World Sofa Report – Episode 13 – Old news are back

Audio version:

We’ve been out almost two months on the sofa report and, just as we got back, we get more old news delivered as breaking news.

For instance, the Canadian CSIS delivered the breaking news that there is Chinese interference in Canada. As if this hasn’t been happening for more than 30 years now and somehow Toronto ended up operated by the Triads and Vancouver became Hongcouver in the last 12 months or so.

Also “breaking news” is that withdrawal from Afghanistan means costly litigation due to the web of well-connected contractors who will not let the government tit go easily – as if that hasn’t been happening for almost 20 years or so.

But there is some legit news too – such as the increasing number of states and jurisdictions who stand up against the disdainful and illiberal idea of ‘vaccine passports’ or the latest crazy idea of the New Zealand government which purports to ask investment funds and insurers to issue public ‘climate reports’.

In the meantime, there’s a diplomatic kerfuffle between Poland and Belarus in the background, Swiss kids are learning to use the Cough19 panic to their advantage, the Sweden Democrats are slowly advancing in their long march through institutions, the French Left tears itself apart over woke racist nonsense and the workers at Qantas have figured it out that the pandemic was a great excuse for management to purge its payrolls.

Oh, and we also discuss the details of the EU-Turkey summit because the Cathedral media was busy discussing von der Leyen’s sofa rather than what really matters.


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French minister wants inquiry into so-called Islamo-leftist bias in academia –

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Government set to fine universities who ‘cancel’ people due to their views as ministers ‘defend British history and culture’ –

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Polish perspective –

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The great danger of the Istanbul Convention –

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The crisis religion du jour

Every crisis becomes a religion if it lasts long enough.

One factor in that transformation is the Beautiful Theory phenomenon: the power elite insists its remedies are logical and politically correct so they must work, even if the actual evidence shows they obviously don’t.

When Beautiful Theories crash into hard, cold reality and shatter, faith is the glue used by the elites to put their precious ideas back together. They need militant faith to get the job done: true believers eager to crush doubt and compel obedience by making war on the infidels.

Some are swept into the faith because they desperately crave a sense of control over the crisis. They need to believe Something Can Be Done, and they’d rather invest their faith in debunked Beautiful Theories than have no faith at all. Faith is a coin that demands to be spent.

Some crave social approval, and the purveyors of Beautiful Theories have immense political, economic, and cultural power to make their faith seem fashionable. Virtue signaling is such a plague in modern society because the signals are prepackaged and made very easy to send.

Some aren’t even hoping they can assert control over a crisis by converting to its religion. They’ll settle for just having some meaning, some simplicity, a sense that the righteous will fare better than the unbelievers, that virtue will be rewarded while sin is punished.

That’s a very common impulse with the Church of Covid, since the Beautiful Theories were so very obviously wrong. There isn’t much left of the faith except the visceral communal satisfaction of hoping unbelievers will be punished for their blasphemies with sickness and death.

That sort of thing happens with all of the crisis religions, although not usually as quickly and obviously as with the Church of Covid. Look at the endless stream of movies about how the world became an apocalyptic hellscape because people didn’t believe in global warming.

The last resort of every crisis religion, the last thing that puts asses in the pews, is that addiction to misery porn, the collective hope that unbelievers will suffer someday, and everyone will admit the True Faith was right all along as Judgment Day crashes down upon them.

The elite will never have the humility to admit they were wrong, and they’ll never give up on politically or financially profitable “solutions” even when they obviously don’t solve the problem. Founding a crisis religion means they never have to say they’re sorry.

That applies to some very longstanding crises, like the War on Poverty, whose nostrums long ago transformed into fantastically expensive articles of religious faith even as mountains of data accumulated that proved they were utter failures, and often made the problems worse.

You can look for some telltale signs of a crisis transforming into a religion. The most obvious one is when the high priests tell you the “war” you’ve been drafted into will never end. They become very angry when asked to define success or failure, or lay out exit strategies.

Watch for the moment when you’re told “science” means not asking questions, defying dogma, or challenging “consensus.” That is the literal definition of faith, not science.

Always keep an eye out for Moving Goalposts, which are the signature miracle of crisis religions, their version of parting the waters or loaves and fishes. Crisis religions work very hard to make their faith unfalsifiable by constantly changing the standards of evidence.

Check to see if certain people are accumulating huge amounts of money and power from a crisis. That’s a pretty good sign it’s turning into a religion. A crisis should be solved as quickly and efficiently as possible. Don’t let it fester long enough to become a special interest.

Above all, look for the whiff of arrogance to develop around a crisis. Wise religions and effective crisis managers have something in common: a sense of humility. Crisis religions are militant faiths that quickly become arrogant, smug, and totalitarian.

Dedicated people who truly want to solve a problem will look for evidence their analysis is wrong, or their policies aren’t working, and make adjustments as quickly as possible, no matter the cost or embarrassment to themselves. This is humility.

Crisis religions are arrogant. They reject criticism, insist their Beautiful Theories must be right because they’re ideologically pure – they fit snugly into a worldview that must not be challenged. Their plans only fail because their commands were disobeyed or sabotaged.

The high priests of a crisis religion see devils everywhere, leering at them from the rubble of every failure. Only sin can explain why their Beautiful Theories are tarnished. Failure is never their fault, so it must be yours. They find your lack of faith disturbing.

And you know what? A lot of people want to see the world that way, including a great many self-described atheists. They hunger for the comfort of faith and the vibrant energy of militancy. They want to be right, and they want the wrong to suffer for their folly.

Conservatives think religious faith in the State is terrifying and wonder why so many embrace it. It’s because uncertainty is much more frightening. A simple false story is better than a complex true one, and with enough faith, maybe we can force the simple story to be true.

This article has been compiled from Mr. Hayward’s Twitter thread.

World Sofa Report – Episode 12 – You can’t stop the signal

Audio version:

You can censor, obfuscate, impede, frustrate and bury it in ignorance – but ultimately you can’t stop the signal. And you can’t stop ideas whose time has come.

11 months ago we were in the tiny minority contesting the “expert consensus” on almost all Wuhan Cough-related stuff and also discussing the economic implications of the monumental fuck-up. As well as the further disruption permitted by global health disruptors such as Bill Gates. For months, that was either ignored or (intentionally) lumped in with intentional disinformation. But that can only go so far. At some point, the signal does come out and becomes impossible to ignore.

So, now it’s halal to mock and attack Bill Gates (conspiracy theory 7 months ago), it’s halal to talk about pre-existent immunity (conspiracy theory 10 months ago), it’s halal to talk about Andrew Cuomo’s murderous conduct (far-right Trumpist conspiracy theory 9 months ago), it’s halal to talk about the math and graphs simply not adding up (Putinist/extremist/far-right conspiracy theory until a month ago) and on and on like that it goes. And we’ll go through all of it because that’s why you support us – to tell the truth before it becomes okay to talk about it.

Besides panicard lunacy, of course we also review geopolitics. The CCP continues to pressure around in the South China Sea triggering a new set of discussions about upping the ante on preparedness on the Japanese side of the cold war. Canada wants further restrictions on gun ownership in line with a promise made by the Trudeau cabinet in the campaign. China overtakes the US as EU’s main trading partner and Iran threatens to tighten restrictions when it comes to the access it provides to the United Nations atomic agency inspectors, unless the Robinette administration lifts the sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

Meanwhile, Robinette appeared to suggest that China’s treatment of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang is just a different cultural norm, in a rambling response to a friendly CNN townhall. And, finally, Google cuts a deal with the Australian government in the issue of payment to the news media, while Faceberg blocks the global access to Australian media in a dispute that will soon follow in Europe as well.


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Mallorca caught in mass tourism trap as poverty rises –

Spanish riot police clash with protesters after rapper arrested –

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Stakhanovite movement –

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Working from home could lead to more prejudice, report warns –

World Sofa Report – Episode 11 – The European Russification via Европейский союз

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It’s too long to keep on saying “the European Union of Soviet Socialist Republics” so Европейский союз (pronounced “Evropeyski Sayuz”; transliterated: Jevropéjskij sojúz). And it is turning into a “sojuz” with Russia as the behavior of the State towards the protesters is now barely distinguishable between Brussels and Moscow.

However, there are some differences – for instance Germany is growing increasingly isolated in the EU on the Nord Stream 2 question as even France and Germany’s own deep state is slowly coming to the realization that this project may have not been the brightest idea. But Mutti Merkel presses on as she calls for a collaboration with the Gamaleya Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow to counter the blunders of the European Commission (or Европейская комиссия).

Speaking of Russia, the protests called for by the opposition leader are still quite underwhelming as Dmitri Medvedev touts the usage of the unusable Russian law of “sovereign internet”. We explain what that means, show you footage from the protests and the latest cringe from the Kremlin.

In other news, the DOJ targets Elon Musk’s SpaceX for the crime of preferring US citizens over illegal immigrants. And in San Francisco almost three times as many people died of fetanyl overdose than of the allegedly super dangerous Chinese Virus.

President Cho Bai Den is busy keeping his Baizuo Democrat Party in line while the data of as many as 80% of the American adult population might have been stolen by the CCP. Meanwhile, the saga of Reddit meme stocks continue.

In Myanmar the CCP is put in a weird position as the CCP preferred the ‘democratic’ regime over the regime of the CCP-skeptical Burmese military. Still, this is an intra-communist struggle – an aspect glossed over by the Cathedral Media. The same media that seems incapable of reporting fundamentally good news about the evolution of the Wuhan Virus epidemic in Africa.

Further East, the South Korean leadership wants Big Business to share profits with smaller firms that have been hard hit by the hysterical measures allegedly meant to curb the Wuhan Virus. The only thing the measures curbed was the economy, but that cannot be admitted in public, especially as elections are coming up in South Korea. North of the DMZ, the situation is still complicated as a former diplomat explains that denuclearizing is not an option for the Kim regime.

Finally, in Oceania, the New Zealand mining industry pushes back to the ‘climate change’ activism by the Leftist government – while in Australia two million people have been placed under house arrest because someone might have coughed.


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Russian Pipeline Is Germany’s Greatest Foreign Policy Embarrassment –

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In Germany, vaccinations have always been political –

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Kremlin shrugs off Navalny backlash as protesters crowd jails –

Pro-Putin flashmob –

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New Study By Dr. Steven Quay Concludes that SARS-CoV-2 Came from a Laboratory –

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One Case, Total Lockdown: Australia’s Lessons for a Pandemic World –

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World Sofa Report – Episode 10 – Coughing with a political conscience

Audio version:

The Cathedral have told you that “democracy” was in danger in the USA (as if the USA has ever been a democracy) because some people got into the Capitol building. The problem is that none of this seem to have been the case when roughly the same thing happened in April 2016, July 2016 or September 2018. Or during the 2 year long protests in Madison, WI in 2011-13. Or during the clash at the Sacramento Capitol in 2016. Funny how that works.

In reality “democracy” was only in danger in the sense that some questions have been postponed a bit too much.

In other news, a man has been living for 3 months in the Chicago O’Hare airport citing fear of the Wuhan Flu. And Canada’s Trudeau suddenly realized that Orange Man was good for his country, now that Robinette axed the Keystone XL pipeline.

In Europe, diplomats approach the Robinette administration with caution as some of them whisper that Orange Man had a point on defense. Meanwhile, in Italy, the Prime Minister narrowly manages to cling to office as the masticator that is Italian politics is attempting to do to Giuseppe Conte what it usually does – since the country usually holds a government for an average of 1.14 years.

The “heroes” in the NHS now suddenly want to be legally protected from prosecution. Just like in other places, realization sets in that, for the most part, the “heroes” in the hospitals are oftentimes part of the Problem in the Cough19 equation.

Meanwhile, in Germany, those who disagree on Cough19 with the Health führer (official title is Gesundheitsführer) may be held in detention centers. If the opposition does not exploit this politically in the runup for the September federal elections, then they deserve what’s coming.

In Uganda the local dictator booted off Faceberg. The Cathedral reports that as an act of autocracy and a danger – which is correct, but not complete. The underlying issue is not that some tinpot dictator is pissed off at Facebook – but that the reason offered is a very legitimate one and is the fault of Facebook itself. Cases like the Ugandan election are the reason why BigTech has to be taken down a peg or two, if not outright flattened.

In other news, more sanctions are put on China while the CCP retaliates with some of its own. As in every episode, we try to explain the complicated layers in the region in ways the Cathedral can’t.

Finally, in Australia the health officials shat themselves when news from Norway regarding vaccines arrived on their shores. Which is lovely to watch because Australian bureaucrats have yet to escape from the mentality that they can control things. Meanwhile, neighboring NZ’s tourism industry slowly starts to catch up with the reality that most of them will be bankrupt.


April 2016 protests –

July 2016 protests –

September 2018 protests –

2011-13 protests in Madison, WI –

2013 in Madison, WI –

2016 clash at California Capitol –

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Berlusconi –

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7 reasons the 2010s were great

Technically speaking, the 2010s started on January 1, 2011 and ended on December 31, 2020. We’re now in the early days of the ’20s.

Two years ago I was urging people to think with the power of the century or at the very least with the power of the decade – as opposed to merely here and now or, at best, till the next elections.

So in that spirit, let us now look at what the 2010s meant – specifically by comparing the early days of 2011 with the present-day. It is strongly advisable for everyone to engage in such exercise from time to time because being caught in the various controversies and quibbles of the day risks putting one in the situation of not seeing the forest for the trees.

Zooming out a little bit from time to time is healthy.

1. Obama

In early 2010s the doomers and blackpillers (just as useless then as they are now) were ‘predicting’ that Hussein the Antichrist would send the ATF door to door to seize all weapons.

That doomsday narrative was a bit harder to promote because it was so unbelievably haram to criticize Obama to begin with. The very notion of criticizing Obama was unthinkable unless you were a “loon” which, of course, only the “far-Right” was.

Oh, and the Affordable Care Act (”Obamacare”) was due to be forever and usher in perpetual socialism. Remember that?

Fast forward to present day and one of the few things all Americans agree with is that it’s a good thing to have a gun. Former anti-gun leftists suddenly queued for hours to get their own piece in the last part of the decade. The idea of ATF rounding up guns from civilians in door-to-door raids comes off as even more laughable today than it already was at the beginning of the decade.

Obamacare is, for all intends and purposes, gone. It was barely in force for 3 years overall. With multiple exceptions and basically anyone who didn’t want to partake in the experiment had a way to avoid it.

As for the Antichrist? Well…. the Antichrist did come – but for the Left, in the person of the now outgoing President Trump.

Oh, and criticizing Obama is pretty mainstream even on the center-Left. What was unimaginable in 2010 became mainstream by the end of the decade.

2. The European Union

Euroskepticism had been a thing since early 1990s but it only started being visible in mid 2000s.

In June 2008 the Irish people rejected the Lisbon Treaty at the ballot box and it seemed that euroskepticism might have a shot. But then, following backroom machinations by Jose Manuel Barroso and corrupt Irish politicians, the Irish people were asked to vote again in October 2009. The second time it passed.

Then came the January 2012 Croatian referendum which was due to decide whether Croatia joins the EU or not. The referendum passed with over 65% ”yes” – but in a campaign in which the “NO” side was effectively forbidden.

The Croatian people were basically not allowed to hear the case for “NO”. Euroskeptics were hunted on social media (yes, reporting one into oblivion was a thing in 2011 too), arrested when they organized for rallies in the streets, denied TV appearances and demonized intentionally until they lost parliamentary representation before the campaign for the referendum.

So the idea of stopping or reversing the expansion of the EU looked impossible in the early days of the 2010s.

Yet… in the second half of the decade… the tides turned. Brexit happened, enlargement was put on hold and even the most optimistic eurofanatics are now compelled to contemplate that more exits from the EU may happen – with the Netherlands, Sweden and Poland being quite decent candidates.

Ireland and Croatia showed how low is the EU willing to stoop in order to expand its power. But Great Britain also showed what is possible when non-leftists are willing to think with the power of the decade and be a bit more resilient to the disdainful bullshit put out by the agents of totalitarianism in order to scare the normies into voting for less freedom.

3. Islam

At the beginning of the decade, any discussion about Islam as a problem in Europe in particular and in the West in general was essentially non-existent. Only very dubious places on the Internet discussed.

In 2012 the Israeli journalist and filmmaker Zvi Yehezkeli makes the first serious documentary about the Islam problem in Europe. Still, outside Israel, the documentary only receives attention from the ‘far-Right’ and ‘loonies’ like me. While the documentary wasn’t outright censored, it also didn’t get much mainstream attention as the bien pensants characterized it as “hysterical”.

The topic remained on the fringes of the political debate even though more and more Europeans were suffering at the hands of Islamists in their own cities and countries. Nobody seemed to care. Then came the 2015 terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo. Then Bataclan. Then numerous other Islamist attacks in Europe. More populist parties and politicians started having electoral success but even with the effects of the 2015 migrant crisis – the discussion was still frustrated.

Then in 2020 outright mockery of Islamism became the norm in the public square. Politicians and cultural figures who in 2012 or even 2016 were turning up their noses at any discussion about Islam as a problem were now attending marches with slogans and displays that were only the purview of the ‘extreme Right’ at the beginning of the decade.

There’s still a long way to go – but politics is downstream from culture. The topic of Islam as a problem has gone through almost all stages in the Overton window – from unimaginable, to marginal, to the purview of the undesirables (dare I say deplorables?) and all the way to mainstream and even policy in some areas.

In January 2011 it would’ve been unimaginable to introduce a system that would regulate mosques and put intelligence filters on imams – measures explicitly meant to privilege Western norms over the opinions of the looniest Islamists in the world. Such thing would’ve been ‘islamophobia’ in 2012-13 or even ‘racism’ in ’15-’16. By 2020 it became normal sensible, centrist position for the bien pensants du jour.

And all of you out there who have worked for this in the last decade – especially those in the early part of the decade – you have a merit in this too. By making criticism of Islam acceptable, you have paved the way to curbing this lunacy.

Now, in the early days of the 2020s, even in the Middle East there’s wind of curbing Islamism in ways simply unimaginable in the region merely 10 years ago.

4. Feminism/Sexual politics

The 2010s started just like the previous 6 or 7 decades had started – with the topic of ‘sexual politics’ locked into the same paradigm that’s been harming both men and women to the benefit of an increasingly lunatic academic class as well as politicians and, yes, businesses.

Although some seeds of dissent were already visible since the 2000s, such as this academic paper on how Feminism is kinda terrible, even those were very far away from the paradigm that was due to become the absolute norm in the next decade.

While in 2010, 2011 or 2012 the discussion was to the tone of “well, there are some bad aspects of feminism but…” – by the end of the decade even otherwise leftish, feminist-friendly and bien pensant spaces had to at least semi-seriously discuss whether feminism might indeed be cancer.

By 2020, feminists were on the defensive. Now articles like this one where you’re told that feminism is akchually not as bad as “you are made to believe” are quite common. The phrase “you are made to believe” is an acknowledgment of the consistent win on narrative by non-feminists.

In 2011 I was saying in podcasts that it may take over a decade until we get to see some mainstream defense of proper liberalism and meritocracy over universal concern of women. Yet by 2018 even The Guardian was thoroughly defending Jordan Peterson for saying that the feminist claims about “equal pay” may indeed be bullshit (and they are).

Articles like this one where feminist ideologues are scared shitless over the fact that more and more women explicitly and resoundingly reject feminism have become increasingly common towards the latter part of the 2010s. In 2011-12 it was an oddity to read (let alone meet!) an anti-feminist woman. Today it’s the New Normal 😀

Of course, there is still a long way to go. But in just one decade non-feminists advanced more than they had advanced in the previous 7 for sure. I already explained in this video what’s in the bag for this decade.

At best, only the youngest readers of this article will be alive to witness the end of this narrative curve on sexual politics. Nevertheless, this last decade was great for this particular subtopic.

5. Environmentalism

Environmentalism had been turning into eco-Marxism for quite some time and the 2010s didn’t seem to be any different.

While in 1992 the world had witnessed Severn Cullis-Suzuki in a well-executed photo-op of the prophet-child of doomsday in the Environmentalist cult, the 2010s gave us Greta Thunberg.

And it seemed like it was all the same. Yet another decade full of eco-Marxist propaganda that plebs swallow via paid shills as well as extremist loons impervious to reason.

But then director Jeff Gibbs using Michael Moore’s infrastructure produced the best piece of anti-eco-Marxist agitprop to date – Planet of the Humans.

Of course, given that it’s Michael Moore, it wasn’t exactly easy to dismiss it as ‘far-Right propaganda’ so Environmentalism Inc. used an extremist interpretation of copyright law to slow down the propagation of the movie. Too little, too late.

The Wuhan Flu also helped (since leftists were more scared of it anyway thus had more time to look into the situation) and, as a result, Michael Moore’s documentary looking into the corruption of the environmentalist movement has wrecked havoc among the radicals of the movement since the piece offered both a rational critique of the “green” practices and an ideological one (coming from the Left).

With many of its radicals dissatisfied, the green movement’s future into the 2020s looks a lot less bright than it was looking prior to the Planet of the Humans. No amount of shekels from the World Economic Forum and no Great Reset can really reset all the green radicals who’ve been demoralized and/or deradicalized by one of the best executed propaganda pieces that I’ve seen in the last decade.

6. China (People’s Republic)

At the beginning of the decade, the topic of China as an issue was basically non-existent. A report here and there once a decade – usually by a conservative think tank – were the only blips on the radar of any serious discussion on the topic.

In 2012 the BBC was somewhat nervously but overall joyfully reporting on the rise of Chinese influence but… that’s about it. No matter what date filters or what search engine one uses, there’s almost nothing in the mainstream about China as an issue between 2009 and 2014. Once a year we would read about how Chinese youth finds the West attractive or some derision of some blogger in China (in 2014). While the New York Times was laughing, that blogger became one of the top-tier propaganda operatives of the CCP – personally invited by Xi Jinping to shape the internal narrative about the West. Almost nobody saw that except a few scholars and political operatives who just a year later started working on what was to be known as…. President Trump.

I don’t care what your opinion about President Trump is. The fact is that candidate Trump and then President Trump forced everyone to get woke on the China question.

While in 2012 it was “curious” or even “cute” to see Chinese script on London’s double deckers, by late 2015 and early 2016, candidate Trump made everyone take a look at the big, red and aggressive elephant in the room.

In August 2015 the Cathedral was still laughing and publishing montages like this one inferring that then-candidate Trump has some unhealthy obsession with China. After China’s global lockdown propaganda in 2020, however, nobody is laughing.

Now even the BBC has Trump’s “obsession” with China, publishing weekly very astute inquiries about China’s propaganda apparatus. This is all good.

The first step towards dealing with a problem is acknowledging there is one. Ronald Reagan acknowledged the Evil Empire. Donald Trump acknowledged the China problem. Hopefully our civilization will win this Cold War as well.

7. National-conservatism

The 2010s also gave rise to a new way of politics (of course, with old ideas because there is no such thing as new ideas).

In 2010 it was still very haram to be nationalistic and especially to be nationalistic while at the same time supporting economic freedom. LOLbertarians would reject that and the Establishment didn’t like the nationalism part.

However, slowly, but surely, as the decade progressed (sic!) national-conservatism grew in prominence no matter what the Establishment threw at it. And, boy did they throw everything at it.

Billions of dollars (literally) were spent just to stop or at least slow down the rise of national-conservatism in Poland, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Sweden (to a certain extent), the United Kingdom, Austria, Spain or India.

As I’m writing this, many are still upset, angry or even demoralized by the situation in the United States – and those are of course the people who have come to politics with the Trump Train.

However, this particular variant of conservatism did not start with Donald Trump nor will it end with the outgoing President of the United States. Just today, Politico Magazine is noting (absolutely correctly) that European Trumpism won’t end with Trump. Well, they call it ‘trumpism’ because they want clicks for their website – but in the article they do acknowledge that this way of doing politics predates Trump and will for sure continue after Trump’s term.

And this way of doing conservatism (whether you call it populism, national-conservatism or whatever) is a product of the 2010s that has already passed the test of time in several places and it is to be expected to endure in many others throughout the 2020s.

The biggest advantage of this way is that it finally brought in younger people. In 2010-11, the average age of a participant at a conservative event was around deceased. In my country there was even a running joke that the youth wing of conservatives has a median age of 60 and a 50 year old is a young talent or a young prospect. The 2010s changed all of that and turned things around!

Now you have deeply conservative parties which are majority young. Leftist establishmentarians are routinely stunned by how young these new conservative startups skew. Vox in Spain for instance wastes no time in successfully targeting teenagers (just like the far-Left used to do, btw).

In fact, allover Europe populists/national-conservatives skew very young both in terms of leading candidates and voters. This, of course, makes sense. The “boomers” are the 1968-ers now and subsequent establishmentarians (almost all leaning heavily Left – be it classical Marxist Left or modernist/globohomo Left).

Still, none of that would’ve been possible if not for the tireless work of so many networks allover the world bringing conservative/non-Leftist wisdom to the young – eschewing the State indoctrination facilities public schools and the subversion thereof.

Looking into the roaring 20s

The previous decade started in a low note. Almost all of the topics covered in this article were either outright unimaginable or almost in the complete opposite end of development in 2010-11.

For some, this decade starts in a low note as well (though for Freedom Alternative Network it sure does start in a high and optimistic note).

There will be challenges, for sure: the propaganda and economic dispute(s) with China don’t look good now, a weak/distasteful administration is coming at the White House and Big Tech is acting up. But none of that is new either. The previous decade started with a similar crisis too (health + economic), with a distasteful admin in the WH and with Big Tech sucking giant balls as well.

People seem to forget the big censorship scandals of Big Tech from 2010 or 2011. Such as this one. Or this one. Same with banning apps. Everyone seems to forget that Google has been doing this for almost a decade.

What I’m saying is that the ’20s don’t start with challenges unheard of in the recent past. In 2013 it was believed that adblocks will cease to exist because Google censored them. Not only that didn’t happen but the market compelled Google not just to tolerate adblocks, but develop its own too and join the market.

I suspect the same will be the case with the concerns du jour. Yes, Big Tech sucks (as usual) but the pressure is bigger today (in a single day) than in the whole previous decade combined. By the end of this decade things will look radically different and better. You’ll see.

How do I know? Because you can’t stop an idea whose time has come. You can slow it down, surely, but can’t stop it. Just like euroskepticism couldn’t be stopped no matter how many billions of euros were spent on disinformation, bullshit legal cases and outright censorship.

There’s important elections to come this year: in the Netherlands, Bulgaria (both in March), Norway, Germany (both in September) and Czechia in October. Then in 2022 there are important electoral events in France (April), Hungary, Slovenia, Sweden (September), Brazil (October) and, of course, the Midterms in the USA (highly important in November).

It is up to every one of us how the ’20s will look like. But one thing is certain: if we work at least as hard and determined as we’ve been working in the 2010s, there is no reason not to expect to be living through another set of roaring ’20s.

However, if you succumb to the darkest instincts or to demoralization, then you will be doing a great service to the agents of totalitarianism. Should you decide to do so, at the very least stay out of the way of those who want to build upon the successes of the 2010s. While everyone is welcomed to the party, party poopers should be socially distanced 😀

As I’m writing this, I’m wrapping up the preparations for the first interview tour of this decade. Because campaigning never stops. Not if you want to win.

A’ight. That’s it for now. Let’s roll! We got work to do!

World Sofa Report – Episode 9 – Epiphanies of the new year

The audio version:

The New Year is upon us and with it more politics and more fun. We took the Epiphany Day to look into some of the latest controversies.

Alphabet Inc. is about to feel on itself the nonsense it has promoted and foisted upon others: namely unionization, militant woke activism and purposeful disintegration of the company’s internal trust. Sure, the unionization drive likely won’t succeed but the shock will be fun to watch. Awoman!

Speaking of Awoman! – a Wickenburg mother beat the living bejesus out of her children because she was scared she is going to cough. Cough19’s Witnesses is a dangerous apocalyptic cult and it was only a matter of time until it started generating child abuse as well.

One should add abortion to the narrow list of acceptable “essential” reasons for which Cough19 “guidelines” are suspended and mass protests can be permitted. After anti-White racism and violence by militant anti-White racists, Argentina showed the world that abortion is also acceptable reason to hold mass rallies. To their credit, both rallies in favor and against abortion are permitted.

In 1999 the socialists promised to make Venezuela a paradise of equality and egalitarianism. Twenty-two years later the country is more unequal than ever but it also started a slow and painful road to recovery. The recovery is slow because the path chosen resembles quite a lot to the one chosen in 2014 for Zimbabwe – namely dollarization.

The New Year finally brought Brexit. After years of panicard titles and pompous speeches by those who’ve come to be known as “Remoaners”, Brexit is finally here. Delivered by Boris Johnson. That’s what history will note. Sadly, history will also note that Boris Johnson was unable to apply the same negotiation logic with his own bureaucrats – preferring instead to succumb to the fake news promoted by SAGE and other loons – thus the country is now once again in a pointless and long-term-destroying lockdown.

NATO is apparently concerned with South-Eastern Europe’s cybersecurity. The proposed way to tackle this is just wrong. It’s frustrating to watch politicians, journalists and pundits (who know absolutely nothing about cybersecurity) opine pompously about how NATO should do things.

The Greek Orthodox Church finally adopts the correct attitude about Cough19 rules on Epiphany Day and tells the Greek government to politely buzz off as religious liberty is more important than hypochondriacs’ fear of not coughing. A similar attitude was adopted in Romania as well (and we’ll show you footage of how it looked like).

We also spend a few minutes to discuss the allegedly ‘far-right’ political party newly entered into the Romanian Parliament and scared the living hell out of the middle class left-wing Cathedral pricks as well as the comfy cuckservatives who know all too well how to do things… except how to get themselves voted into the Parliament.

Iran’s uranium enrichment is up once again proving President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu right once again about the trustworthiness of Tehran. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia eases the tensions with Qatar in an attempt to drive up the isolation of Iran with a united front.

Finally, we look at China’s propaganda about the Wuhan Coronavirus and the apparent disappearance of Alibaba’s founder.


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Buy CRIMENA’s music –

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Libertarian MP on the Euro currency and cash payments –

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World Sofa Report – Episode 8 – When technooptimism meets reality

Audio version:

As we approach the New Year, politics, of course, doesn’t stop. Nor does it take a vacation. We listened to the critics and went back to the 4-hour model.

Goolag’s outage has made plenty of technooptimists to stop and ask some questions. Suddenly it’s no longer fun and games when you can’t turn on your lights in your own house because of a hard-drive failure hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

In the meantime, Cough19 ‘measures’ continue to be flattened in courts allover the Western World, much to the desperation of panicards, shills and technooptimists.

Not a week goes by lately without another human trafficking ring being busted. But even though the news is being reported honestly – the interest for analysis continues to remain pretty low.

Meanwhile, in Europe, the Paris city hall found itself fined for sexism as it had way too many women in the top jobs as decided by the militant socialist mayor. Of course, the fine is being contested because, you see, it’s not even about equality of outcome. It’s all about militant misandry – and always has been.

More details are coming out from Tigray as the conflict between the Ethiopian federal government and the TPLF continues, even though the military has taken control of Mekelle (Tigary’s capital).

The peace accord between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been broken once again while the Cathedral continues the healthy focus on the abuses in Xinjiang.

Meanwhile, China continues its geopolitical moves in the region. Indonesia will use Sinovac to control the Chinese virus under a national plan that defies global trends in meaningful ways. Also, the Chinese government announced new restrictions on Australian coal trying to bully Australia for the country’s latest moves.

Finally, New Zealand’s reported economic numbers simply don’t add up as they severely underestimate the impact of the extremist and illiberal policies they employed under the excuse of the Wuhan virus.

These, and other topics, are covered thoroughly at, likely, the last episode for 2020 of the World Sofa Report.

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An Open Secret (2014 documentary) –

The Romanian case discussed –

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Core Crown net debt in New Zealand –

World Sofa Report – Episode 7 – The Transdniestrization of Azerbaijan

Audio version:

More than half of US voters do not share the Cathedral Media’s opinion that President Trump should hurry up to concede to Trunalimunumaprzure. Also, roughly half of Democrats suspect or believe that the election was,… malarkey. Roughly speaking.

In the meantime, GOP lawmakers are preparing articles of impeachment against Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan governor who refuses to obey a State Supreme Court decision.

In other news, a school district run by Democrats (of course) decided that Asians are honorary Whites – very much in line with the traditional 1890s view of the Democrat Party, a view just widely rejected at the ballot box in California, of all places.

Meanwhile, down south in Brazil, president Bolsonaro has brought back the heavy rhetorical artillery – calling for “gunpowder” in relation to a potential Biden administration over Biden’s unintelligent comments about the Amazon rainforest and asking the citizenry to avoid dealing with the Wuhan Cough like a bunch of bundles of sticks.

The bad news for the Cathedral don’t end here. Now President Emmanuel Macron also sounds like “the far-Right” of five years ago – as he slams the media for legitimizing Islamist violence and muddying the waters on the wider conversation about the religion of special needs.

Many scientific debates also occurred in Europe. A British MP was slapped with a lifetime ban in all of the pubs after he voted for more Wuhan Cough bullshit restrictions. Several police officers in Germany are now in the hospital following vigorous scientific debates in Berlin and Frankfurt. Bratislava also hosted a big scientific debate while London and Paris held smaller than usual debates about the Chinavirus measures.

Speaking of the Chinavirus, you can die from this cough even if you die as a result of a head injury caused by falling off a ladder. An unfortunate Croatian man fell off a ladder while working on a roof and then the “scientists” classified his death as a Cough19. The same “scientists” then expect you and the general public to actually trust them and their totally-not-bullshit numbers.

In the meantime, the situation in Ethiopia has indeed escalated. The Cathedral Media hasn’t yet got the memo on who is the designated “bad guy” in the conflict so for now the mainstream coverage is still relatively objective. But not for long.

The latest kerfuffle between Armenia and Azerbaijan has come to an end. On paper, Azerbaijan won. Over the longer run,… that’s up for debate. No country that found itself with Russian “peacekeeping forces” on its territory managed to do well so far.

And, finally, the CCP is a little bit upset over Australia’s military alliance with Japan. Tough luck.

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The Economist/YouGov Poll –

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Feel Good Mythology: “Moving beyond ideology” –

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‘Reach Out to Trump Supporters,’ They Said. I Tried. –

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Are Indians more immune to Covid-19? –

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Slovak anti-government demonstration 17.11.2020 Bratislava –

Das Infektionsschutzgesetz –

German reporting –

French Catholics protest for end to lockdown on Mass –

Fines given to ‘blatant’ rule breakers repeatedly trying to leave UK –

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World Sofa Report – Episode 6 – Trunalimunumaprzure, roughly speaking

Audio version:

So,… Trunalimunumaprzure or President Trump? At the moment of taping, that wasn’t sure at all. Even at the moment of publication it’s still not really sure, though the assumption is Trunalimunumaprzure. So until that is clarified, we took the time to look at other facets of the election which are already clarified but few talk about (both on the Left and on the non-Left).

There have also been elections in Bolivia and Republic of Georgia. In Bolivia the former president is ending his exile after his former aide won the election, but his return doesn’t make the socialists happy. In Tbilisi, the ruling party was reconfirmed – yet the opposition refuses to concede.

Putin may step down sooner due to a degenerative disease and Kosovo’s president has already stepped down and will face charges of crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

The Eurocrats appear to have struck a deal to use EU funds as a tool for ideological enforcement against the countries who disagree with the extremist Brussels “consensus” and the followers of a certain religion of Peace are upset that the French Republic has taken a break in kowtowing to their demands.

Meanwhile, a mayor in Australia apologizes for saying boys have a penis – while Ethiopia might be bracing for a civil war because the do-gooder Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who serves as prime minister doesn’t understand the base of his own country. In NZ the establishment is afraid that its own relationship with China will have to be reevaluated even if Biden wins the US election. Notice a pattern? Whether it’s the West, “the Rest” or the third world – the “do gooders” are always the same: disconnected from reality. Or, even worse, educated out of reality.

That’s it, for now.

Reading on election:

Republicans claim a software glitch in Michigan incorrectly sent 6,000 Trump votes to Biden before local election officials caught the error –

Fox draws Trump campaign’s ire after calling Arizona for Biden:

Why were US pollsters and media blindsided – again?:

Facebook Takes Down Group Organizing Protests of Vote Counting:

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