Vremurile bune – Podcast de Week-end – Episodul 191

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Vremurile bune sunt aici, chiar dacă nu tocmai cum și le imaginau mulți în urmă cu trei ani.

DNA are în lucru peste 150 de dosare pe subiectul pandemic. Cu șeful Romarm deja la zăbrelica și cu Ludovic Orban insistând discret că el nu știe nimic, următoarele luni la DNA vor fi cu siguranță foarte amuzante.

Între timp, Nicu Ștefănuță își încheie cariera politică, o veste excelentă pentru Țară și încă un indiciu al vremurilor bune. Nu totul este însă roz. La Suceava încă 100 de șpăgari eroi au ieșit din dulap și, din păcate, încă nu se află într-un penitenciar, cum nici măcelarul Burnei nu va vedea interiorul unui penitenciar prea curând deși a mutilat copii.

Cu toate acestea, subiectul scăderii impozitării muncii începe să prindă avânt iar subiectul patriotic începe să prindă tracțiune chiar și la… UDMR.

În segmentul geopolitic discutăm despre politicienii miluiți în chirilică, despre controversa înfrățirii dintre muncipiul Iași și municipiul Bălți dar și despre ultimele gogoși din Duma de Stat.

Firește că nu putea să treacă un episod fără să discutăm despre demisia cabinetului de la Chișinău (o întâmplare prezisă aici săptămânile trecute) dar și despre tragedia din Turcia și în special implicațiile sale (geo)politice și financiare.

La final discutăm și despre noile protecții ale libertății de exprimare ce sunt pe cale să devină lege în Marea Britanie, spre disperarea Stângii academice care, pentru prima dată după mulți ani, își vede puterea redusă în mod intenționat și fără niciun fel de jenă.


Știre 1 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-26059584-dna-trimis-judecata-70-dosare-legate-pandemie-mai-are-lucru-90-bologa-prejudiciile-estimate-sunt-enorme.htm

Știre 2 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/politica/orban-dupa-retinerea-lui-piturca-in-dosarul-mastilor-neconforme-nu-am-nicio-legatura-nu-am-vorbit-cu-el-de-ani-de-zile-2233451

Știre 3 – https://www.g4media.ro/europarlamentarul-nicu-stefanuta-anunta-ca-pleaca-din-usr-el-ar-fi-avut-o-restanta-de-30698-de-lei-la-cotizatii.html

Decizia invocată de Ștefănuță – https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/ro/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32005Q0684

Știre 4 – https://www.europafm.ro/medicul-ortoped-gheorghe-burnei-scapa-de-acuzatii-dosarul-in-care-era-acuzat-ca-a-mutilat-mai-multi-copii-s-a-prescris/

Știre 5 – https://www.monitorulsv.ro/Ultima-ora-local/2023-01-31/Aproape-100-de-medici-din-Spitalul-Judetean-Suceava-au-semnat-o-scrisoare-de-sustinere-pentru-sefa-de-la-Oncologie

Știre 6 – https://www.g4media.ro/aur-anunta-ca-a-depus-un-proiect-de-lege-prin-care-propune-diminuarea-la-jumatate-a-impozitelor-pe-salarii-in-schimb-partidul-extremist-propune-impozitarea-cu-1-a-cifrei-de-afaceri-a-celor-mai-mari.html

Știre 7 – https://www.prosport.ro/alte-sporturi/handbal/csm-bucuresti-rapid-azi-la-ora-17-30-ce-spune-ministrul-eduard-novak-despre-strainele-din-cele-doua-echipe-este-anormal-sa-platim-jucatoare-franceze-de-trei-ori-salariul-din-tara-lor-19588446

Pauză muzicală #1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmZj6vYqlKk

Știre 8 – https://www.g4media.ro/breaking-ucraina-sustine-ca-doua-rachete-rusesti-kalibr-ar-fi-traversat-spatiul-aerian-al-romaniei-ministerul-apararii-informatiile-nu-se-confirma-zelenski-insista-cu-varianta-kievului.html

Știre 9 – https://www.7iasi.ro/video-mihai-chirica-a-infratit-iasul-cu-un-rusofil-care-refuza-sa-vorbeasca-limba-romana-raportul-vizitei-oficiale-momente-emotionante-ale-depunerii-de-coroane-de-flori/

Precizările primarului Chirica după vizita de înfrățire a Iașului cu Bălți, oraș condus de un primar rusofil – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-26057583-precizarile-primarului-chirica-dupa-vizita-infratire-iasului-balti-oras-condus-primar-rusofil-nu-infratit-primarul-grigorisin.htm

Știre 10 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-razboi_ucraina-26062714-politicieni-din-austria-italia-cipru-mituiti-pentru-promovarea-agendei-moscovei-romania-lista-scurta-caracatitei-rusesti.htm

Știre 11 – https://ziare.com/razboi-rusia-ucraina/hristo-grozev-parasire-austria-20-ani-amenintari-rusia-1786811

Știre 12 – https://www.g4media.ro/un-influent-parlamentar-rus-apropiat-de-kremlin-sustine-ca-radicalii-rusi-pro-razboi-ar-putea-sa-incerce-rasturnarea-lui-vladimir-putin.html

Pauză muzicală #2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrmGCQutAKY

Știre 13 – https://diez.md/2023/02/10/a-demisionat-guvernul-gavrilita-daca-am-fi-avut-aceeasi-sustinere-acasa-am-fi-reusit-sa-avansam-mai-mult/

Știre 14 – https://www.g4media.ro/erdogan-blocheaza-twitter-in-turcia-dupa-criticile-publice-referitoare-la-reactia-lenta-a-autoritatilor-la-cutremur.html

Furia crește în Turcia: „Unde au dispărut banii din taxa de cutremur?”. Erdogan, presat să acționeze cu trei luni înainte de alegeri – https://adevarul.ro/stiri-externe/in-lume/furia-creste-in-turcia-unde-au-disparut-banii-2240751.html

Erdogan recunoaşte în premieră: Intervenţiile după cutremur nu se desfăşoară pe cât de repede am sperat – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26075456-erdogan-recunoaste-premiera-interventiile-dupa-cutremur-nu-desfasoara-cat-repede-sperat.htm

Știre 15 – https://economedia.ro/trei-partide-din-bulgaria-au-sabotat-o-lege-importanta-pentru-zona-euro.html

Știre 16 – https://www.g4media.ro/syriza-cere-alegeri-anticipate-si-anunta-ca-se-va-abtine-de-la-vot-in-parlament-si-cere-anticipate-opozitia-protesteaza-fata-de-modul-in-care-guvernul-conservator-din-grecia-a-gestionat-scandalul-int.html

Știre 17 – https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/02/02/controversial-speakers-can-sue-universities-free-speech-breaches/

I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle – https://www.thefp.com/p/i-thought-i-was-saving-trans-kids

Street smarts remains essential

How do you know a topic is over and you won? Well, the opposition speaks your language and the head of a multi-million dollar media empire that dwarfs CNN, MSNBC, BBC and France24 together in terms of audience basically speaks the exact same words you’ve been speaking when you ushered in your own narrative.

Daily Wire is in top 10 largest podcast publishers (bigger than Disney!), in top 10 most widely read websites from the entire Internet and gobbles up 8 and sometimes 9 digits (!!) audience figures per day across platforms. In other words, Daily Wire is as mainstream as it can possibly be.

The video above, where Ben Shapiro (whose wife is a doctor – let’s not forget this 😂) speaks the language of the opposition effectively ends the conversation. So the pandemic project is over (even if you can still see pockets of Branch Covidianism on Twitter and Facebook). So, as this is slowly coming to an end, it’s time to ask, in all seriousness, what have we learned?

Reading back to the article I wrote at the beginning of this panic, almost three years ago, I have to say I’m sorry I was right on the 5th point. I was really hoping that I’d be proven wrong, and not too many little dictators would emerge. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, things rolled more or less as I predicted. But the question is: How did I, and tens if not hundreds of millions of us across the Northern Hemisphere know?

No accident

I don’t have a Harvard Law education (thank God for that!) and my wife isn’t a doctor (Слава Богу for that too!) – and this remains true for every single individual who supported the Sofa message right from the get go.

Very well-educated and well-read men (and some women) are now coping with the fact that what they perceive as “the lesser” were entirely correct and they were wrong. Some are coping with it relatively honorably (by acknowledging they were wrong) while others maintain to this day that the rest of us simply got lucky. The latter category is worthy of scorn for many years to come, not only because they commit the sin of assuming shit but also because such hubris should be socially discouraged wherever possible.

We could’ve discussed luck if we had gotten one or two disparate things right while being just as wrong (or even more wrong) than the booksmart people. But that’s just not the case.

On everything – from survival rate, to the immorality, illegality and illiberalism of so-called NPIs, to the viability of the myocarditis-inducing experimental gene therapy clotshot… on everything we got things right, or at the very least closer to the truth than they did. That’s not a coincidence nor is it luck. It’s something else. Something that is now missing from those who profess to be thought leaders: street smarts.

Street smarts breed adaptable people

In the past, until the 1950s or even later, both the elite and the plebs had street smarts. In the past, the elites would speak 4-5 languages as a matter of routine, travel more or less with the plebs, and reality compelled them to learn how the world actually works once they step foot outside the reading room.

Now, however, most of these people live completely separate lives from the rest of us. In a very physical and concrete way. And that is to their detriment too.

