminar That Claimed ‘Rugged Individualism’ and ‘Hard Work’ Are ‘White Male Culture’ –

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The Marxian’s take –

New BBC boss –

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World Sofa Report – Episode 1 – Yuri was right

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In case you have troubles viewing the episode on Youtube, is also available on Bitchute:

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the World Sofa Report! Alongside your human hosts, the Chinese Cough itself will also be a permanent guest.

The panic over the Chinese Cough was, as predicted, entirely unjustified from a medical and scientific perspective. But while the fear over the disease itself was (and is) bollocks, the consequences of the irrationality are not. Economy after economy plunge in record times and, even as this is happening, it’s still not enough to flatten the irrationality. British national debt surges over 2 trillion GBP, Germany’s economy in the worst shape since the war (but UBI experiment is kickstarting!) and a similar situation can be observed virtually everywhere on the planet.

Meanwhile, more and more people (so of course this doesn’t include the paid shills or idiotic panicards) are waking up to the reality that “contact tracing” apps are useless from an epidemiological perspective but highly dangerous for the privacy of the citizenry and generally for the well-being a of a free society. Even so, the Bank of Spain continues to shill for even more because your life doesn’t matter. The stability of the paper tiger is what matters.

Yuri Bezmenov made an appearance in a mainstream entertainment outlet. What does that mean? It’s not a game changer for sure (no matter how enthusiastic you may be), but it is yet another step in the correct direction.

Other areas of the world however have different concerns. The Middle East just became a bit more open with the enactment of the historical deal brokered by Donald Trump and the US State Department between UAE and Israel. At the same time, the Chinese bankers are working tirelessly at contingency plans in the face of imminent US sanctions which could turn hundreds of billions of dollars of liabilities into worthless paper.

The longest serving Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, resigned over health reasons and it’s worth to stop for a moment and examine his impressive legacy in Japan’s (geo)politics.

These and other stories, alongside with exclusive footage and personal stories are what’s in the bag for this episode and, hopefully, for many episodes to come.



Yuri Bezmenov – Deception was my job –

Yuri Bezmenov – Psychological warfare, subversion and control (complete class) –

Propaganda manual –

200k to die because of the lockdown –

Smoke fags, save lives! –

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More on British economy –

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The Lancet is still a problem today and is being political/biased/maybe shilling pro-Remdesivir –

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US Treasury sanctioned 11 individuals for undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy –

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Lockdown kills people, who would have thought –

BREAKING: Liberal Romanian PM stands up FOR pedophiles

Under Romanian PM’s signature, the government blocks the increase of prison sentences for sexual predators and sends the proposed bill to the Romanian Constitutional Court (RCC), because it discriminates against pedophiles!

The Romanian Parliament passed a month ago a bill that increases sentences for pedophiles, so that they would no longer be able to escape justice. The same law states that statute of limitations would no longer expire for those who raped, or sexually abused children. It is a discriminatory treatment, says the government, which petitioned the Constitutional Court, thus blocking the enactment of said law. The petition will be analyzed by the RCC on September 30th.

Currently, those who commit sexual acts with underage minors face a minimum sentencing of only 2 years in prison, in Romania, even though the victims can be very young, sometimes under the age of 13. The court can also decide commuting the sentence and the perpetrator would not spend a day behind bars.

If the victim is between 13 and 15 years old, the minimum sentencing is only one year! Punishment is between one and five years and many of the sexual predators receive a time served sentence, as shown in an investigation published by Libertatea, in recent years.

Those sentenced would furthermore be sent to community service in schools or in orphanages, meaning they would still be around children.

On June 30th, 2020, the Chamber of Deputies (the lower house of the Parliament) voted on a bill that amends the Criminal Code and increases such sentences, so that all sentences are custodial.

A few days before the Romanian president could sign it into law, the government filed a motion against the bill to the RCC for “raising some constitutionality issues”.

Government argues from “the perspective of the perpetrator”

Besides increased sentences, the new bill would remove the statute of limitations on rape and sexual abuse of minors, similar to genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.

This means that child rapists and those who sexually abuse children would be held responsible anytime, regardless how much time has passed, from perpetrating such acts until they are caught, judged and found guilty.

“Such regulation could raise problems as per art. 16 of the Constitution (i.e equal rights)” the government claims.

Quote from the petition written by the Romanian Government, addressed to the RCC:

“Discrimination between persons who committed equally serious felonies could be instituted, in the sense that no objective reasoning could be identified in choosing which crimes would have their statute of limitations removed.”

