The danger of ignorance in regards to China

I was inspired to write this article after a discussion on Telegram regarding some techno-optimist Romanian Youtuber who was apparently anti-China; in fact people from the conversation maintained the idea that this guy was more anti-China than my Sofa associate, Lucian, the one publicly acclaimed by a Romanian boomer “God from the Sofa”.  Jokes aside, this is true in the same way that, in the first Star Wars episode, when Obi-Wan and Anakin were in the ocean and attacked by colossal fish – there’s bigger fish out there.

Well, that is me; the one who, if I had a fleet on my hands, I would have blockaded all Chinese access to the Pacific with zero remorse.

Why such a radical statement?

The answer is both simple and complicated; the short answer would be that humanity as a whole has regressed irreversibly due to the addiction based on the world’s cheapo workshop, China; a sample of the consequences of globalisation, as well as the disproportionate addiction to a single industrial power that we observe now and for many years to come is when the entire planet was shoved into the chicken coop in 2020 and a few countries even in 2021; suddenly the logistical model of Just In Time deliveries went у пизду and a lot of supply chains have suddenly grinded to a halt due to component shortages, for example car chips. This is still the peak of the iceberg when it comes to problems and decisions taken at a political level, but the people themselves are not devoid of any fault, because it’s not like the status quo got shoved down their throats; the vast majority has chosen to comply to the system and not bother thinking about the potential future consequences of such choices.

Still, let’s get going with the story.

In the race to build stuff as cheap as possible, we became the slaves of globalisation

Go into any shop and become conscious of the place the products you buy are made in; you’re going to find out very fast that a lot of them are made in China, and plenty who are not directly made in China, use materials sourced from China.

China has became an expert in undermining critical economic sectors, because in the eyes of the CCP they would rather lose money through such stratagems if it came with a win on the geopolitics and economic front to dominate one of these. We’ve seen this recently in Serbia when it was about opening a lithium mine. Aleksandr Vučić being a bridgehead for China in Europe, managed to easily mobilise the plebs in order to not risk his relation to China by not allowing lithium battery factories to appear, whether directly or indirectly controlled by China.

Yes, almost all lithium batteries used in the electronic devices that we all have, from laptops, smartphones, electric cars, cuckmobiles (also known as e-scooters), external batteries…the list goes on. It’s not like you need something special or high-tech to fabricate batteries someplace else; Tesla has proven this pretty clearly, but Tesla is an exception because it is a niche company where the added value of products is very big, and Musk can afford such acts of independence; well, others are not so lucky: if you want batteries, you better make friends with Xi, because only Xi’s country has basically non-existent pollution regulations and artificially cheap and numerous labour force to undermine other Gigafactories like Tesla.

Any sort of smartphone manufacturer that you may be, when you invest tens, if not hundreds of millions in R&D, miniaturise compnents and still make them relatively accessible, it’s all for naught if you don’t have an electricity source to power the entire shebang; you would lose constantly against others who won’t have any problem buying batteries from China just because you want to go against the trend, and the public will punish you by not buying the product, because the public doesn’t care about such things.

OMG, what do you mean that the public doesn’t care?

When my Sofa associate says that people are not stupid, people are fucking stupid, it sounds like cynicism and absurdity, but it really is like that and if I were to gather sufficient evidence, we wouldn’t even end up enumerating, let alone explaining all of them by the end of 2030. Contextually to this article, people don’t care about where the things they own come from, and from that moment on we can’t also talk about the Science Fiction which are the consequences related to this ignorance.

People continue to buy iPhones despite its manufacturers jump out of the window to commit suicide and the company installed anti-suicide nets. People continue to buy fashion clothing and accessories despite the fact that forcefully sterilised minorities are transformed into slaves to source the cotton for them. You can’t argue that consoomers “didn’t know” what they were doing when they are voting with their wallet by buying such products, while at the same time there are a myriad of other things in the same situation, one way or another, that we buy without considering the consequences; there, now we removed the potential moral crusaders from the discussion.

It’s clear that from this point of view we don’t have an audience if we are to organise a campaign of informing people; people will continue to buy things taking into consideration in a great part the price of the product, the price which is kept artificially low; at the same time technologies got cheaper and trickled down naturally to be more affordable for the larger public, good or bad, but especially the ones we need to be observant are the unknown ones.

Undermining national economies

(This part is explained using Romanian examples, as it wasn’t intended initially to be in English, so apologies in advance if you don’t get the context)

Here is where I’m going to lose the appeal from some of you when I will say that from an economic point of view, Ceaușescu’s push towards industrialization was a good idea, but an exaggerated one at that. Where exaggerations occurred was that the inherent inertia from a centrally-planned economy who also wished for autarchy, these were the leading reasons where situations that were impossible to manage appeared, which inevitably led to the economic collapse and Ceaușescu’s self-helicoptering; however, in itself the decision was still good, but after the collapse of Communism that rug was pulled from under everyone’s feet part due to the political decisions, but also part due to the population which didn’t understand what is going on.