Erika Fatland is the only writer that I’m aware of in contemporaneity that is both in the traditional elite chambers and still behaves like an elite used to. She makes good money off of investors and institutions for doing more or less what I do: travel the world by train with the plebs, speaking with the plebs rather than at them, and then report about it. Turns out the plebs are still willing to listen/read even a snob/elitist opinion as long as it comes from a place of authenticity (i.e. you’ve actually been there and know your stuff) – which is a nicer way of saying… having street smarts.

Us, the plebs, got the pandemic project right not necessarily because we were smarter (though in some cases that was the case too), nor because we were lucky. We got it right because we had a higher dose of a different type of smart.

Having street smarts is not just physical fighting skills and ability to manage difficult situations in an urban setting. Street smarts is also the ability to blend in with many different types of people.

By necessity or by choice, us plebs with street smarts didn’t stay in an physical or virtual silo during the pandemic project. We kept on talking to people who virulently disagree with us but also with people who probably agree with us a bit too much.

Street smarts does mean being able to assess risk. So for those with street smarts, it simply came natural not to freak out too much about the Wuhan Cough. It made sense not to automatically trust the “official sources” – precisely because down here, at the street level, we’d seen this movie before. We knew – not by luck, but by previous trial and error – that the official sources will lie if they’re required to do so or if they panic and get stupid in public.

Unlike the so-called “educated” we didn’t display the memory of a paramecium. So by September 2020, nearly 100% of the street smarts people had figured out most of the pandemic project. Face it: It wasn’t even hard. When you tell plebs that the Wuhan Flu spreads dangerously at the Church but not in crowded shopping malls, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something’s rotten.

The shock and horror of the book smarts people when they learned that the plebs will go around the mandatory vaccination with impunity (see Germany, France, Greece and Bulgaria, Italy, and so on) also showed just how out of touch these people are. I could go on more but you get the point.

Ideally, one would seek a balance between street smarts and book smarts. But, when such thing is not possible, then more street smarts is preferable for most people, since most of what constitutes street smarts used to be called common sense which, yeah, ain’t that common anymore.

Get the nerds back in the closet

So if there’s anything we can learn from the pandemic project in terms of reference points, it’s this: While books are good, touching grass is far better. And not being a terminally online NPC is highly helpful.

Ultimately, the pandemic project was a long, costly and painful experiment of a society ruled by nerds manipulated by pseudo-elites who wanted money and power (not necessarily in this order).

Face it: Most doctors are either corrupt bribery-receiving psychopaths or they are nerds. Neither category is fit to run society. Yet that’s exactly what the pandemic project attempted to do: to run society as if it’s a gigantic hospital ward with the sole purpose of preventing one disease.

Such dogmatic unidirectional focus and utter disregard for collateral damage (i.e. trade-offs) can be found in many people but it is overwhelmingly concentrated in just two categories: psychopaths and nerds.

And most of the people directly tormenting us for the last three years were nerds, not psychopaths. And without them, acting as enforcers, the pandemic project wouldn’t have been possible.

Think about it. Who tended to be the most Stakhanovite about the pandemic project? Corporate middle managers (nerds), hyperspecialized previously obscure Twitter accounts (nerds), terminally online antisocial IT folks (nerds) and the writers at “serious” newspapers (most of them nerds). Everyone else not in these categories dropped the pandemic project from their mind by September 2020.

Sure, we can quibble about exceptions and all that, but, by and large, the nerds were very good enforcers of the pandemic project without whom the project would’ve failed even earlier.

Some people still think this is something new. But it’s not. In 2009, Mexico went into lockdown for a flu. But in 2009, it was still acceptable to respond to those proposing such crap with the perfectly sensible reply of: “Shut up, nerd! Touch grass!”

I cannot stress enough just how big of a civilizational mistake it was to let the nerds out of the closet. It’s bad for society and it’s bad for nerds themselves too.

Can this geenie be put back in the bottle? I don’t know. But I do know that it’s worth a shot. Start by not taking nerds seriously and by avoiding as many activities associated with nerds as possible. It’s definitely a good start. Also, discourage your children from nerdy activities. Get him/her to play football/volleyball/whatever outside.

The takeaway is to continue to do what we, the street smarts people, got correctly right from the get go: Touch grass!

That’s it.

Understanding the Danish society

Denmark is often held as some sort of Utopia by the Western world due to its welfare state and highly homogeneous culture. Much has been said about not just the positives, but also more recently, by the political right, the negatives of such a system. However, neither side has ever truly understood what the pros and cons of the Danish way are, nor what type of society would accept it in the first place.

The Danish way of thinking is, in many ways, self-contradicting and it is just as hard to wrap one’s head around it as it is with the Russian mindset. This would have been more apparent, were it not for the complete absence of conflict within the Danish state.

All societies have a more or less formal contract with their state, some founding principle that makes it legitimate in the eyes of the people: In the US this is the upholding of the Constitution; in China – to avoid a repeat of the starvation events under Mao and ensure everyone has food on the table. In Denmark, it is simply to preserve a state of comfort.

While the same is true of the rest of Scandinavia, the Danish mindset has evolved, for the most part, naturally, with little deliberation on the part of the state.

Danish culture has been in large part defined by the presence of the state, in ways that most free countries simply have not. The most apparent of which is family structure or, better said, the lack thereof as the individual is completely atomized.

The average Danish child will be placed into a kindergarten from the age of 3 – 4 years old with minimal interaction with their parents, as both of them typically are working full time to afford the bills that come with having the highest tax pressure in the world, and second worst purchase power parity in Europe.

Their middle aged parents do not fare much better, as divorce is frequent enough as to become ubiquitous. Here it is worth mentioning that Danish adolescents are among the first to move out of their parents’ home in Europe. While I do not see this as inherently negative, it does add to the overall state of disconnect within the family. This disentanglement is perversely mirrored in the usual treatment of the elderly in Denmark.

Children do not interact much with their parents after they move out, and the parents life is expected to go on as usual until they are too old to live on their own. At this point the overwhelming standard is to let your parents be institutionalized. This is so common to the point where any other arrangement is practically unheard of.

With the exception of the occasional visit, the parents are left completely out of sight and thus out of mind. It’s the polar opposite of Italy, where the child is expected to either move out at some point in their forties, or simply inherit the family home and take care of their parents until their death.

While abuse is not the absolute standard within retirement homes, it is frequently reported on. It is not unusual for horror stories of elderly, no longer capable of standing on their own and bedridden, to be neglected by social workers that simply don’t want to help them get to the bathroom, and instead leave them mired in their own fecal matter for several days.

Its not that anyone wants this abuse to continue per se, in fact the topic has had mainstream attention both in the media, among political parties, and in political satire for several decades now. The truth is quite simple, and quite depressing: No one cares.

This is not meant in the sense that people find the abuse mentioned above acceptable, they don’t. Instead no one really thinks about or wants to do anything to change things.

A far leftist and former friend of mine once said that the greatest boon of the welfare state was that it “liberated him from his own morality”. Thanks to it, he argued, there was no need to care about the homeless, the poor, his family, or anyone other than himself, because ”society will take care of it”.

While many Danes would feel repulsed by such a statement, there is a kernel of truth to it: The welfare state has in its own perverse way ”liberated” the individual from his morality and responsibility. This is at least in part what we are seeing with the disentanglement between families and the elderly.

Denmark is a deeply apathetic country, and the odd thing about this characteristic apathy, whether towards governmental overreach, abuse in the social sector or blatant corruption, is that there is barely any propaganda effort from the state itself involved. Rather there simply is a disinterest so ubiquitous as to become part of the background noise, as it permeates every part of the Danish worldview: both empathically, intellectually, and politically, in ways that often appear paradoxical.

The national self-image vexes between viewing ourselves as a small, irrelevant spot in the middle of Europe to extreme arrogance over our glorious welfare state, especially compared to those stupid Americans that are constantly shooting each other or going broke from their dysfunctional, obviously anti-human private healthcare system. Although self-contradictory at a glance, these two ideas can coexist in people’s heads at the same time without cognitive dissonance, as they are not two mutually exclusive ideas, but rather a single, logically coherent narrative that can produce diametrically opposed feelings depending on the context: This national narrative, referred to as “Lilliput Chauvinism” by the politician Uffe Østergaard, is best summarized as “we are small and irrelevant but our socially homogenous and deeply empathetic culture has resulted in the north – and in particular us, creating a much more humane, and happy society than the rest of the globe.”

Like how a faucet can produce either warm or cold water, depending on how you turn the knobs, the focal point of the narrative can be altered to hone in on either the inferiority aspect as a means to deflect criticism of flaws brought to the surface, or the superiority, to induce a delusional belief in the superiority of the Danish system – which therefore does not need to be altered, as there’s no need to change what is already as good as it gets.

Complementing this is the insular nature of Danish society. Not much is reported on or understood, or even paid attention to of our neighboring countries. There is some superfluous reporting on whatever happens in the United States, usually ripped straight from their legacy media, and sometimes Sweden (since the border with them is right next to our capital) but that’s about it. Rarely is anything ever reported about Norway, Germany or Britain. The cultural insularity of the nation solidifies it’s inferiority-superiority complex, since the country as a whole is simply not aware or interested in other ways of structuring a society.

For a personal example, a family movie I watched as a small child had a song in the intro credits with lyrics such as:

man er som man er det kan ikke laves om
man går rudnt og ser ud som maan gjorde da man kom
du kan drømme om at være en kineser I new yok
men man er som man er og det er godt nok.