“The chosen legislative solution seems arbitrary and discriminatory against persons who commit child rape or sexual acts with a minor” argues the government in their petition to the RCC, signed by Romanian PM and president of the National-Liberal Party, Ludovic Orban.

The government admits that “crimes against freedom and sexual integrity have a certain specific and that, because of the trauma induced to the victims, in many cases a considerable amount of time passes since the victims could bring their grievances to the attention of the authorities”, but criticizes the removal of the statute of limitations “from the perspective of the perpetrator”.

Quote from the petition written by the Romanian Government, addressed to the RCC:

“ From the perspective of the author of the infraction, applying a different treatment compared to other perpetrators of equally harsh infractions is disputed.”

 And why would such crimes such as rape and sexual assault against a minor be without statute of limitations, asks the Government, if other offenses exist that “are proven to have a similar effect over the victim” (human trafficking, trafficking minors, pimping, sexual assault, child pornography) are still with a statute of limitations?

Romanian Constitutional Court in 2013: “It is a sign of respect for the victim’s fate”

Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes were stripped of their statute of limitations in 2012, through a bill introduced by Sever Voinescu, former PD-L deputy, now editor-in-chief of “Diverta” magazine, supported by Monica Macovei, former justice minister.

“The exception was raised when a man convicted to six years for attempted murder, fled the country, thus evading his sentence.”

 The RCC rejected the plaintiff’s arguments.

“The right to live represented the supreme value in the hierarchy of human rights”, outlined the RCC in Decision 511/2013, which rejected the application by the accused, challenging the constitutionality of the law.

From RCC Decision 511/2013:

The memory of such acts do not get washed away with the passage of time, outlined in the regular framework of a statute of limitations, and the reaction from the community constitutes a conscious duty as well as a sign of respect for the victims’ plight.

 “Judicial security means for a citizen, first of all, the protection of trust” opined the RCC judges. “In situations where judicial security contradicts equity, it is, first of all, the attributes of the lawmaker to decide in favor of one of the parties.”

When these offenses had their statute of limitations removed, the minimum sentencing for 2nd degree murder was 15 years.

The same minimum sentencing was applied to those found guilty of piracy, extensive destruction, violations of handling nuclear or other radioactive substances, compromising state interests, leaking of classified information that would endanger national security, etc., yet no one filed a complaint that such a discrimination in treatment existed between criminals.

In case of rape, if the victim is an adult, the general statue of limitations is 8 years after the crime took place.

If the victim is a child, the statute of limitations is 10 years.

For sexual act with a minor, when the victim is between 13 and 15 years, the statute of limitations is 5 years. If the victim did not yet turn 13, then the statute of limitations is 8 years.

When the victims are minors, the statute of limitations starts running from the day they turn 18.

What does the bill that the government contested it to the RCC contain

The bill, proposed by independent lower house MP Oana Bîzgan and voted by the Parliament, contained the following:

  • Sexual acts committed by an adult unto a child, that did not turn 14 years old is punished by imprisonment from 5 to 12 years. If the victim is between 14 and 16 and the perpetrator is an adult, the punishment is between 3 and 10 years. Sexual acts with a minor are not prosecutable if the difference between perpetrator and victim is not bigger than 3 years.
  • Rape is punishable with imprisonment from 5 to 10 years (currently, it is only from 3 to 10 years) and if the resulting crime induced bodily harm or endangered the life of the victim, then the offense is punishable with imprisonment from 7 to 12 years (currently, it is only from 5 to 12 years)
  • If the victim is a minor place under protection, foster care or guardianship of the perpetrator or is a family member/cohabits with the perpetrator, then the punishment is imprisonment from 7 to 15 years(currently, it is only from 5 to 12). If the offender was previously convicted for the same crime, the punishment is imprisonment from 7 to 15 years.
  • Those who commit sexual assault on minors and were repeat offenders for a similar offense, the punishment is from 5 to 12 years.
  • The limits of the punishment are expanded by a third for those who commit statutory rape of a minor, sexual corruption of minor and recruiting minors for sexual purposes, if the deeds are perpetrated by 2 or more persons or by one person that has committed a similar crime before.
  • For trafficking minors, the punishment is from 5 to 10 years (currently, it is from 3 to 10 years)

The Liberal Government opposed increased sentencing from the very beginning

The government filed an amendment in the Judicial Committee from the Chamber of Deputies, asking to rescind excessive punishment of adults who commit sexual acts with minors.

