Starting from January 2025, the above link is the default for interactions with our financial and logistical supporters. The previous patchwork is slowly being phased away.
As a transitory measure, there will be a high degree of lenience on procedure throughout the month of January 2025 until all or most of our backers are on the platform.
To join the FA Members, you need to require an invite. Conditions:
- Have a valid e-mail address
- Be a confirmed current donor ($5/mo or more, any method, any place)
Then head here:
Fill in the form as follows:
- Use a valid e-mail address that you check frequently (preferably one you’ve interacted with us in the past) WARNING: Yahoo addresses routinely do not work. Please avoid addresses ending in or aliases that forward towards one. Thank you.
- Select Support (selecting something else may result in your application not being noticed for days or weeks)
- In the field Subject try to mention whether you’re requesting an invite or are encountering a different problem
- In the field Message mention why you qualify for FA Members. You can attach screenshots or other evidence as necessary
After you created the ticket, wait for a while (up to 24 hours) before banging at the door, please. Before doing so, please do check you spam folder as well. Most likely you will find your invitation there. When you do, please be kind and also click Not Spam 🙏
Once you received the invitation, please follow the instructions. It should be pretty straightforward. In case your account is not automatically activated, please don’t panic. We review the applications. Still, if days go by and you don’t hear from us, do create another ticket with this issue.
NOTE: Invitations are valid for 14 days. If you do not redeem it in that time, you need to require it again.
Need to know once on the platform
FA Members was created in order to unify all communications with all of our supporters. That includes logistical supporters, activists, small time donors and also the most generous supporters who’ve been with us for 10 years now.
For new users, there are four classes that you need to be aware of:
- Validating (gray)
- Unauthorized (dark red)
- Podcast (green)
- Donors’ Circle (blue)
By default, all new users are in Validating stage which is self explanatory: the user must wait for validation. Users in the validating class cannot log in at all.
If you find yourself in this situation, do try to reset the password. If that still doesn’t work, then wait to be validated or, if more than 24hrs have passed, open a ticket specifying the username and the e-mail address used to create it. We will either manually reset your password or validate your user, depending on the circumstances that caused you getting stuck.
Please be patient. We’re still a volunteer-based organization.
Rome wasn’t built in a day either.
By default, validated users are in the category named Podcast (colored green).
Users in the Podcast class can download some torrents (like the podcast), view the chatbox (but not contribute to it), vote in some polls and are subjected to restrictions on both what they can see and where they can contribute on the Forums.
Users who qualify for full membership (Donors’ Circle) are kindly required to post on the forums about it.
You will notice an expiration date on your profile. Upon expiration, your user will be automatically switched to Unauthorized. To prevent that from happening, don’t forget to gib shekel.
To prevent abuse, the expiration date is NOT visible to other users.
The users colored in blue-ish are the Donors’ Circle as known since 2020.
Users in this class can access the full features of the platform and the most generous of them get to invite another person.
Users who opt for more consistent support (be it logistical or financial) also get to contribute to making strategic decisions and be informed routinely on what happens with their money. There’s plenty of surprises there (in both senses) and this is why we cherish our donors so much. None of this would’ve been possible without them.
All other bells and whistles typical of such a platform have either been disabled or changed. Especially those concerning users.
Although not obligatory, we strongly urge you to use the qBittorrent client and a Mozilla-based web browser. The reason we created the platform is precisely to end the patchwork of accommodating dozens of use-cases prior to 2025. Help us by making our job and yours easier!
Also as a transitory measure: Everyone from all tiers as of January 3, 2025 will also be invited.
The FAQ page will be periodically updated and corrected. Please be patient throughout January if your question is missing. As a transitory measure do create a ticket if you encounter something not covered here or in the FAQ page.
Warning: The validation process may be clunky for some users. We once again appeal to your patience. Our dedicated team is working on improving all aspects of the platform. Very likely by the time you read this the problem has been solved already 😊
With all of that being said, we’re looking forward to hearing from you on FA Members!
Last update: January 4, 2025