En hest er en hest en kat er en kat
de er ligesåforskellige som dag og som nat…
og tyskere og svenskere er også en slags menesker
og rødhårede piger er kønne

You are as you it cannot be changed
one walks around and look as one did when you arrived
you can dream about beign a chinese in New York
But you are what you are and it’s good enough

A horse is a horse a cat is a cat
they’re as different as day and as night
and Germans and Swedes are people too I suppose
and read-haired girls are cute

The song is quite indicative of the mentality here. Danes are not devoid of humour, especially not when at the expense of our neighbours, due to historical beef turned banter (as is the case with practically all Old World countries). But there’s also this notion that what you are is pretty good, so there’s no need to do anything about it, or change, or improve. What you are is more or less “good enough”.

This is certainly not helped by the populace’s disinterest in seeking out knowledge or wisdom on their own.
It’s not that Danes are stupid, as the over representation among Nobel price winners for instance shows, but that their thinking is rigid. Knowledge is only gathered and created, and expertise only acquired within already established fields, such as the hard sciences, and outside them, is a dearth of intellectual curiosity. Appeal to experts is commonplace and expert opinion is paraded around by the media on a daily basis.

It is not without reason Denmark has not had a renowned thinker – neither globally, nor domestically, since Søren Kirkegaard. On a related note, Denmark has not created many cultural movements of its own for at minimum the last 100 years. More often than not, ideas are simply imported from abroad, as was the case with Lutheran Protestantism by the priest Hans Thausen or with the welfare state itself, originally imported from Bismarck’s Prussia, until it developed a life of its own here.

Much of this lack of interest can be traced back to the 1800s: Following the loss of Norway to Sweden during the Napoleonic wars, Denmark entered a cultural period known as Romantikken, or the romantic period. The core idea was that ”what was lost externally, must be won internally”. No longer was Denmark to pay attention to anything outside of it’s own borders, as it refused to look away from its rural landscapes through rose tinted glasses; effectively romanticising what was left of the country in an attempt to ignore the nation’s sorry state of affairs.

It is here we find the source of Danish Lilliput chauvinism, as both a coping and a defence mechanism against harsh reality, as it reminded us of our own inadequacy.

This can also be seen in the notion of the Janteloven, a set of laws unique to the fictional town of Jante, made as a satire of Scandinavia’s stigma against excellence:

Don’t believe you are anything
don’t believe you are as much as us
Don’t believe you are smarter than us
Don’t believe you are better than us
Don’t believe you know more than us
Don’t believe you are more than us
Don’t believe you amount to anything
Don’t laugh at us
Don’t believe anyone likes you
Don’t believe you can teach us anything

At no point has this order of affairs ever truly been disputed. While the central focus of the following era, the modern breakthrough, indeed was that the nation ought to cease its nostalgic ruminations and face cruel reality, the cruel reality in question was the suffering of the poor and the working class, underneath the classicist society. It was essentially proto-socialism. Created a century before Marx was even born and complete with deconstructive reinterpretations of established folklore to serve the anti-idealistic bend of the era. Added to these is a fear of going outside of the system.

Dissent is allowed, but only in predetermined ways by going through the system itself, never around it, and it is frowned upon to criticise individuals working in the bureaucracy as “just doing your job” is a commonplace and acceptable justification for state overreach. The result? A society unwilling to engage in the historical arena (with the blessing of its geography), uninterested in learning from others and dedicated to the alleviation of harm from its citizens, and one which has effectively produced an “end of history”-like scenario.

There are no conflicts here and with the exception of a brief almost bloodless invasion by – and immediate submission to – Nazi Germany in the 1940s, the notion that you need to defend what you hold dear, that there’s something it must be defended against, and whether it was even worth defending in the first place, is mute. In its place there’s a perpetual state of nothing ever happening.

It can be seen even in the language too: For instance, the standard response to being asked how are things going is “stille og roligt/quiet and calm”.
Another example is the word “hygge”. Which is often paraded around as the quintessential Danish word, as it has no direct translation. The approximate is a mix between “cozy” and “comfy”. That feeling of sitting and chilling with your friends and feeling pleasant while nothing is really happening.

I’m defining it because Danish does not typically make use of a direct word for “scary” or “horrifying” instead the most commonly used word is “uhygge”. It’s much like how Russian does not have a direct mainstream word for “safety” or “security” but instead uses “undanger” [безопасность].

As nothing is happening, and will never happen, conflict is viewed as unnecessary and abnormal if not to some extend unnatural, if it is ever placed in bigger doses than the occasional joke about the Nazis or drawing of Mohammed with a bomb in his turban here and there. The ability for, and conceptualization of, conflict taking place is not only absent on a national scale but on the individual level as well. No one is capable of starting conflicts and no one has the necessary mental reflexes to handle it.

This conflict avoidance leads to an odd form of moderation, where the victim of the state will always react to abuse by pleading. If the state overreaches, the reaction will always begin by admitting one is themselves guilty before stating that what’s happening is absurd. There won’t be any backlash, only a plead for a slightly thinner slice of the salami to be served this time around. This is arguably why the country has some of the highest anti depressant consumption in the world.

It is not that we batter our children into soulless drones, it’s that we don’t need to. Because the concept of conflict simply does not exist inside the little Danish world. As there’s simply no practical way of venting frustrations people simply give up trying or become bitter and resentful, as the shadow parts of the human mind are not being allowed to fully integrate. The populace may act nice but it is not good.

And if you dig deep enough down underneath that outer layer of niceness in a Dane’s psyche, you’ll find something you won’t like looking at.

Socialismul nu lucrează – Podcast de Week-end – Episodul 190

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Versiunea video: Descarcă fișierul torrent

Vorbitorii de limbă română din fosta URSS cu regularitate folosesc calchieri din limba rusă – în special cei cu o educație mai degrabă precară. Una dintre calchierile nostime care încă mai poate fi întâlnită în R. Moldova este folosirea în limba română a verbului „a lucra” pentru toate sensurile pe care verbul rusesc работать le poate lua în vorbire. Așa apar de pildă formulări de tipul ”ușa (automată) nu lucrează” – anunț real văzut de noi în iulie 2021 în Chișinău. În rusește, propoziția (Автоматическая) Дверь не работает are sens și se traduce cu verbul „a funcționa”. Similar ”terasa nu lucrează” (Терраса не работает – vrând să spună că e închisă). În limba română verbul „a lucra” are un grad de polisemie mult mai scăzut decât corespondentul său rusesc. După modelul acestei calchieri este formulat și titlul episodului de astăzi.

Un partid din România a cheltuit aproape 3 milioane de lei bani publici pentru a-l înjura pe Internet pe Bode. Și n-a obținut absolut nimic din asta. Între timp, un șpăgar erou criminal din Suceava lua și brânza (la propriu) de pe pacienți pentru că nu-i ajungeau cei peste 25000 lei (din care 2/3 bani publici) pe care-i primește deja pentru activitatea sa.

La Satu Mare e mai rău: un șpăgar erou care a mai băgat oameni în mormânt deceniul trecut a revenit la ”muncă” și pare-se c-a băgat și-o elevă de 15 ani în mormânt. Oamenii au ieșit în stradă – ceea ce e în sine o știre pozitivă, românii fiind până azi dimineață (în termeni istorici) de-a dreptul inerți la Răul adus în comunitate de profesia medicală.

Între timp, încep să apară și la noi cazurile după model american – cu minori care-și dau în judecată părinții. Discutăm pe larg cazul unei minore din jud. Harghita – și nu atât soluția instanței (altfel de bun simț) cât complexitățile din spatele acestor tipuri de cazuri.

În alte știri, încă un cuplu de români a fost abuzat josnic de autoritățile dintr-o țară scandinavă pe motiv că și-ar fi maltratat copiii, pentru ca mai apoi dovezile să arate taman opusul. Ar cam fi vremea ca diplomația română să emită un avertisment pentru cetățenii români în ceea ce privește aceste societăți barbare, anti-umane și în mod special anti-familie.

Tot în segmentul intern discutăm despre bula imobiliară – în mod special cea din Cluj – în marja raportului BNR asupra stabilității financiare publicat săptămâna aceasta.

În segmentul geopolitic discutăm pe larg despre protestele de la Stockholm care au deranjat Ankara (sanchi) dar și prostiile spuse-n public pe subiect. Apoi disecăm ”mobilizarea” de la Tiraspol, dezertările din Rusia, scandalul de corupție de la Kiev, ultimele clovnerii din Duma de Stat și, desigur, ”turneul” lui Serghei Lavrov din Africa.

În ultimul segment discutăm despre cum află ungurii the hard waysocialismul nu lucrează, prețurile la carburanți în țara vecină menținându-se în continuare peste (și ocazional cu mult peste) nivelurile înregistrate în România sau Slovacia, țări care au manifestat un apetit mai mic pentru socialism.

Tot în ultimul segment discutăm despre cum Pfizer Inc. în esență a publicat pe propriul website teoria conspirației de extremă dreapta cu privire la serul lor magic cu miocardită, despre minunile digitalizării ce inevitabil duc la furt în masă de date personale, despre minciunile lui Sam Bankman-Fried dar și despre noua politică imigraționistă a Suediei.

O discuție separată este dedicată și presei – în sfârșit lovită de ceea ce merită de ani de zile: concedieri în masă, închideri de redacții și o corecție economică severă – capitalismul în sfârșit făcând dreptate după ani de zile de decizii editoriale individuale și colective nu doar greșite, ci și deseori rău-voitoare.