An exemption should made for the cases where the victims aged between 14 and 16, the government demanded. Because “the regulation of the aggravated circumstances of the act of committing a sexual act with a minor, when the perpetrator turned 18, changes the type of the offense as understood in the eyes of the law only to cases where the perpetrator is a minor that is criminally liable and the age difference exceeds 3 years.” argues the government. A minor that is criminally liable, in the Romanian law is any minor over the age of 16 and also minors aged 14 to 16 who are deemed fit to stand trial by a panel of psychologists.

The government feared that most child abusers, being adults, should be included in the aggravated form of the offense, which provides heftier penalties. The Judicial Committee rejected the executive’s amendment.

Article translated from Libertatea.

The lockdown in Britain is criminal

A simple reason why the lockdown was/is criminal, and why you have great chances to be a victim of it, far greater than being victim of any other social issue of our time.

I just called the local clinic for a medical appointment with the GP(general practitioner doctor). The local clinic appointments, usually, go fast. They can see you in a few days, if it’s not urgent in which case they can see you faster. During the pandemic they were able to see me on the same day because the clinics were empty. Fine.

The problem is when they have to refer you(from your local clinic) to a specialist doctor(at a hospital) for more advanced check-ups. So, I’ve just been told that I now have to wait for a few months, because there are hundreds of people on the waiting list.

Why are hundreds of people on the waiting list? Because hospitals have been closed to everyone except Covid19 patients and those other immediate emergencies(like heart attacks, strokes or accidents).

In normal times, you wouldn’t get hundreds of people on the waiting list. There are only a few people(10, 20, 30 maybe), and your turn comes in about 2-3 weeks, maximum. But now, it’s a chaos.

Imagine all those hundreds of people who had to wait because the hospitals were all in lockdown, but only at 10% capacity(while doctors and nurses were doing Tik Tok videos). Now, there are tens of thousands of people whose health situation has aggravated in the 4 months of lockdown, many of whom have already died.

Fine, I said, I’ll go private. I asked my local GP to write me a letter so I can go to a private hospital.

Surprise, surprise. All private hospitals are closed to the general public, and they only receive Covid patients which never arrived because even the state hospitals were at 10% capacity. So, the private hospitals were forced to stay closed (on a government “crisis” order) all this period because they were hoping the public hospitals would get full of Covid patients and then send the extra Covid patients to those private hospitals. That never happened.

And that’s how 90% of hospitals(both public and private) stay empty during the lockdown while people are dying to get an appointment for any check-up or surgery or treatment or anything else.

So, there are 40.000 dead people of Covid19 in the #UK. I’m not even getting into how correct these numbers are.

But what you don’t know is that the government is also tracking the collateral deaths, the excess deaths caused by the lockdown: people who couldn’t get their cancer screenings, diabetes tests, surgeries, heart attacks, strokes, and what not.

So, the government stats counted 45.000 collateral deaths. That’s more than Covid deaths!! These are people who could have been saved from treatable conditions. But they were not given health care because doctors were fearing that they would get infected with Covid19, so they refused to even see those patients. Many patients died anyway.

More surprising, nobody seems outraged at these 45.000 deaths, clear evidence, government’s own data. The media is silent. Private activists are silent too, probably stupidly oblivious. Even the families of those 45k dead people are silent, probably, in disdain and surrender. I think I’m the only outraged one.

On top of this, Cancer Research UK, estimates that the cancer deaths will increase by 20.000 as well, at least, by the end of this year due to the fact that many people were not able to detect their cancer in due time.

Luckily, I’m all good, but I’m thinking of all the people who are not as lucky or as young and healthy as I am. Pray to God you won’t end up in a situation like this in which you’ll be at the mercy of bureaucrats.

On top of that, we have thousands of people protesting in the streets like there’s no tomorrow, prolonging this Covid crisis and lockdown for tens of thousands of ill people who truly need care.

But you don’t see this on TV. And I bet you didn’t know about the collateral deaths. And just because you’re in a different country with lower Covid deaths, it doesn’t mean you haven’t got loads of collateral deaths (most countries don’t even count the collateral deaths). But you have no idea about this. You’re only outraged at what the media wants you to be outraged: the topic of the day.

We have to fucking decide: do we keep the lockdown and disband all those protesters, or do we stop the lockdown and get back to our normal lives (including protests, which I’d be fine with otherwise).
Why the fuck are we staying in limbo like this?