This aspect still applies for the current political class (because our politicians still come from the same population), already the global situation is complicated where, in the European Union you are undermined from 4 sides: German mercantilism, straight-up undermining from China, then the strangulation of ever-expanding hyper-regulation from Brussels and from Bucharest (same principle applies for other European nations, btw; look at how idiotic local and national laws are for economic activities); for the first two it’s difficult to do something without a parallel structure that could compete economically (something that the Intermarium Initiative could solve in the future), but for the last two, especially the national regulations, that is why we live in collective misery and we live with the mantra “the one that bows his head, the sword shall not cut him”.

In Bucharest it’s fascinating to walk in all sorts of random shops where, instead of finding garlic from the Giurgiu region, 20-50km South of the capital, you find garlic brought all the way from China. At the same time we haven’t got a national retailer built up from domestic capital anywhere in the top 20 national retailers (on the 21st being Annabella with shops around Dâmbovița and surrounding counties, and further down the Unicam Cooperative which started from Satu Mare and has a few shops around Transilvania and Vaslui).

You can never convince me that a super-state entity like the self-serving Brussels bureaucrats, that function like in the former USSR (that is why we part-joke and part-seriously use the term EUSSR or Европейский Союз) knows better what is the perfect curvature of bananas, how drinking water actually does not hydrate you, or why you should have a tampon tax of 5% just because the Commission decreed so. Let’s not even talk about the monstrous Common Agricultural Policy, this neo-Valev Plan of the European Union. (English source materials about this policy are scarce – like all relevant elements of Soviet policy that might make people reexamine the Европейски съюз)

No, no, hell no, and if you insist, you deserve to be hit with the shovel straight in the head, under the expectation that maybe your synapses will rearrange themselves, in order to not pretend that this EU circlejerk can have an opinion related to domains far away from their realm of understanding even remotely.

The same thing can be said about Romania, where aside from the regulation shoved down our throats by the EU, we got out own class of self-serving bureaucrats on the Soviet model from Bucharest, who think that Uncle Lajos from rural, Hungarian-majority region Harghita needs to be told the number of maximum pigs he must have on his property and how to take care of them, or now in the current energy crisis, to no one’s surprise, the State gains the most out of it.

No one should mess around with food or other strategic sectors if we are to look at the historical standard of the people, but the economy overall, in sectors critical to the well-functioning of the country, a people undermined from the outside and from the inside will remain on par with the proles described by Orwell in his famous book. Sure, if something will change regarding perception, it’ll happen at a grassroots level, but we got to get rid first of all of this omnipresent mentality of “the State should do this and that”.

Covert colonialism via Belt & Road

Always pay attention to people who speak positively about China, because friendships with China already end up being disastrous for the country that is bewitched by the miracle of “reciprocal economic development and friendship between the people”. We got a considerable list of victims that fell for plenty of reasons, most of the times due to a mix of naivete and corruption, in the trap of modern colonialism:

This list is by no means complete, but you get the idea how venomous Chinese investments are. Things will continue as they are because there are plenty of countries and political structures ripe for exploitation by Chinese imperialism, but at least let’s learn something from the examples provided by these nations to not fall in the same trap, but in particular to boycott a Communist state which transforms entire countries into colonies of debt slaves for their interests. Each country has its own Sinophiles, but there are also threats from the EU itself which is full of Sinophiles, led by the German political class which also threatens security when we talk about relationships with Russia.

Okay, what is there to be done?

Boycott anything of Chinese manufacturing; plenty of times products made locally or in another place close by are just marginally more expensive, but on the longer term more reliable when you factor in the cost, but also its lifespan. This applies to electronics, but also household appliances, clothes, products and the sites that made a business out of selling copies, like Alibaba/Aliexpress.

Undermine Sionphile sympathies; like in the case of avalanches, it’s sufficient just for a few CCP agents or shills for free to enter in political structures, and from that moment on it’ll be much more difficult to uproot the cancer, at a considerable cost as well.

Pay attention and undermine propaganda coming from international Chinese institutions; The Confucious Institute in particular is the main culprit, being a significant institute that initiates naive people in sympathising and shilling for the CCP, by using the rich Chinese culture in baiting people towards them. TikTok is also a significant problem, being used constantly by a humongous population of naive people, especially young people over the age of 13, without them being aware that they play China’s game, when we look at how prevalent pro-China propaganda is on the platform.

The chips aren’t falling – World Sofa Report – Episode 26

Audio version [Download 402MB]:

Video version [Download 8GB]:

One of the challenges of long pre-recorded podcasts is that by the time you’re done, some news might get outdated. It happens rarely, but when it does it’s quite a bummer. Nevertheless, we did get the analysis quite right.

Suddenly the New York Times (a former newspaper) finds out what we’ve been saying for over a year: namely that the CDC is a political organization that publishes data selectively to support a certain narrative that rarely (if ever) has anything to do with so-called public health. In the meantime, the crisis of Direct-to-Consumer advertising of dangerous prescription drugs continues unabated.