Știre 1 – https://www.stiripesurse.ro/campania-impotriva-lui-bode-a-prabusit-usr-in-sondaje_2757795.html

Știre 2 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/un-medic-cu-venituri-lunare-de-peste-3-000-de-euro-a-luat-mita-de-62-de-ori-intr-o-saptamana-de-la-pacientii-cu-cancer-2222823

Detalii înfiorătoare din dosarul șefei de la Oncologie Suceava care le cerea mită pacienților / „Tarif” dublu pentru un pacient cu două tipuri de cancer – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-26042427-detalii-infioratoare-din-dosarul-sefei-oncologie-suceava-care-cerea-mita-pacientilor-tarif-dublu-pentru-doua-tipuri-cancer.htm

Medicul oncolog care a luat mită de 62 de ori în 7 zile ar fi cerut șpagă dublă de la un pacient pentru că avea două forme de cancer – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/medicul-oncolog-care-a-luat-mita-de-62-de-ori-in-7-zile-ar-fi-cerut-spaga-dubla-de-la-un-pacient-pentru-ca-avea-doua-forme-de-cancer-2227649

Jurnalizd plătit s-o spele în public pe șpăgară – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R25yX6BJZCA

Știre 3 – https://www.g4media.ro/satu-mare-sute-de-persoane-au-iesit-sa-protesteze-in-fata-spitalului-judetean-de-urgenta-dupa-moartea-unei-eleve-de-15-ani.html

Copil ajuns la Spitalul Județean Brașov din cauza unui novocalmin. Tatăl copilului: „O să merg pe toate căile legale ca să nu mai treacă nimeni prin calvarul ăsta” – https://brasovmetropolitan.ro/2023/01/copil-ajuns-la-spitalul-judetean-brasov-din-cauza-unui-novocalmin-tatal-copilului-o-sa-merg-pe-toate-caile-legale-ca-sa-nu-mai-treaca-nimeni-prin-calvarul-asta/

Știre 4 – https://adevarul.ro/stiri-interne/societate/o-adolescenta-si-a-dat-in-judecata-parintii-pentru-2237119.html

Știre 5 – https://adevarul.ro/stiri-interne/evenimente/rasturnare-de-situatie-in-cazul-romanilor-acuzati-2237855.html

Danezii, înfuriaţi de propunerea Guvernului de a renunţa la o sărbătoare legală pentru a finanţa bugetul armatei – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26046356-danezii-infuriati-propunerea-guvernului-renunta-sarbatoare-legala-pentru-finanta-bugetul-armatei.htm

Titus Corlățean la protest la Roma, 6 noiembrie 2021 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRXpNQZmxK4

[6 decembrie 2017] Soții Bodnariu și cei șase copii stau cu chirie într-o căsuță, la munte. ”Nu ne mai întoarcem în Norvegia niciodată” – https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/exclusiv-sotii-bodnariu-si-cei-sase-copii-stau-cu-chirie-intr-o-casuta-la-munte-nu-ne-mai-intoarcem-in-norvegia-niciodata-2065357

Știre 6 – https://economie.hotnews.ro/stiri-finante_banci-26030773-bnr-iei-apartament-doua-camere-cluj-muncesti-cam-tot-atat-cat-munci-pentru-unul-similar-viena-orasele-care-preturile-sunt-supraevaluate.htm

Expert BNR, către românii cu credite: ”Singuri s-au împrumutat, singuri să se descurce” – https://ziare.com/eugen-radulescu/expert-bnr-catre-romanii-cu-credite-singuri-imprumutat-singuri-sa-se-descurce-1784467

Raportul asupra stabilității financiare – decembrie 2022 – https://www.bnr.ro/Raportul-asupra-stabilita%c8%9bii-financiare—decembrie-2022-25453.aspx

PAUZA #1 – Metallica – UNFORGIVEN (Ukrainian cover by Grandma’s Smuzi) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ScGiEjORDg

Știre 7 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/erdogan-refuza-intrarea-suediei-in-nato-dupa-protestul-in-care-a-fost-ars-coranul-va-sfatuim-sa-cautati-sprijinul-teroristilor-2225823

Burning of Qur’an in Stockholm funded by journalist with Kremlin ties – https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/27/burning-of-quran-in-stockholm-funded-by-journalist-with-kremlin-ties-sweden-nato-russia

Arderea Coranului în fața Ambasadei Turciei din Stockholm, finanţată de un jurnalist având legături cu Kremlinul – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26048254-arderea-fata-ambasadei-turciei-din-stockholm-finantata-jurnalist-avand-legaturi-kremlinul.htm

Procedura privind adunările publice în Suedia [în suedeză] – https://polisen.se/tjanster-tillstand/tillstand-ansok/allman-sammankomst/

Procedura privind autorizarea adunărilor publice în Suedia [în engleză] – https://polisen.se/en/services-and-permits/permits-and-licences/permit-for-a-public-gathering/

Știre 8 – https://www.jurnal.md/ro/news/0659e7ca2e4b18cb/tiraspolul-anunta-mobilizarea-in-contingentul-de-pacificatori-a-barbatilor-pana-la-55-de-ani-taxa-de-la-2800-de-ruble.html

Миротворческие силы Приднестровья приглашают на очередные сборы – https://rybnitsa.org/%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8B-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8C%D1%8F-%D0%BF-3/

Știre 9 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26044022-tot-mai-multi-oficiali-moscova-inclusiv-din-fsb-fug-din-rusia-omul-care-ajuta-strainatate-afla-secrete-pretioase-cnn.htm

Norvegia l-a eliberat din arest pe fostul comandant al „wagneriților” care a dezertat din Rusia – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-razboi_ucraina-26042831-norvegia-eliberat-din-arest-fostul-comandant-wagneritilor-care-dezertat-din-rusia.htm

Știre 10 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/scandal-de-coruptie-la-kiev-consilierul-lui-zelenski-viceministrul-apararii-si-procurorul-general-adjunct-au-demisionat-2226129

Scandal de corupție în Ucraina. Ministerul Apărării, acuzat că a cumpărat alimente pentru soldați la prețuri exagerate / Oficialii ucraineni neagă acuzațiile – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-razboi_ucraina-26036136-scandal-coruptie-ucraina-ministerul-apararii-acuzat-cumparat-alimente-pentru-soldati-preturi-exagerate.htm

БАТАЛЬЙОН “ДУБАЙ”. Хто ховається в Перській затоці | УП. Розслідування – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nycQqa5Z4w4

Știre 11 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-razboi_ucraina-26040938-alti-doi-parlamentari-rusi-ameninta-chisinaul-suparat-ultima-vreme-republica-moldova-putea-dezintegra-daca-adera-nato.htm

Știre 12 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/putin-cauta-aliati-in-africa-lavorv-s-a-dus-in-eswatini-sa-l-cheme-pe-rege-in-rusia-inainte-de-vizita-liderul-opozitiei-a-fost-ucis-2226541

Ce scrie presa din Eritreea despre discuțiile dintre Lavrov și președintele țării / „Occidentul se pregătea de război încă din 2014” – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26046327-scrie-presa-din-eritreea-despre-discutiile-dintre-ministrul-externe-rus-lavrov-presedintele-tarii-occidentul-pregatea-razboi-inca-din-2014.htm

Lavrov şi-a încheiat turneul în Africa, unde a găsit un aliat – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26048194-lavrov-incheiat-turneul-africa-unde-gasit-aliat.htm

PAUZA #2 – Cossacks. Hej, sokoly / Геи соколи 2022 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxUNdZ1nZ4E

Știre 13 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/ue/ungurii-trec-granita-in-romania-sa-faca-plinul-mai-ieftin-dupa-ce-plafonul-a-fost-eliminat-in-ungaria-iar-preturile-au-explodat-2226617

Știre 14 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/un-hacker-olandez-e-acuzat-ca-a-furat-datele-personale-ale-aproape-tuturor-austriecilor-2228239

Știre 15 – https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/sweden-to-drive-an-information-campaign-overseas-to-reduce-immigration

Government wants to get rid of permanent residency for asylum seekers – https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/government-wants-to-get-rid-of-permanent-residency-for-asylum-seekers

Știre 16 – https://www.mediafax.ro/economic/minciunile-lui-sam-bankman-fried-fostul-rege-al-criptomonedelor-devenit-un-escroc-obisnuit-21545973

Știre 17 – https://spotmedia.ro/stiri/media/criza-loveste-puternic-presa-americana-concedieri-masive-la-cele-mai-cunoscute-redactii

For Tech Companies, Years of Easy Money Yield to Hard Times – https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/23/technology/tech-interest-rates-layoffs.html

[Mai 2019] Vice Media Gets $250 Million in Debt Funding From George Soros, Other Investors – https://variety.com/2019/digital/news/vice-media-250-million-debt-funding-george-soros-1203205076/

Știre 18 – https://www.pfizer.com/news/announcements/pfizer-responds-research-claims [archive link: https://archive.is/I7Hy7%5D

Some administrative changes

Following the announcement earlier this month and the subsequent consultation, we continued to implement new changes in the way things are done around here, all with a view to make the workflow easier as our teams grow and the backlog of things to do also grows.

Resources page

Following both practical necessity and strategic demand for increased transparency (to make delegation easier and also to simply keep track on things) we made a few changes around here.