How much do black lives matter?

Do Black lives really matter for the hysterical agitprop organizations who now pretend to be outraged over the death of the career criminal George Floyd?

Thousands of Black Christians are killed annually in Africa by Islamic terrorist organizations. Has anyone taken this issue to the streets? Any protests in Europe or North America against the savages that put out this gruesome spectacle of murder year after year? We could indeed say that quite the opposite is the case as many of those savages were then welcomed into Europe.

The most recent genocide in history took place in Rwanda in 1994. Just three weeks ago Félicien Kabuga – one of those who planned and led the Rwandan Genocide was finally apprehended in Paris. The genocide was planned by Black Africans, executed by Black Africans. Hutus killing the Tutsis. The Left was silent then and is silent now too. The news about the arrest of one of those responsible didn’t make the headlines.

In many parts of Africa slavery is still a thing today. People are still being sold in markets in Nigeria and Libya yet nobody protests against such a horrific practice. Wealthy Arabs in the Persian Gulf still own slaves today but, once again, none of the organizations that are now claiming to fight for “Black liberation” have anything to say about this. It could be because the slave-owning Qataris actually pay for some of these protests.

In the minds of the people protesting – it’s African Americans (all 37+ million of them) that are suffering the worst – but not those Africans who are being held in slavery by those who fund the protests.

Genital mutilation of both boys and girls is still being practiced on a large scale in Africa. The victims are, of course, black girls and boys.

Random boys are being kidnapped on the streets of Uganda, Kenya or the Republic of South Africa and forcibly subjected to genital mutilation. Many of them end up dead as a result of the procedure which the “international community” and the “tolerant left” ignore or even approve.

Girls at least get some attention. Articles and reports from international organizations have been published about the gruesome terror to which girls are being subjected via genital mutilation – yet, despite some slightly more attention, there is not much fighting against this cruelty.

Then there’s Boko Haram which kidnaps girls and kills boys. At least for the girls there was, at some point, a cute hashtag – #BringBackOurGirls. Then FLOTUS Michelle Obama made a cute photo-op with it. And? Well, and nothing. The thousands of Black Lives destroyed by Boko Haram did not animate any mass protest – neither in Europe nor in the United States.

Now, that’s okay. One is entitled not to care. But don’t come around then and tell us how much Black Lives Matter for you from Sweden, or Norway, or Bulgaria. They don’t. Because the purpose of the Black Lives Matter brouhaha is not the protection of Black Lives. And likely never has been.

The list of horrors inflicted upon black people in Africa at the behest of Islam or Socialism long after the end of colonialism is very long – yet it’s clearly not of interest for those who claim Black Lives Matter. And that’s because it’s not about black lives – it’s about the destruction of America and all that she stands for. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is what’s bothering most of y’all. Black Lives is just the excuse du jour.

Yeah, yeah, I know – you claim “intersectional solidarity” and that you want to destroy “capitalism” – but we all know that’s bollocks.

So, can we please cut the crap? K? Thanks.

Article inspired by a post from Father Coman.

Corona economy: The great V-illusion

Despite Corona – everything remains as it is? The Federal Government is busily trying to keep this illusion alive with triple-digit billions. But this social autosuggestion is becoming more and more fragile, the consequences more and more threatening.

The letter V stands for Maybe, Probably. Mistakes are unavoidable, admits health minister Jens Spahn frankly, and that is an admission that is rarely honest for politicians in Germany. “That we will probably have to forgive each other a lot in a few months, […] because never before in the history of the Federal Republic – and perhaps even beyond – have we had to make such far-reaching decisions in such a short time and under such circumstances, with the knowledge that is available and with the imponderables that are there. In fact, knowledge about corona is limited – and also about the consequences of a pandemic and a global shutdown. If you know more, cast the first stone.

In uncertainty one clings to historical experience. For the German government, this is the financial crisis. In 2008, there was a lockdown of the banks that no longer granted credit, became insolvent by the dozen. But without money and credit, the finely ramified network of payment flows collapses. At that time, Germany, the USA and other countries reacted with billions of euros to make the bankrupt banks liquid again.

Germany responded to the threat of unemployment by expanding short-time work and implementing an economic stimulus package – some of the construction sites for the autobahn or the railroad are still open today. The economic crash followed the shape of the V – steep fall, but also rapid rise, which even overcompensated for the slump in growth and, even faster than optimists expected, repaid the national debt via higher tax revenues. With astonishing routine and speed, the federal government activated the plans of that time – and added an additional zero or even several behind the programs.