Meanwhile, the leftists are complaining that finally the conservatives are taking the necessary steps to not only stop but reverse the far-Left’s march through the educational institutions. Soon enough (maybe two years, maybe even less) they will also start complaining about the Parallel Economy that non-Leftists are finally starting to build to get around Big Tech’s censorship.

In Europe, the Европейский союз has finally noticed that Bosnia exists. And it may not exist for much longer because nobody bothered to discuss with the tri-partite institutions of Bosnia for decades.

The much bigger concern in Brussels is the Chips Act which aims to increase chip-manufacturing capabilities in Europe. A worthy goal, but, with the typical bureaucratic approach of the EU, it may not happen after all.

Chip manufacturing and Ukraine are the big topics we go through in the Europe segment. With the caveat that we taped the segments 12 hours before Putin initiated military action in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Africa is going through food inflation and other economic troubles that, for the first time, are not their fault. Essentially, most countries of Africa are suffering the economic consequences of the lunatic decisions made in Europe. What’s Europe’s response? More vaccines!

Saudi Arabia now downplays its Wahhabi roots in public, while in UAE defense contractors are trying to find a way to integrate UAV systems following Iran-backed Houthi terrorist attacks over the last several weeks.

For the first time in 70 years, China is considering delaying the retirement ages as the CCP faces the demographic crisis that’s coming to the People’s Republic no matter what.

Meanwhile, in Australia discussions about white bread as an expression of white supremacy and patriarchy are dominating the pre-election discourse. Well, that and the fact that certain Australian states maintain a hard border due to a cold.

In NZ, honking continues at the Parliament lawn while the advertising watchdog is busy investigating four Karens’ complaints about billboards depicting a victim of the cough19 magic serums.


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U.S. imposes sanctions after Putin recognizes breakaway Ukraine regions:

Oil nears $100 as West prepares Russian sanctions:

US sanctions against Russia will also harm Europe, warns French expert:

Ukraine’s president says ‘we are not afraid’ after Russia’s Putin orders troops to rebel regions:

Putin calls Ukrainian statehood a fiction. History suggests otherwise:

Decree 71/2022 of the President of the Russian Federation –

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The coming paycheck for practicing socialism – World Sofa Report – Episode 25

Audio version:

There’s a paycheck waiting for those who practiced socialism. It is/will be a poisoned one, but it’s there. And in the end, everyone loses – ’cause that’s what socialism does.

Nowhere is this more apparent these days than in Canada where those awaiting for that paycheck desperately cling to power amid growing (and now majority) demands for change. It’s a topic that is outright banned in some places (e.g. Italy) and heavily censored on normie social media. Even so, the word has gone out and HONKing is now increasingly a global phenomenon. And those awaiting for their paychecks for playing the stupid pandemic game may end up not even getting their meager paycheck. Honking will for sure continue until freedom improves.

Meanwhile, in New York city black Americans are suing the Electoral Board over its decision to allow foreigners to vote in the local elections; Christian schools and homeschooling are growing at the fastest rate in history – with black families’ opting for homeschooling growing more than 400% since the ‘pandemic’.

In the meantime, a taxpayer-funded study asks gay minors to report sexual activity without parental consent; Facebook loses daily active users for the first time and Venezuelans dehumanized by communism replace Haitians as the biggest group to show up in Panama.

In Europe, the FreedomConvoy is spreading like wildfire with one expected to arrive in Paris on the 11th or 12th and to converge in Brussels on February 14th with truckers from several EU countries having already started the journey. Meanwhile, Austria and Romania are also preparing their own Freedom Convoys.

Germany is desperately trying to stop Telegram from allowing free speech of the German citizens. And failing. Germany being the same country whose chancellor was an unironic STASI supporter and whose Minister of Interior is an outright ANTIFA.

The Winter Olympics are taking place in Beijing – which means a good chance for the rest of the world to see the Gulag first hand. Suddenly, pampered Western athletes are finding out what communism actually is. And they don’t like it.

A majority of Americans now see China as an enemy and support lowering trade with China. But that won’t be that easy. American businesses who refuse to adapt to reality are putting up a big fight in courts and ending the West’s dependence on Chinese rare earths is not something that can be done overnight.

In the background, in order to avoid sanctions, Hong Kong is rolling out e-CNY which also comes with the benefit of further integrating the autonomous province into the CCP’s economic system.

Meanwhile, people have been raped in the Australian Parliament (allegedly). And Australian police drags out business-owners and their children for the crime of working whilst having not taken the myocarditis-inducing experimental gene therapy clotshot.

These and other news are treated at length in a yet another World Sofa Report, taped just before we started preparing to join our own Freedom Convoy.

The honking will continue until freedom improves.

News #1 –

If policing can’t end Ottawa’s protest, then what can?:

Canadian protesters block the busiest international crossing in North America as tensions ramp up over Covid-19 rules –

Removing trucks could be almost ‘impossible,’ say heavy towing experts –

Alberta to end its vaccine-passport system immediately, begin loosening restrictions for children –

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Meet The Seattle Schools Woke Indoctrination Czar Who Married A Child Molester:

A Colorado school district was forced to cancel classes after teachers called out sick to protest the new conservative school board:

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Över 10 000 personer med utvisningsbeslut avvikna:

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Why we hoard toilet paper and wet wipes – and why we shouldn’t:

Europa muss das deutsche Problem lösen – World Sofa Report – Episode 24

Audio version[DOWNLOAD 345 MB]:

Video version[DOWNLOAD 7 GB]:

The episode is also available on Bitchute here:

For decades, Europe’s big unaddressed problem was Germany. And it still is. And it is in fact bigger today than it was in 1990, 1999, 2009 or 2015. For Germany is now not only led by a Putinist, but also by an outright STASI sympathizer. And Germany’s taxpayer-funded media went full on Lügenpresse in the last 18 months in ways not even the sleaziest hyperpartisans on CNN or MSNBC would go.
So we dedicate ample time to Germany’s public broadcasters, to Germany’s foreign policy and to the personal past of German Putin Olaf Scholz, the new chancellor of the Federal Republic.

We also dedicate ample time to the issue of teenagers working – starting from the piece of news in Australia where the idea of lowering the driving age for forklifts to 16 was withdrawn due to mocking on social media. But was it really such a bad idea? Should society continue to “protect” older teenagers from earning an honest living?

A large segment also goes to the issue of funding agitprop by starving the Leviathan. The Left in the USA has been using Cough19 “recovery funds” meant to be used to reopen schools to hire their friends and introduce even more racist and extremist ideology in the curricula – while the schools remained closed. Non-Leftists must learn to compete for those funds.

In other news, Florida health department official is suspended following a pro-vaccine e-mail – in yet another example of how normal Florida is. In normal places, those who bring their religion to the workplace are suspended and investigated. Thou shalt not bring your dangerous cult to the workplace!

Meanwhile, the supposedly “smart” people are now trying to figure out how they missed the inflation in the USA. For the record, we got it much-much closer to reality on the Sofa than these institutions full of allegedly “smart” and “well-educated” people. In the segment we also explain how did that happen. There is no magic – just basic human nature.

In other news, China’s birthrate hits the lowest point since the existence of the People’s Republic; UAE got hit by a terrorist attack; international airliners forced US airports to drop their 5G plans; India’s new young middle class (particularly Gen Zers) is avoiding banks to buy some personal prosperity, and NZ is still playing the pandemic, ruining the socio-economic lives of hundreds of thousands of people because of a cold.

These and other news are discussed quite at length in just a bit over 6 hours. Because it takes some time to deliver the news from 12 months from now 😜


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In praise of Cheap Labour (Paul Krugman in 1997) –

Paul Krugman in 2001: “For example, could anything be worse than having children work in sweatshops? Alas, yes. In 1993, child workers in Bangladesh were found to be producing clothing for Wal-Mart, and Senator Tom Harkin proposed legislation banning imports from countries employing underage workers. The direct result was that Bangladeshi textile factories stopped employing children. But did the children go back to school? Did they return to happy homes? Not according to Oxfam, which found that the displaced child workers ended up in even worse jobs, or on the streets — and that a significant number were forced into prostitution.” –

News #17 –

Language always matters

One of the reasons half of our recommended reading list is about language and framing is because it is the most important tool of politics of any kind. The way an issue is framed and the language used to frame it gives the operative the most important clue about the bigger picture.

This is true regardless of whether you are defending the status quo (let’s say you’re Pfizer or Associated Press), engaging in counter-revolutionary activities (classical liberalism, old conservative, etc.) or in outright revolutionary ones (progressives, neoliberal leftism, etc.).

In the first 8 days of 2022 several important developments occurred in this department.

First, dr. Robert Malone framed the issue of “mass formation psychosis” as it applies to the hysteria around the Wuhan Flu. Then that issue got seen by at least 100,000,000 people. Then it became a common talking point.

These firs three elements are not new. It happened before with “Let’s go Brandon” or “Make America Great Again” or “Yes, we can!” (to also give a left-wing example).

What distinguishes “mass formation psychosis” from other recent examples is its subsequent route. Immediately after it was uttered, the establishment (particularly Google) tried to censor it. When that failed, it tried to bury it under intentional disinformation disguised as “fact-check”.

Then the establishment tried to dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. As if stress-induced hysteria is something new and not a widely studied phenomenon that has been observed for centuries already. Since calling it a conspiracy theory is obviously failing too, now the establishment is calling it an “unfounded theory“.

The argument is now not that the phenomenon is unreal, but that the specific terminology used by dr. Malone is inappropriate and that it doesn’t have enough academic support.

In other words, the establishment is whining that we are using language outside of their control. And we’re doing it effectively and it’s starting to be a serious stressor for those who lick the boot of the Regime. After all, nobody likes to be called delusional – so if you can effectively emphasize and prove to a neutral audience that those who support mandatory experimental myocarditis-inducing gene therapy clotshots for a cold are indeed delusional, that’s a big problem for the Regime.

It is beyond obvious that mass hysteria exists. The NIH itself was discussing mass hysteria in the context of the Wuhan Flu as late as February 2021. So nobody seriously argues that this isn’t a real phenomenon. If you see someone arguing against that, assume that someone is a paid shill or an idiot.

The problem for the Regime, however, is that the sidelines (or the opposition) have been able to set a narrative point. Random normies that have nothing whatsoever to do with this information war (because that’s exactly what the pandemic is at this point) are now refusing to give a damn about what the Regime has to say and they routinely successfully dismiss the Regime’s “measures” with just one syntagm: Mass formation psychosis.

The next step of the Regime will be to double down on the bullshit. Sure, it won’t work, but it will buy time for the Regime. It’s the best they can do.

At this point, there is no retreat or “peace treaty” as an option. It’s either us (normal, outside of the crippling fear of a cold and outside of the special interests driving this lunacy) or them (the Regime). There is no middle ground and there will be no middle ground. Claiming otherwise is wishful thinking.

So, what’s next?

Well, we just have to keep on pressing. There is no silver bullet, but there are thousands of highly efficient bullets.

For now, we must continue to increase the personal cost of those who support the Regime. Infiltrate their circle of friends, ruin their credibility, cut them from their support network(s), ruin their careers (political or otherwise), go through the tedious (but highly rewarding) process of demoralizing them (Alinsky’s 13th rule) and, of course, never stop ridiculing them (Alinsky’s 5th rule).

Make it personally costly for any footsoldier of the Regime to continue to be one. Just next week, for instance, a police officer is due to pay me half of his wage (under court order) for having had the audacity to fine me for not wearing facial underwear on the street a year ago. Now is that police officer more likely or less likely to bother normal people on the street in the future?

The point is to remain intransigent. NONE of the points made by the Regime are legitimate. And never have been. Do not allow anyone around you to start from any other premise than the inherent illegitimacy of the Regime. In other words, language matters. The way you frame things is what drives the thought process.

Also, you should continue to look at things locally first because not all countries or regions are at the same point on the narrative curve. Some have longer inertia (e.g. Israel), some are relatively in sync with the English-language bubble and some have already finished or are close to finishing the curve (e.g. Sweden, FL, TX, etc.).

Oh, and more thing: Do not forget to keep lists of all of those who collaborated with the Regime. These people must be punished in every imaginable way within the confines of the law. And you’d be surprised just how wide the confines of the law are if you have enough imagination.

That’s it for now. Keep pushing!

Perhaps a breaking point?

When I’m writing this, the controversy related to Novak Đoković being held in the Melbourne airport is yet to be resolved. So many of you will already know the result by the time you’ll be reading this.

Nevertheless, regardless of how this controversy will be resolved (Nole being deported, Nole being allowed in or Nole sent to one of Australia’s concentration camps remote quarantine facilities for a few days) – the event itself has the potential to be a turning point in ways I am sure the Australian “authorities” did not foresee.

Something clicked

From the moment it became public knowledge that the Serbian athlete will be allowed to compete without having to take the myocarditis-inducing experimental serum, something clicked both in the minds of those ignorant about the inherently political nature of the “pandemic” and in the minds of those who have been judiciously supporting the Regime so far.

It became clear that his participation could be similar to the one of Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know – it’s an unfair comparison but… is it really?

The Reich denied that black athletes can be excellent. Australia denies that normal people should be able to conduct their business without taking bloodclots-inducing experimental serums.

The Reich claimed to control everything – including reality itself. Jesse Owens showed that to be horse manure. The “pandemic” Regime in Australia claimed to control the border and rigorously enforce the “vaccine” on everyone and made millions of people to believe there is no escape.  Here comes Novak Đoković with the potential to prove otherwise.

Just like the Reich, Australia also has camps where it sends the people who disagree with the Regime. And, just like the Reich, the Regime is capable of getting positive propaganda for this atrocious policy into the New York Times.

There are plenty of semblances between the two Regimes. Much more than the useful idiots and the paid shills of the Regime would want you to ponder upon.

Sure, Australia doesn’t (yet) gas people who disagree with the Regime and doesn’t (yet) build ghettos to dehumanize them. But make no mistake: that will come too if this tinpot third-world shithole is not stopped. And it’s coming to Europe too. Just today, Emmanuel Macron outright said that those who refuse the clotshot aren’t citizens.

But then again, it doesn’t have to be identical with the Third Reich of 1940 in order for the analogy to be appropriate. Australia today is closer to the Reich of 1936 than the powers-that-be would want you to consider.

However, unlike 1936, the plebs can now read for themselves (sometimes – even when Alphabet/Faceberg/Twitter censor things) and make the connections themselves.

And this leads us to the core issue: The plebs don’t like it.

Those who licked the boot of the Regime (and observed every single stupid “rule” that has nothing whatsoever to do with health – but everything to do with Control) are either asking for Nole to be forced to be as stupid as they are or… they’re starting to have doubts.

Timidly, sometimes quietly, sometimes not so quietly, more and more Australians (and not just Australians) are asking the obvious: Hold on a sec, are we the baddies here?

If Nole can have an exemption from the clotshot, then maybe the whole blanket mandate is a bunch of horse manure? If Nole can be just fine without taking the clotshot, then maybe, just maybe, the shot itself is at the very least useless for young and fit people? (hint: it is)

Australia has already seen violent protests against sanitary fascism – but those, as necessary as they were, came from people like me: people who smelled the BS right from the getgo and took the Wuhan Cough as what it is: a semi-serious respiratory virus used as an excuse for the installation of a dictatorship.

But what Australia hasn’t seen yet is a mass questioning of the Regime itself. Don’t be fooled by Twitter bubbles. Just as we speak there are millions of conversations taking place allover Australia about the Regime.

Sure, many will still end up agreeing that Novak Đoković is killing grandma or whatever bullshit the Regime is still selling to the plebs as an excuse to curb their freedoms. But a lot more won’t. Many of them will not voice it publicly, necessarily. But the seed of doubt will have been firmly planted.

And, as time goes on, that seed will start to flourish. And they will end up resenting the Regime. And that resentment will turn to anger. And, some of them will end up turning that resentment into action. Some of them foolishly – like the chap who self-immolated over the vaccine mandate (instead of taking a few members of the Regime with him) – but, surely, some of them will turn to much more effective action: political.

Of course, we can’t know now how many. But, the slave mentality of the Penal Colony notwithstanding, it’s impossible not to see a rise in dissidence Down Under after this incident.

This cannot and should not be forgiven

The biggest mistake those who oppose the Regime can make is to forgive. None of this should be forgiven. Ever. And every single apparatchik of the Regime will necessarily have to be punished in any way possible.

One thing is certain, though: Nobody can, in good faith, argue against the point that Australia is, at best, an autocratic illiberal Regime. In fact, Australia is no better than Mugabe’s Zimbabwe – a third world tinpot dictatorship in which arbitrary nonsense is the norm.

Taking Nole’s phone and effectively jailing him for the crime of being healthy without clotshots is something that cannot ever be forgiven. Even the Third Reich treated politically incorrect foreign athletes better in 1936.

Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m insulting the victims of fascism or whatever cope will be thrown at me this time around from the bien pensants du jour. In reality I am doing the opposite: I’m honoring the memory of the victims of fascism by speaking out in order to prevent that tragedy from happening again. You know, I kinda take #NeverAgain seriously.

And remember: Australia has apartheid, remote camps for dissidents, non-stop surveillance that would make STASI or the KGB envious, massive censorship apparatus and you can’t leave the country. There is no significant moral difference between the current Australian “pandemic” Regime and the Chinese Communist Party. Scott Morrison may indeed be genuinely anti-China (and good for him, and some of his actions on that front are commendable) but Australia, at this point, is just the People’s Republic of China with a smiley face.

The rest of the so-called “free world” isn’t too much behind.

We, as citizens, can change that and prevent that from happening. But, I suspect enough countries won’t. Western Europe is lost already and it’s basically an open-air concentration camp in which you get thrown down the pavement (including grandmas, women and children) for disagreeing with the Regime (it’s happening as a matter of routine in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany already). In Australia they outright shoot you.

But don’t forget: Novak Đoković is a Serb. And Serbians have a tendency of not going down easily. In fact, the foundational myth of the Serbian people is based on a resounding defeat in which the Serbs refused to lose until they took the enemy with them – making the victory incredibly expensive for the enemy.

Or… perhaps this will be a nothingburger. Perhaps the Australian psyche is so blasé from the Regime’s military-style propaganda that this incident will not wake them up from the psychosis too many of them are into. I guess we’ll see in a few months 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nobody is in charge – World Sofa Report – Episode 23

Audio version:

The last weeks of 2021 turned out to be much more interesting than expected. Usually, around this time, most journalists are on vacation and the newsfeed is quite boring. Well, not this time.

Bloomberg published a very long analysis about the elaborate fraud scheme that is the “sustainable” indexes. They focus on Morgan Stanley Capital International, but this is a widespread phenomenon in which the market is being manipulated to redirect investment from normal business to businesses that are part of the cartel that pays the protection fee through the “sustainable” label.

In the background, “web3” emerges as a new buzzword in tech. Euronews claims to know more – and they end up writing the most falsehood-filled take on the topic.

In Chile, a leftist millennial won the presidency. He may end up not being a president for too long, but that’s the part that the press is less keen on covering. In Brazil, in the meantime, local politicians settle disputes like men: organized fights with a paying audience.

In Europe, Belgium keeps on the march to augmenting its energy crisis, Switzerland will allow anyone to change their legal “gender” through a simple statement (and every sane person should troll this into oblivion) and the Polish elites finally utter the plain truth: that the European Union is the German Fourth Reich.

Meanwhile, Russia continues to shill for the so called “5+2 talks” on the Transnistria issue, Bosnian Muslims complain that Orbán Viktor raised a legitimate concern with respect to Bosnia’s EU bid and the new Bulgarian government is now giving cash to people in order to convince them to take the clot shot.

Speaking of the shot, somewhat unexpectedly, Israel suddenly halts its so called “4th dose drive” citing security concerns. For the first time ever, a top-tier health institution in the country wants to investigate the safety of the process. The length of the study has not been announced.

Meanwhile, Kyrgyzstan enters into a calmer period as the political crisis that started in the autumn of 2020 finally ends; UAE moves to a European week-end becoming the first Arab state to do so, Christmas has been permitted for the first time in Saudi Arabia and quasi-permitted in Qatar too – albeit with some crackdowns from the Ministry of Commerce.

Remember the Myanmar military dictatorship? Yeah… that was possible entirely thanks to entrenched Western corruption. France sold the technology, Britain laundered the money and the Netherlands sold the aircraft. That’s how Mywanmar’s military became efficient.

In the meantime, in New Zealand money is being raised for larger and more modern mental health facilities as the number of new patients increased 140%+ over the last year. One has to wonder what caused that 🤔

In Australia, some treehuggers are trying to block Scott Morrison’s plan to expand Australia’s energy independence. It’s not quite sure yet, but it really looks like the treehuggers are writing in idiograms.

These, and other news, are discussed thoroughly on the first episode of the World Sofa Report in 2022.

Happy New Year, everyone!


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The tab is about to arrive – World Sofa Report – Episode 22

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We’ve had a lot of fun with the Fluffy Cough but, like all parties, the tab is about to arrive. And someone is going to pay for it. The financial cost will, of course, for the most part, be borne by the suckers on duty – colloquially known as taxpayers. But the political cost is still unclear – both in size and in name. Who is going to pick up that tab?

Everyone smart enough is trying to find ways to avoid being the sucker who pays the political cost. Those that have gotten some dough out of the party may be more inclined to take some of the fall, but they’d like to split the bill with others. The next few months (the final months of the party) are going to be fun – with elections in Australia, Hungary, Portugal, 4 Bundesländer in Germany, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and, of course, the US Midterms. The results will give a good picture on how the party will end.

In the meantime Cho Bai Den’s needle mandate failed in the Senate, Ron DeSantis continues his relentless pursuit in not just countering the Left, but uprooting it altogether (sanctioning their finances, strengthening law enforcement, restricting Leftists’ access in educational facilities, etc.) and Hillary Clinton is back in the picture lamenting about a quite possible Trump run in ’24.

In other news, technooptimists got a boot in the teeth again. This time Amazon users of “smart tech” and “Internet of Things” suddenly realized that maybe it’s not such a great idea to have your fridge or vacuum cleaner connected to the Internet.

Meanwhile in Europe things continue to move in politically incorrect ways. In Sweden, for instance, top-tier medical experts are calling the practice of giving hormone blockers to “transgender” children for what it is: chemical castration and a morally reprehensible practice. Friendly reminder: 6 years ago this was “far-right hate speech”.

France is willing to discuss autonomy for Guadalupe after vigurous scientific debates on the overseas French territory, Germany continues to do the bidding for Putin by blocking Ukraine’s arms purchases, Serbia opens four new chapters in EU accession talks, Bulgaria finally has a new government and suddenly the EU has no objections to nuclear energy.

Also in Germany the People have finally started organizing seriously against the Regime. Needless to say, the Regime doesn’t like it and it’s now suddenly sounding more and more like it was during the times of a certain Austrian chap with a mustache.

Meanwhile in China the financial drama continues. Most recently, Evergrande – the largest dollar bond issuer in China – has been downgraded to default, just as China’s property market braces for more nationalizations. The regime in Beijing denies any risk of contagion but only those interested in buying bridges still believe them.

Nearby, Shinzo Abe hints at a potential military role for Japan in the eventuality of a Taiwan situation, and a South Korean chipmaker has had its merger agreement with a Chinese conglomerate blocked by the United States.

In Australia, as the people are getting progressively poorer and with elections due in just a few months, suddenly Scott Morrison found liberalism and he now slams continuous “covid restrictions” as “not normal”. Too little, too late, say the Sofa. But, of course, it’s up to the members of the Penal Colony to decide.

In NZ, the government thinks it can ban smoking for entire generations – in the kind of policy that sounds as if a kindergarten child thought of – since it disregards the fundamentals of human nature (specifically the ability of man to form black markets and work around dumb rules).

These and other topics are discussed at length on the Sofa in an episode that comes in the middle of an act of censorship on Youtube. Apparently, discussing effects of sanitary fascism on mental health is haram on Youtube. Meh.


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Lateral thinking – World Sofa Report – Episode 21

Audio version:

The Wuhan Flu has brought back a form of politicking not seen for decades – namely ad-hoc coalitions of groups usually opposed to each other. Well, not really the Wuhan Flu itself, but rather the governments’ absurd policies that were/are justified by the presence and/or spread of the Chinese Cough.

That’s how it’s possible to see unions supported by right wingers, or AntiFa groups joining legit fascist groups in direct-action type of activism as well as political cooperation simply unimaginable in November 2019. In Germany, this is called “Lateral thinking”. In Italy, those involved call it “Transversal politics”. Regardless of how you call it, it’s here and it is already producing effects in politics.

That’s how it was possible to see soccer moms joining rural rednecks in ousting Democrats in so many elections in the USA on November 3. Lateral thinking is also how it was possible for the Cough19 “vaccine” mandate to be suspended in Chicago. And later on nationwide after we taped this episode.

Lateral thinking by cooperation between classical liberals and hardline pro-life restrictionists may end up seeing Roe v. Wade overturned as well. The Senate Bill in Texas is written in a distinctly European style that wrong-foots most of the smartasses on the Left who were for too long accustomed to ruling via judicial activism.

Lateral thinking is also what brings disaffiliation of School Boards Associations from the National body. Of course, the Regime’s press suggests that anyone objecting is a far-Right medieval bigot but, in reality, homeschooling, unschooling and curricula reform are increasingly popular among previously disparate and opposed groups. A non-racist curricula benefits everyone. Homeschooling rights benefit both vegan hipsters and Evangelicals equally. Lateral thinking isn’t going away anytime soon on this topic.

Meanwhile, the muppets who fancy themselves as Western Leaders are busy promoting a new Iran nuclear deal. Yeah, that will work.

Facebook just uncovered a big troll farm run by the government of Nicaragua. It only took them 3 years. That’s almost as slow as the government investigating itself.

In Chile, voters are increasingly favoring a candidate who wants capitalism, border security, social conservatism and limited immigration. Now that’s enough to get labelled “far-right” these days. Especially since many lefties have started dreaming about destroying Chile again after the referendum that kickstarted a long process of constitutional reform was granted last year.

In France, the government is in outright war with American wokeism and, in a surprising populist outburst, the Macron administration is using the pre-existent anti-Americanism in the French society to paint far-Left ideas as enemies of the Republic. And the strategy may indeed work.

The European Union suspended funding for the WHO in the Democratic Republic of Congo after a sex scandal. In the segment dedicated to this piece of news we’ll go deeper into just how much is wrong with these international “missions” in Africa. Meanwhile, a bit up north, in Sudan, the army just staged a coup, interrupting Sudan’s transition to democracy.

Japan will press forward with military build up, China’s factory activity continues to shrink and economic friction between PRC and Australia will continue unabated, if we are to believe the Australian ambassador.

Meanwhile, at least 40% of New Zealand kids show signs of depression and other mental disorders as a result of the immoral and illiberal policies adopted by the Labor administration with the Wuhan Flu as an excuse. And the businesspeople of NZ aren’t optimistic about the economic future of the country.

These, and other news are to be discussed at length in the 21st episode of the World Sofa Report, taped just before we take off to Bulgaria for the election coverage.


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Abortions Fell by Half in Month After New Texas Law –

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[FUNDRAISER] Bulgarian election coverege

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin $1,400 towards the $0 target.$1,400Raised $1,400 towards the $0 target.100%

So far we have raised $1,400 towards our $[Value missing on settings page] goal! That’s unknown% of the total!

Bulgaria will hold presidential elections AND Parliamentary elections on November 14, 2021. The presidential election is due (the incumbent’s term expires and he is up for reelection).

However, it is the third time in 2021 that Bulgaria holds a general/parliamentary election. That’s extraordinary even by Europe’s standards – where fragmented Parliaments, minority governments, votes of no confidence, government resignations and snap elections are very common. And are getting increasingly common.

In June, for instance, for the first time ever, a vote of no confidence passed through the Swedish Parliament. In October, the chancellor of Austria resigned (after having been ousted through a vote of no confidence before – in May 2019). Also in October the government of Romania collapsed through a vote of no confidence and Romania is heading (insh’Allah) slowly towards snap elections.

The point being that this kind of instability is growing in more countries of Europe – and Bulgaria is just at the forefront (further down the curve than the rest of Europe).

As such, we want to go there and observe just a bit. And also gather some information from the field in the energy sector (hopefully with some on-camera discussions too) – as Bulgaria is likely to be the worst affected state by the ‘green’ policies of the Европейски съюз.

It will be a quick(er) trip than the Moldova one since we only intend to cover two cities (Sofia and Plovdiv) and the Maritsa Iztok Complex (the largest one in Southeastern Europe – and the sticking point of the growing anti-EU sentiment). If time will allow, we’ll also take a quick trip to the Bulgarian UFO. But no guarantee on that.

While we’re there, we’ll also be able to tell how Bulgaria really deals with the Wuhan Virus – since the country has been in the international news lately since their people refuse the miraculous serum that makes you immortal more than anyone else in the Европейски съюз.

We shall travel by car. Here are the expenses.

Nr. crt.ElementAmountObs.
1Housing$115In Sofia for 6 nights.
2Fuel$250About 1800km round trip Cluj-Napoca - Sofia plus Sofia-Plovdiv-Mritsa Iztok plus road taxes
5Supplies and Misc.$50Batteries, cables, memory cards, exchange rate fees, communications, etc.
6Emergency funds$100Medicine, unpredictable expenses, accidents, etc.