For starters, we added the Resources page which documents the resources available for the public much better and also chronicles the resources developing for the benefit of those who choose to join the Donors’ Circle.

With this occasion we also cleaned up the site’s menu and removed some legacy pages whose relevance was deprecated.

Expanding the News Feed team

The News Feed that we’ve been maintaining on Telegram for over four years now has attracted a more diverse audience than we expected.

Initially, the Feed was made more or less for internal use so we can keep track on what’s going on and maybe pick up links to then use in podcasts/videos. However, it turns out there was a need for a curated news feed for others as well, attracting quite a bit of praise, including from people who generally disagree with us.

While we appreciate the positive feedback, the fact remains that the Feed was largely run by a team of four,… more or less. We are already underway to changing that by expanding the team and also opening up applications for new members.

As such, we published the first version of the guidelines for the Feed, making a step we stayed clear from for years: towards quasi-institutionalization.

We’re hoping to improve the quality of the news feed during 2023 and increase the status of the Feed as a reference point for relevance on politics.

Other less visible technical changes

In the background, we started managing our activities (or at least trying 😅) through a ticketing system that we’ve also made transparent (for the most part) to our donors. The same system will now be used for some internal communications.

The system is not (yet?) ready for public consumption and we’re still unsure on whether such a resource should be public to begin with. The risk of spam is much higher than the potential benefits.

The idea is to remove critical dependency from services we don’t control and we have limited trust in (e.g. Telegram). Social media (including Discord, Telegram, etc.) is great for growth and some coordination, but far from great when it comes to non-public conversations or, even worse, hinging a group’s very existence on one of them. Many good projects died as a result of their group being wiped out from social media.

While we are under no danger of that happening to us anytime soon, it is better to be prepared in advance. Besides, it simply is good practice to own your internal affairs, rather than outsource them on an opaque third party that doesn’t have your best interests in mind.

Also, we moved both torrent folders (for public and DC) on the same server.

Speaking of torrent, we’re still testing webapps for that. If we end up implementing one of them, it will not be announced on the website.

Still no consensus over the forum so the issue will thus be kicked down the road again.

As January draws to an end, so does the talk about change.

That’s it. Time to work more.

Ce putem învăța din scandalul Crowder vs. Daily Wire

Mi s-a adus în atenție drama dintre Steven Crowder și Daily Wire. Pentru cine n-a urmărit, pe scurt: La un moment dat Daily Wire i-a oferit lui Steven Crowder un contract de $50.000.000 pe 4 ani care conținea, printre altele, o clauză de penalizare dacă S. Crowder era blocat/suspendat sau demonetizat pe Youtube. Deși S. Crowder și Jeremy Boering (fondatorul și finanțatorul Daily Wire) sunt prieteni de peste un deceniu iar personalitățile de la DW sunt/erau de asemenea în relații bune cu Crowder (care până luna trecută a lucrat la The Blaze) el a decis să iasă public cu povestea, inclusiv cu înregistrări audio ale unor conversații telefonice. A ieșit urât, cu sânge pe pereți… oarecum.

Naturalmente, publicul s-a împărțit în 3: Cei care vor unitate în cadrul frontului (și deci Crowder ar trebui să nu se mai plângă pentru a nu fractura frontul); cei care consideră că S. Crowder are dreptate când spune că DW este în cârdășie cu Big Tech și deci nu tocmai chiar conservator și, desigur, treimea de public care preferă și DW și SC și nu înțelege de ce atâta dramă.

Crowder este cunoscut pentru meme-urile cu ”Change my mind” și, firește, la un moment dat a ajuns subiectul propriei meme.

Dar cred că în calitate de români non-leftiști ar trebui să pierdem mai puțin timp discutând despre cine are dreptate și cine nu. Nu doar pentru că ambele părți fac argumente destul de bune dar și pentru că, din România, avem totuși ce învăța inclusiv din scandalul ăsta. Iată, de pildă:

Ei se ceartă în public pe $50.000.000

Veniturile Daily Wire Inc. în 2022 au depășit $100.000.000. Blaze Media Inc. (de unde a plecat Crowder luna trecută) a încasat $20.000.000 anul trecut.

Există vreun site/platformă media/conglomerat media de dreapta în România care să fi încasat măcar $100.000 anul trecut? Nu din câte știu eu. Recorder în schimb a încasat peste €700.000 în 2021 din care peste €500.000 abonamente directe(legal donații). Sigur, o parte or fi bani spălați dar cui îi pasă? Legal oricum n-ai ce-i face.

Altfel spus, problema nu e că nu există apetit sau bani în România – ci că leftiștii știu să joace jocul în vreme ce dreptacii nu!

Și îți poți da seama de asta când apar dramele pe dreapta pe la noi – de multe ori sunt personale direct (se scot de la naftalină poze/filmări private vechi și alte nebunii) ori, dacă sunt pe bani, sunt pe sume ridicole. Bani de țigări în cel mai bun caz.

Ei totuși se susțin și ridică unul pe celălalt

În ciuda dramelor și certurilor, Ben Shapiro (fondatorul DW) este des la Blaze Media (”concurența” cum ar veni) și viceversa cu Glenn Beck.

Când apare un nou potențial aliat, îl curtează imediat. De pildă au angajat-o pe Allison Williams doar pentru că a refuzat certificatul de vaccinare la televiziunea ESPN – împușcând astfel doi iepuri de-odată: un PR-stunt și o intrare în piața fanilor de program sportiv (care deseori în SUA sunt instinctiv conservatori doar că nu prea știu).

Show-urile de la DW și BM (dar și Prager U, Newsmax, Rubin Report, etc.) cu regularitate aduc oameni de la ”concurență” și amplifică și activiștii mai mici. Se mai ceartă, se mai împacă, dar mereu țin ochii pe minge.

La noi? Eh… ca la noi. Aproape că nu a existat om adus la noi pe Canapea care să nu fie contestat ba că-i prea de stânga, ba că-i prea de dreapta, ba că are freza nu-știu-cum, ba că-i prea autoritar, ba că-i prea mainstream (!!), ba că nu-i suficient de cunoscut să merite deranjul… și tot așa. Și noi măcar ne-am străduit să aducem și din afara bulei. Am intervievat inclusiv politicieni leftiști (și-o vom mai face). Dar de la un punct devine enervant și obositor.

La noi fiecare vrea să fie rege pe pătrățica lui (ceea ce nu-i neapărat rău) dar se uită chiorâș la orice colaborare (ceea ce e mai mereu rău).

Și aici am avea multe de învățat.

Ei investesc (nervi, timp și bani) în platformele lor

De pe Dreapta, din câte știu, doar Freedom Alternative Network menține prezență nu doar în locuri non-mainstream dar și canale de distribuție proprii. Până și platformele cu profil militant religios sunt la mâna Youtube și Facebook. Îngrozitor!

Când Youtube a considerat că nu-i frumos să-i numim Doza24 pe cei de la unitatea militară, n-ar fost mare bai. Am distribuit episodul prin trei canale alternative și toată lumea care trebuia să-l vadă l-a văzut.

De atunci am învățat lecția și ne-am mai adăugat metode de distribuție, astfel încât să nu mai existe nici măcar posibilitatea teoretică de-a ne fi cenzurat ceva fără să poată fi imediat repus pe tapet.

În SUA, însă, toți au propriile canale de distribuție. Sincer, platforma de la Blaze nu e cu mult diferită (tehnic vorbind) de ce facem noi. Atâta doar că finanțele le-au premis niște briz-briz-uri mai fancy.

Iar când lucrurile o iau razna cu cenzura, se consolidează (așa a ajuns Prager U să fie înglobat în DW). Altfel spus, ei când văd o problemă improvizează, se adaptează și o depășesc. Da, se și plâng pe net de cenzură, dar pe urmă și fac ceva în privința asta. Și mai mereu în direcția întăririi și consolidării – adică fix opusul a ceea ce se face la noi – unde se promovează fragmentarea, procesul de intenție (oare ce interes are ăla de mă cheamă pe Telegram?) și suspiciunea.

Sigur, veți spune că unele sunt tare ale postcomunismului și că ele se vor vindeca încet – și, pe undeva, ați avea și dreptate. Însă aici nu vorbesc (doar) de publicul general ci de cei dă dreapta care pretind că mai știu câte ceva despre cum stau lucrurile.

Ei au un ecosistem – noi nici nu încercăm măcar să-l facem

Am adus vorba în 2021 despre constituirea unei federații (fie ea și informală) prin care să ne ridicăm mai mulți și să intensificăm colaborările. Mi s-a răspuns că sunt „centralist” și că o astfel de structură ar strica feng-shui-ul. Și asta a fost toată discuția.

Cumva, în SUA, asta nu se întâmplă. E loc în ecosistem pentru aproape oricine – inclusiv pentru non-americani. Sigur, n-o să ajungem în România la nivelul lor nici în 20 de ani. Dar de undeva trebuie început.

Nu cred că ar costa prea mult să ne mișcăm mai des hoitul din casă și să ne mai vedem unii cu alții și să mai filmăm/înregistrăm câte ceva. De fapt, nu că nu cred – știu sigur că nu e prohibitiv căci am tot făcut asta în ultimii 5-6 ani.

Da, știu, e greu. Înseamnă trial and error. Înseamnă inclusiv să te trezești că ai invitat un diliu la tine-n studio. Asta e, se mai întâmplă. S-a întâmplat el la case mult mai mari. Dar… numai cine nu muncește nu greșește.

În loc de concluzie

Ce vreau să dzîc e asta: Până să ne dăm cu părerea despre ce (nu) face bine Ben Shapiro sau Jeremy Boering sau Steven Crowder sau Candace Owens – eu zic să ne uităm mai des la noi în ogradă.

Daily Wire are un milion de abonați plătitori. Pare mult, dar când te gândești că sunt măcar 100 de milioane de conservatori în SUA, îți dai seama că de fapt mai e mult loc de creștere.

În spațiul vorbitor de limbă română sunt măcar 4 milioane de oameni care s-ar putea încadra la „de dreapta” (cu voia dv. aici folosesc liberal termenul). Dacă 40.000 (adică 1%) ar susține financiar un conglomerat (fie el și ad-hoc!) care să-și poată permită să facă programe/produse 7 zile din 7 – acel conglomerat ar putea concura serios cu goarnele Regimului. Dacă 2% ar face la fel, deja ar putea începe să dicteze tonul narativei măcar în 1/3 din cazuri.

Sigur, n-o să avem un Daily Wire prea curând (care să facă și producții cinematografice, să și editeze cărți, să facă și lawfare, și seriale, și documentare, și site de știri și câte și mai câte). Însă putem și trebuie să aspirăm să avem un Remix News românesc sau un Poland Daily. Chestii micuțe prin comparație cu orice american – dar cu siguranță within reach și în România.

Așadar, în loc să facem galerie pentru Crowder sau pentru Shapiro, poate n-ar strica să ne întrebăm fiecare dintre noi: Oare ce-aș putea face eu, personal, ca să fie mai bine?

Crowder și Shapiro sunt niște oameni foarte bogați care fac ceea ce fac mai mult din plăcere, la punctul ăsta – ambii fiind multimilionari. Să le ducem mai puțin grija și, cu energia economisită, hai să ne ducem nouă mai mult grija.

Numa’ zîc, nu dau chiar cu parul.

Acum toți îs conspiraționiști – Podcast de Week-end – Episodul 189

Versiunea audio: Descarcă fișierul torrent

Vine un moment în care mormanul de mehlem de sub preș e atât de mare încât nu mai poate fi ignorat. Mormanul cu pricina se numește așa-zisa pandemie care, legal vorbind, nu a existat în România. Ba, mai mult, întreg eșafodajul așa-numitelor „măsuri pentru combaterea efectelor pandemiei” (în realitate un abuz iliberal, imoral și ilegitim) s-a bazat pe „analiza” unor instituții care nu există nici în sensul legii și nici de facto.

Când aici pe Canapea s-a spus că există ordin spre a se minți cu bună știință, în special despre efectele serului cu miocardită, oamenii „de bine” au răspuns că e conspiraționism. Ei bine… nu era. „Conspiraționismul” privind ordinele pe unitate spre a se minți poporul în mod intenționat și cu bună știință este acum recunoscut pe față chiar de cei care au lucrat la diseminarea minciunilor. Unii regretă (câțiva „jurnaliști”), alții caută să se pună la adăpost de consecințe (Bogdan Oprea – fost purtător de cuvânt la Ministerul Sănătății) iar alții fără nicio rușine continuă cu minciuna sfruntată (col. Gheorghiță, Ciocăzanu, etc.). Chiar și-așa, acum toți îs conspiraționiști.

La fel și când s-a spus în 2020-21 pe la noi pe Canapea despre demografia Chinei, dimensiunea reală a economiei Rusiei, corupția de la Bruxelles (de la șpăgi din țările arabe până la conspirația Ursula-Pfizer) sau prorusismul sistemic din aparatul german – toate acestea au fost fie „conspiraționism” fie „răutate” fie „anti-occidentalism” la vremea lor. Toate sunt astăzi subiecte mainstream și despre toate discutăm în acest episod.

În alte știri, discutăm despre extinderea rețelei feroviare, extinderea influenței românești în sistemul energetic ucrainean, prezidențiabilul PSD, poveștile cu zâne ale Ministerului Finanțelor dar și câte ceva despre bucătăria internă a așa-zisei „a patra putere în stat” de la noi.

În segmentul geopolitic discutăm despre corupția din Ucraina, corupția din Germania, teatrul ieftin de la Moscova, demisia lui Arestovici, situația politică foarte complicată pe care Bulgaria a navigat-o de la începutul războiului dar și clovneria Maiei Sandu de la Forumul Economic Mondial.

Spre final discutăm despre cât de nesigură și violentă este Germania, protestele de amploare din Franța, situația politică din Cehia și, la final, câte ceva despre demografia Chinei.


Știre 1 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-politic-26025531-mutarea-care-psd-vrea-faca-pentru-cotroceni-intelectual-candidat-prezidentiale-ciolacu-invoca-numele-lui-ion-cristoiu.htm

VIDEO Mircea Geoană, în campanie mediatică: Locomotiva tot timpul va merge mai repede decât ultimul vagon / Secretarul general adjunct al NATO a vorbit în premieră și despre boala sa: Sunt bine. Am avut o sperietură. Har Domnului că am o genă bună, m-a ajutat să trec peste hop – https://www.g4media.ro/video-mircea-geoana-in-campanie-mediatica-locomotiva-tot-timpul-va-merge-mai-repede-decat-ultimul-vagon-secretarul-general-adjunct-al-nato-a-vorbit-in-premiera-si-despre-boala-sa-sunt-bine-am-av.html

Știre 2 – http://stiri.tvr.ro/ministrul-finan–elor–incepand-cu-luna-martie-o-sa-avem-o-scadere-mai-vizibila-a-infla–iei–guvernul—i-a-propus-ca–pana-la-finalul-anului-2023–inflatia-sa-aiba-o-singura-cifra_922952.html#view

Klaus Johannis: Reducerea salariilor bugetarilor va duce la o diminuare substantiala a veniturilor la buget, din cauza scaderii impozitelor – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-7271988-klaus-johannis-reducerea-salariilor-bugetarilor-duce-diminuare-substantiala-veniturilor-buget-din-cauza-scaderii-impozitelor.htm

Știre 3 – https://www.economica.net/transelectrica-pune-fibra-optica-pe-linia-de-interconexiune-cu-ucraina-o-firma-romaneasca-face-lucrarea_641104.html

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Întreaga sentință – https://www.luju.ro/static/files/2023/ianuarie/15/2_817822021-200000004153622.pdf

Știre 5 – https://ecopolitic.ro/valeriu-gheorghita-reactie-in-scandalul-vaccinurilor-in-toate-centrele-de-vaccinare-au-fost-disponibile-formularele-de-consimtamant-informat/

INTERVIU. „Femeia avusese paralizie temporară facială, iar colonelul Gheorghiță ne-a spus să dezmințim”. Fost purtător de cuvânt al Ministerului Sănătății acuză „mușamalizări în raportările de efecte adverse ale vaccinării Covid” – https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/vaccinare-bogdan-oprea-valeriu-gheorghita-reactie-paralizie-faciala-temporara-4406816

“ROVaccinare, misiune îndeplinită”- raportul vaccinărilor anti-COVID. ”Ar fi de râs, dacă nu ar fi extrem de tragic” (interviu) – https://www.rfi.ro/social-152102-rovaccinare-misiune-indeplinita-raportul-vaccinarilor-anti-covid-ar-fi-de-ras-daca-nu

ROVaccinare – misiune îndeplinită – https://vaccinare-covid.gov.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/ROVACCINARE-Final-de-misiune_compressed.pdf

Știre 6 – https://www.podul.ro/articol/19797/partidul-alternativa-dreapt-solicit-o-anchet-care-s-cerceteze-muamalizarea-raportului-privind-reaciile-adverse-ale-vaccinrii-numrul-real-al-acestora-e-mult-mai-mare-toi-cei-responsabili-politicieni-factori-de-decizie-granguri-din-comitete-de-urgen-trebuie-s-infunde-pucria

Știre 7 – https://r3media.ro/acum-doi-ani-alexandra-pacuraru-anunta-ca-emisiunea-sa-este-libera-de-nevaccinati-astazi-moderatoarea-transmite-ca-autoritatile-ne-au-mintit/

Știre 8 – https://r3media.ro/directorul-stirilor-tvr-laurentiu-ciocazanu-a-scris-articole-platite-de-pnl-pe-site-ul-la-care-a-fost-actionar-prezentandu-le-drept-stiri-obiective-in-2018-ciocazanu-mintea-fara-jena-afirmand-ca/

Știre 9 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-politic-26015027-acensiunea-lui-lucian-bode-politica.htm

Știre 10 – https://www.profit.ro/povesti-cu-profit/media-advertising-csr/confirmare-dan-sucu-proprietarul-mobexpert-intra-pe-piata-media-mandatul-lui-adrian-sarbu-prelungit-inca-4-ani-20984303

Știre 11 – https://renasterea.ro/timisoara-va-avea-legatura-feroviara-cu-aeroportul-traian-vuia/

Știre 12 – https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/investigatie-cunoscut-activist-vegan-din-bucuresti-acuzat-ca-a-abuzat-sexual-fete-intre-10-si-19-ani-dezvaluirile-a-sase-victime-criteriile-lui-sa-fie-virgine-tinere-inocente-4415380

„Am realizat că am fost într-o sectă”. Copiii Soarelui rup tăcerea – https://www.scena9.ro/article/vipassana-romania-copiii-soarelui-secta

Pauza muzicală #1 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlOO-EkdTCM

Știre 13 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-razboi_ucraina-26031134-video-miscari-trupe-moscova-rusii-ridicat-macaraua-sisteme-antiaeriene-pantsir-acoperisul-unor-cladiri-din-moscova.htm

Știre 14 – https://www.g4media.ro/consilierul-prezidential-oleksii-arestovici-demisioneaza-dupa-ce-a-sugerat-ca-ucraina-a-doborat-racheta-ruseasca-care-a-ucis-41-de-oameni-in-dnipro.html

Consilierul lui Zelenski demisionează după afirmațiile privind a racheta care a lovit Dnipro – https://romania.europalibera.org/a/consilier-zelenski-demisie-racheta-rusa-dnipro-/32228298.html

Știre 15 – https://www.g4media.ro/presedintele-vucic-cere-rusiei-sa-inceteze-sa-mai-recruteze-sarbi-pentru-a-lupta-alaturi-de-mercenarii-wagner-in-ucraina.html

Plângere penală împotriva șefului Serviciului de Informații din Serbia pentru recrutarea de sârbi care să lupte alături de mercenarii Wagner – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26030914-plangere-penala-impotriva-sefului-serviciului-informatii-din-serbia-pentru-recrutarea-sarbi-care-lupte-alaturi-mercenarii-wagner.htm

Știre 16 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26018277-comertul-ruso-chinez-atins-anul-trecut-nivel-record-dar-schimburile-comerciale-franat-puternic-decembrie.htm

China: Sfârșitul politicii Covid zero determină prăbușirea exporturilor în decembrie / Deficitul comercial cu Rusia a crescut de peste trei ori – https://www.g4media.ro/china-sfarsitul-politicii-covid-zero-determina-prabusirea-exporturilor-in-decembrie-deficitul-comercial-cu-rusia-a-crescut-de-peste-trei-ori.html

Știre 17 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26030408-rusii-care-fugit-din-tara-plecat-bani-tot-detinerile-lor-bancile-straine-dublat-anul-trecut-pana-nivel-record.htm

Știre 18 – https://podul.ro/articol/19805/exclusiv-interviu-podulro-eful-centrului-anticorupie-din-kiev-occidentul-trebuie-s-se-asigure-c-banii-pentru-reconstrucia-ucrainei-nu-vor-ajunge-niciodat-la-autoritile-ucrainene-fiindc-vor-fi-deturnai-pericolul-unei-oligarhizri-totale-a-statului-anna-neplii

Știre 19 – https://www.agerpres.ro/politica-externa/2023/01/14/nato-turcia-nu-este-in-situatia-sa-ratifice-aderarea-suediei-consilier-al-presedintelui-turc–1043449

Sweden, Finland must send up to 130 “terrorists” to Turkey for NATO bid, Erdogan says – https://www.reuters.com/world/sweden-finland-must-send-up-130-terrorists-turkey-nato-bid-2023-01-16/

Turcia l-a convocat pe ambasadorul suedez la Ankara, după apariția montajului video în care președintele turc apare spânzurat și care ar fi fost realizat de Partidul Muncitorilor din Kurdistan în Suedia – https://www.g4media.ro/turcia-l-a-convocat-pe-ambasadorul-suedez-la-ankara-dupa-aparitia-unui-montaj-video-in-care-presedintele-turc-apare-spanzuart-ar-fi-fost-realizat-de-partidul-muncitorilor-din-kurdistan-in-suedia.html

Știre 20 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-razboi_ucraina-26028748-cum-salvat-bulgaria-cea-mai-saraca-tara-din-ucraina-infrangere-anul-trecut.htm

Știre 21 – https://www.agerpres.ro/politica-externa/2023/01/15/majoritatea-germanilor-considera-ca-serviciile-de-informatii-nu-sunt-pregatite-corespunzator-pentru-a-face-fata-spionilor-straini–1043486

Știre 22 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26030564-maia-sandu-cere-sisteme-antiaeriene-pentru-moldova-intelegem-ucraina-este-prioritate-dar-speram-primim-noi.htm

Davos, mană cerească pentru prostituatele de lux. Și Greta Thunberg a venit la forumul mondial, unde prețul la kebab a explodat – https://www.antena3.ro/emisiuni/news-hour-with-cnn/forum-davos-prostituate-lux-greta-thunberg-kebab-663422.html

Pauza muzicală #2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZf7iC-JsH0

Știre 23 – https://www.g4media.ro/sefa-guvernului-de-la-chisinau-natalia-gavrilita-incearca-sa-puna-capat-zvonurilor-despre-posibila-cadere-a-executivului-este-o-tactica-folosita-de-oponentii-nostri-de-hotii-care-vor-sa-fu.html

„Începând cu trimestrul IV al anului curent rata anuală a inflației va urma o tendință descendentă, până la sfârșitul orizontului de prognoză” [raportul BNM din 4 noiembrie 2022] – https://www.bnm.md/ro/content/raportul-asupra-inflatiei-nr-4-noiembrie-2022

Știre 24 – https://rmx.news/article/hungarys-pm-orban-mocks-eu-corruption-scandal-if-they-continue-like-this-in-brussels-soon-enough-meps-will-be-behind-bars-to-form-their-own-football-team/

Parlamentul European a ales un nou vicepreședinte în locul Evei Kaili, respectiv pe socialistul luxemburghez Marc Angel – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26028668-parlamentul-european-ales-nou-vicepresedinte-locul-evei-kaili-respectiv-socialistul-luxemburghez-marc-angel.htm

Știre 25 – https://www.g4media.ro/bulgaria-va-renegocia-planul-de-redresare-si-rezilienta-renunta-la-angajamentul-de-a-reduce-emsiile-de-carbon-cu-40-pana-in-2025-pentru-a-mentine-functionarea-centralelor-pe-carbune-pana-in-2038.html

Дни след визитата на Гешев в Турция: Прокуратурата и МВР удариха каналите за мигранти в операция „Хавала“ – https://trud.bg/%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B8-%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B4-%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%B2-%D0%B2-%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0-%D0%B8-%D0%BC%D0%B2%D1%80-%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5-%D0%B7%D0%B0-%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B8-%D0%B2-%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5/

Operațiune majoră a Bulgariei pentru a stopa traficul de migranți – https://www.g4media.ro/operatiune-majora-a-bulgariei-pentru-a-stop-traficul-de-migranti.html

Bulgaria vrea să relanseze proiectul conductei Trans-Balkan pentru a obţine petrol non-rusesc pentru singura sa rafinărie de pe malul Mării Negre – https://economedia.ro/bulgaria-vrea-sa-relanseze-proiectul-conductei-trans-balkan-pentru-a-obtine-petrol-non-rusesc-pentru-singura-sa-rafinarie-de-pe-malul-marii-negre.html

Bulgaria și Turcia vor crește numărul de trenuri între cele două țări pentru a ușura traficul rutier – https://bnr.bg/ro/post/101763059/bulgaria-si-turcia-vor-creste-numarul-de-trenuri-intre-cele-doua-tari-pentru-a-usura-traficul-rutier

Știre 26 – https://www.agerpres.ro/politica-externa/2023/01/14/video-cehia-andrej-babis-si-petr-pavel-se-vor-infrunta-in-al-doilea-tur-al-alegerilor-prezidentiale–1043462

The Czech Left Faces a Long Road to Recovery – https://jacobin.com/2023/01/czech-presidential-election-left-wing-parties-recovery

Știre 27 – https://ziare.com/franta/proteste-franta-proiect-reforma-pensii-1784175

VIDEO „Ziua judecății” pentru Emmanuel Macron: Greve și proteste în toată Franța față de majorarea vârstei de pensionare / Peste 1 milion de manifestanți / Ciocniri și violențe la Paris – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26030126-ziua-judecatii-pentru-emmanuel-macron-franta-intra-greva-pentru-protesta-fata-majorarea-varstei-pensionare.htm

Știre 28 – https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/locuitori-paris-chemati-vot-interzicere-trotinete-electrice-4412919

Știre 29 – https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-international-26019745-zilnic-bancomat-aruncat-aer-germania-tot-mai-multi-spargatori-vin-din-alte-tari.htm

Știre 30 – https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/externe/mapamond/un-elev-de-liceu-si-a-omorat-profesoara-in-clasa-apoi-a-sunat-la-politie-in-germania-2211765

Știre 31 – https://www.g4media.ro/germania-va-renunta-la-obligativitatea-purtarii-mastii-in-trenurile-pe-distante-lungi-din-2-februarie.html

Știre 32 – https://www.g4media.ro/o-ancheta-privind-contractul-pentru-vaccinurile-pfizer-o-vizeaza-pe-ursula-von-der-leyen-presedinta-comisiei-europene-ar-urma-sa-fie-interogata-in-cadrul-comisiei-din-parlamentul-european-responsabi.html

Știre 33 – https://www.b1tv.ro/externe/populatia-chinei-scade-pentru-prima-oara-in-peste-60-de-ani-unele-administratii-locale-au-promis-bani-pentru-familiile-care-nasc-mai-multi-copii-1253760.html

Consultation on expanding

Drawing on a previous announcement, we are opening a slightly wider consultation/feedback gathering on expanding a service.

Against the backdrop of our growth, the needs are also shifting. To stay ahead of social media censorship but also social media decline (hence the Balkanization of the Internet), we are starting to need our own in-house tools.

We welcome both technical and non-technical feedback as both are needed to inform the future decision(s).

What we need:

  • Free (or inexpensive) CRM/ticket system/software [FOSS preferable, but not mandatory]
  • Forum script
  • Torrent tracker website/”web-app”
  • Miscellaneous

CRM/ticket system [priority: very high]

Keeping track on who is doing what has been fairly easy over the last 6 years or so as only a handful of people took tasks upon themselves with a few irregulars here and there.

That has changed lately with more people willing to help and also with a lot more activities we’re involved in.

With that said, we’re still not a huge team, so something fancy and resource hog would be too much. The most highly reviewed solution that kinda fits our primary requirement (it’s free) seems to be UVdesk, but it’s also resource hog. Yes, it looks fancy and has a ton of integration features (that we don’t need and are unlikely to need before 2030).

What we really need is a stripped-down ticketing system that can also serve as an internal forum in order to no longer have 3 or 4 different places where the workflow is distributed. We currently waste precious minutes trying to figure out which on which service and on which app is the thread/workgroup of that task. Be it simple things like meme creation to complex things like pitching in with legalese ideas and anything in between.

Also under consideration: Freescout, SuiteCRM

Mandatory requirements: Nginx compatible; possibility of self-hosting without any input or telemetry to the provider

In particular we would appreciate feedback from those who worked with the tool(s) recommended to us.

Forum [priority: moderate]

This one is pretty straightforward: We need a forum.

In the past, there would’ve been no debate. We’d just install phpBB and work from there. But times have changed and with them the expectations too. And the technology as well.

For starters, it’s no longer straightforward which script/provider is more seamless. There’s the phpBB versus MyBB discussion. And then there’s Drupal which can serve both as a CMS/CRM and a forum – but it has origins in the far-Left.

Example of subthreads.

One thing we will definitely want is the ability to have sub-threads.

Then we will want whatever is chosen to be customizable enough to be semi-open. In the sense that we’ll want registration only by invite (at least at first) and then user roles so as to keep a portion semi-open, but another one only for our donors. Ideally, a quarantined autism/tech section too 😅

Ideally, the forum should be (either out of the box, or customizable enough in order to become) easy to administer. Which may or may not be an issue with phpBB – which is reliable but it only gets glowing reviews from techies, and a lot less from the other 98%. You know, the people for whom the image at the beginning of the article means nothing.

We don’t intend to create a popular forum – but more like a place to post short announcements, run closed polls and things like that. For instance, this article would’ve fit just fine on that forum. And the need for such communication keeps on growing.

Torrent website [priority: low]

This one is the most difficult. The offer is abysmally low. No paid options and only a few free projects, most of them either not maintained in years or rife with bugs, dependencies incompatibilities or excessively complicated to set up.

The most likely option served is Rivettracker (last update 5 years ago!) which… we so far couldn’t turn on. Perhaps we’re doing something wrong but it’s also likely that it’s simply the result of typical FOSS issue: lack of backwards compatibility.

We don’t need to be the next Pirate Bay or Filelist. We just need a place to host torrent files with our own content, some free software and maybe some archive footage. And, same thing, we need to be able to do it in a semi-open fashion.

For now, we’ve found a workaround that serves our needs quite well. But at some point, this will have to be solved.


We also need some minor improvements to the website, but there is internal disagreement on which of them. So this occasion is a just as good as any other to bring in more feedback on the issue.

Other things we’d need feedback on: the opportunity of Youtube Shorts, the opportunity of using CCP Spyware TikTok, free or paid self-hosted appointment software.

Instead of a conclusion

If you think you have some expertise on any of the topics above, head over to the Contact page and let’s have a chat.

Basically, we’re due to expand and we need the backend infrastructure to support that. And we’re looking for the best way to achieve that in a manner that is consistent to our values and way of doing things.

The consultation ends on June 15, 2023.

Raiffeisen Bank recognizes Putin’s republics

The Russian branch of the Austrian company Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI / Райффайзен Банк) continue to offer financial assistance to Putin’s regime and advantageous loans to Putin’s enforcers on the occupied territories in Ukraine.

Source: Raiffaisen.ruarchive format in case it disappears.

On Twitter, the bank defended itself that it is merely following the orders laws in force in the country in which it is located (archive link in case it gets deleted).

The page about the reduced-rate loans offered to the armed forces (see photo) is pretty explicit and it says that among the conditions to getting a loan is “the borrower is doing military service in the Russian Armed Forces under a contract or is in military service for the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation […], subject to its participation in a special military operation on the territories of Ukraine, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic“.

The law the bank is referring to is Law №377/2022 approved in October 2022 that provides for deference of payments, reduced rates for loans and extended grace periods for those engaged in Russia’s war of aggression and for their families.

It’s not the first time

The Austrian bank is accustomed to bowing to any demands by the Putin regime. In 2017, Raiffeisen was the only Western bank to help the Russian government provide passports and identity documents to those requesting them in the separatist regions.

Half of the profit made by the Raiffeisen group was made in Russia last year and Raiffeisen also assisted the Russian government in late 2022 with the conscription efforts.

In 2021, Raiffeisen Bank assisted the Belarussian government as well in its effort to violently crackdown on those who dissented to Lukashenka’s regime.

On diversification and increased resilience

Every year between December 20 and January 15-ish we change some things around. Some changes are recurrent (such as the Christmas hat on our logo in the videos), some changes are not visible (like the behind-the-scenes clean-ups and upkeep) and some changes are on the policy level and on the way we do things. It is this latter category that this short note is about.


To be fair, over the last 8 years, we had minimal troubles on this front – with the exception of Faceberg. Fortunately, Faceberg’s importance in the milieus we’re interested in has been steadily declining for 4 years in a row now so, overall, there was no serious issue. In fact, our effective reach increased after our already-throttled Faceberg page was finally shitcanned.

With that said, one of the reasons we didn’t have big issues is because we stayed ahead (or sometimes behind) the curve by implementing measures meant to absorb potential blows without compromising on what we need to say. Measures such as:

  • Moving to Telegram in 2017 (the rest of the world learned either in 2020 or in 2022 that moving to Telegram is a good idea).
  • Implementing our own IRC server for quick discrete chats in 2015
  • Big shoutout to the Discord moderation team who’ve been running our Discord server diligently and cleanly since 2018, entering in the 5th year without any major incident and keeping a much-needed balance between shitposting and serious chats
  • Getting a discrete (but consistent) presence on alt-tech [Gab, MeWe, Bitchute, Odysee]
  • Opening up this website in 2018 [using partners with a proven trackrecord of standing firmly for freedom of expression in the face of great adversity]
  • Acquiring a parallel physical infrastructure for backups-of-backups to make sure that if we are taken down, we’d be back within 72 hours
  • Implementing an internal sharing procedure and the Donors’ Circle in 2020

All of these (and others less visible) have made it very difficult to effectively censor us.

Going forward (with the approval of the Donors’ Circle) we are taking another two steps in the direction of both resilience and censorship-resistant infrastructure. As the Internet (re)Balkanizes, the opportunities present themselves.

As of this year, all of our public files and some of the internal ones shall be distributed using the BitTorrent protocol. This may seem like a step backward technologically (and it may indeed be) but the fact remains that distributing 7+GB files in an efficient manner and cross-platform compatible cannot be done more effectively and cheaper than the torrent protocol.

Sometime in the next 18 months (subjected to the Donors’ Circle opinion and technological constraints) we will try our luck with a semi-open forum. Open in the same way our Discord server is open, but also with reserved sections. The experience with the Discord server is encouraging enough to consider such an option – even though there are multiple reservations and concerns (not least in relation to privacy).

A heterodox approach to tech is the way forward and, just like we were right to switch to Telegram years before everyone else, we will very likely be proven right to set up the infrastructure for the rebalkanization of the Internet before it fully happens (mentally, it already happened).

Financially stable

The Network is not meant to turn a profit but activities costs money. And 2022 was a surprisingly good year in this department. So good that we still have a hard time believing it. In 2021 it could’ve been “blamed” on the exceptionally low-expense year of 2020. But last year exceeded the optimistic expectations. For the first time, there were no significant financial concerns.

We intend to work harder in 2023 to build upon this status quo. This will likely involve some legal changes too, though a lot of factors are beyond our control so no ironclad promises can be made in public. Suffice to say though that with a bit of luck, by 2025 we might be looking back at January 2023 as “late dark ages” in terms of the Network’s abilities to sustain itself financially.


Throughout 2022 we managed to delegate more and more tasks and activities away from the core without any noticeable difference in quality. We are very proud for that achievement and for the work done by those who were willing to take on the tasks.

Regardless of financial results in the near future, we intend to delegate even more in order to both increase the output from the core (by freeing up time now still spent on activities that can be delegated) and also to strengthen the Freedom Alternative community. More people than we imagined 6 years ago ended up coming for the videos and staying for the community. And we want to reward that.

The decision-making process is intentionally slow, in accordance with our general philosophy and because oftentimes no policy may indeed be better than a rushed/spontaneous/spur-of-the-moment policy or action. That’s why we roll out new things slowly – much to the annoyance of some.

We know we can’t please everyone and we’re okay with that. We also know that we’re all inherently flawed so the best that can be done is to strive to do better whilst keeping in mind that perfect is the enemy of good.

To all those who’ve been with us through various parts of this magnificent journey, we humbly thank you and we hope you stay with us for new heights.

Let’s explore!