By April 22 this year, some 718,000 companies, or one in three companies in Germany, had registered for short-time work. Germany thus spends 60% of its total annual economic output on subsidies, as of the end of April. This is a record figure – in terms of economic output, it is five times as much as in the USA; three times as much as Italy or Great Britain spend, more than twice as much as France. The expectation is clear: even if the number of short-time workers is 20 or 30 times higher than during the financial crisis – the recovery will be all the faster once the lockdown is over, if the factories can simply be restarted because the employees are waiting for it. A country is put into an artificial sleep, and the prince’s kiss awakens Sleeping Beauty from her sleep again. That is the theory behind the lockdown.

But what if the prince is delayed, the life-support measures become more and more expensive and last longer and longer, and the kiss does not work immediately? Or economically speaking – when the V becomes the L, i.e. with a prolonged period of weakness after the crash, or even to a stairway down? Then there would be a Spahn mistake – well meant, but done the wrong thing – sorry, economy, pity, society – stupidly done.

Did it go badly?

And it could go pretty badly. The state is currently compensating for the lack of demand – short-time work is being increased even further, bridging money is being paid out, special programmes for hotels and restaurants are being set up, companies like Adidas are being kept alive with 2.5 billion, and Lufthansa is happy to do a little more. The state’s resources are unlimited, promises Finance Minister Olaf Scholz – a bold claim. Hobby economists, for example, from DIE ZEIT, explain that Finance Minister Olaf Scholz does not take away anyone’s funds for short-time work – because taxes are only borrowed, so to speak: If the recipients of short-time work benefits are busy shopping, the business gets going again and in the end everyone wins, including the taxpayers fleeced for it. It is as simple as that.

It is the old Keynesian dream that the state could simply compensate for temporary gaps in demand, supplemented by the “New Monetary Economy”: because the states have long been over-indebted, just as Italy was unable to finance its interest rates even before Corona, the European Central Bank has to pump money into the cycle. Corona is also passing away, the economy only exists if you give it enough money. It really works – if citizens do not become suspicious, do not lose faith in Baron Münchhausen pulling himself out of the swamp by his own hair.

But what if he doesn’t? What if the next consumption frenzy is not only postponed – but cancelled because people do not believe in eternal money from the state? It could be that the Germans are saving because they don’t trust the end of Corona and are preparing for a second wave, at least with savings. If the purchase of the car is simply put off for a long time; cars age hardly functionally, rather aesthetically. When operations are not postponed, but do not take place at all, and the artificial knee is dispensed with, the washing machine is repaired again instead of being replaced, and the move to the larger apartment is postponed for the time being? When the factory is not expanded or renewed, at best expensive labour is rationalised away?

And that is exactly what many companies are planning: Downsize, downsize, rationalize. Jobs are shaky, fear is growing. The IAB, the scientific service of the Federal Employment Agency, is talking about three million unemployed and a drop in the workforce of millions more. So far, all the research institutes have underestimated the force of the downturn – simply because it does not fit into their models, which can only be designed to update the figures but not to break them down. It is more realistic to expect five or even more millions of unemployed people to collect support and become taxpayers and contributors. Or six? Or seven?

How is it going globally after Corona?

The cool calculation and concern of millions of people, economic decision-makers and investors is driven by future expectations; it is speculation about the uncertain future. How long will Corona stay, not only in Germany, but also around it? When the future seems vague and uncertain, people wait instead of consuming, reduce instead of invest, reduce instead of build. Then the state can always stuff new billions into pockets, it stays in there. Technically speaking, this reduces the speed at which money circulates. There is more money, but it doesn’t circulate – the economy falters. And the future of demand seems uncertain: Why should entrepreneurs invest and perhaps be liable with the remainder of their private assets when the SPD is constantly talking about tax increases, asset levies and redistribution? The phrase “let’s wait and see” then becomes an economic killer, triggered by slogans thrown down by people like Saskia Esken, the SPD chairwoman. Maybe it may be possible to get things going again in Germany – but are German taxes enough to keep the concrete castles on the Costa Brava or in Mallorca and Greece going? If there is any doubt that economic stimulus packages can save the domestic economy – they certainly won’t be enough for the whole of Europe.

Germany’s export orientation is now the Achilles’ heel of the economy – it lives from investment in factories in China, from exports to southern Europe, which are paid for with the money that German holidaymakers leave on sunny beaches. The worldwide falling oil price is a warning signal: oil lubricates the economy, is a raw material that is in every product, in the potato in the form of fertilizer and tractor fuel, in every chemical product, in every form of mobility. Worldwide, the demand for oil is falling because the demand for products has collapsed. It is a crisis indicator of a deflationary process.

Deflation means that prices are falling. This makes life pleasant for the consumer, but hell for the producers: Who wants to invest and produce when the selling price is constantly falling – in the case of oil on the futures markets, even becoming negative? The economists of the European Central Bank fear deflation far more than inflation. That is why zero and negative interest rates have been introduced, an inflation target of two per cent has been set and this is being pursued with all permitted and unpermitted means of monetary policy, just not to get deflation going. If prices fall, the economy will freeze: it will be worth bunkering money instead of spending or even investing.

But that is exactly where the global economy stands: falling demand worldwide causes prices to fall. This mechanism works quickly: the prices for real estate in the German conurbations are already falling. Are there fewer people in Germany? No. It’s just that many dreams of bigger living spaces have been shattered. Or postponed. If the department stores are only allowed to open again, then there will be discount battles – the summer goods will be squandered until they are given away, because otherwise there will definitely not be another summer for the dealers. Many will open one last time, for the last sale. A wave of bankruptcies in the already ailing retail trade in the city centres is threatening – Amazon was the pre-existing illness, Corona the death sentence.

The caution of consumers and the pessimistic expectations of entrepreneurs combine to form a poisonous mixture that renders any economic stimulus program of the federal government ineffective. The phrase “not at first” absorbs every economic stimulus program and makes it ineffective.

The supply shock is yet to come

Allegedly the German showpiece industry, the car manufacturers, are trying to increase production again. Instead of short-time work benefits, the state is then supposed to artificially heat up the demand for cars; the use of state money therefore continues without end for the time being. But that will not be so easy. A German car company has about 100,000 suppliers worldwide. Some of them no longer exist. A chip, a plastic part, a piece of sheet metal, steel or fabric is missing, because the supplier is possibly located in Italy or Spain and cannot yet produce, the truck is stopped at a border, the delivery from China takes too long, or the manufacturer has long since gone bankrupt.

Even in the Chinese birthplace of the pandemic, Wuhan, the factories are being restarted – but there is no demand from Europe or the USA. Technically, they may be able to produce – but nobody orders them. How do Daimler and VW plan to sell cars in, say, Minnesota or Michigan, if the showrooms are nailed up and the dealers are broke? How will they build engines if the crankshaft does not arrive from Spain? Just in time production, offshoring, squeezing every last cent out of the supply chain and specializing in the smallest detail – the recipes for success of the past decades are just poison pills.

It’s downright macabre: Hans-Werner Sinn has called this “bazaar economy” – Germany buys cheap preliminary products worldwide, plugs them up and sells them at a premium as “Made in Germany”. The model is now ailing. And yes, the backsourcing of strategic goods such as mouthguards and medicines may be right, automotive suppliers can be replaced – but someone has to pay for that. Who pays is the consumers. Not all prices will fall as a result. Some will rise.

Deflation and inflation simultaneously

Vegetables are already becoming more expensive; peppers up to 40 percent; asparagus is becoming a luxury again. There is a lack of harvest workers from Morocco in Spain and from Romania in Germany. Those who are not there to harvest are also absent when planting. Goods whose purchase cannot be postponed without problems become more expensive. There are also opportunities. If Majorca as a holiday destination – it is also cooler, the Baltic seaside resorts should soon be crowded, if they are allowed. Ruhpolding will experience guests from the Ruhr area, who have stayed away since the late 60s. Even the shanty towns on the Rhine, Bingen and Rüdesheim and Unkel will be frequented again; perhaps even the Harz Mountains and perhaps Traben-Trarbach will experience a short, second spring like the Emperor’s Bath in Ems before 1914. Today, it attracts visitors to places they did not want to go for a long time. Inflationary and deflationary processes run side by side. But because the supply is gradually narrowing, prices start to rise earlier rather than later.

A ghost is haunting: Stagflation

And because the V thus becomes the L, sooner rather than later Germany’s rescue formula will also be in crisis: the SPD would like to raise taxes and will probably push it through – but there are hardly any high incomes and payers left who could be fleeced. Wealth tax? The secret tip of the left and the Greens is leeward.

Article written by German journalist and chairman of the Ludwig Erhard Foundation, Roland Tichy.
Original version, in German at: