Whether you call it Rule 34, educational content or, as in past times when Broadway was more honest – The Internet is for Porn – the fact remains that sex sells and sex-related trade is a driver of most new technologies. How that makes you feel is a separate conversation for some other time.
Short history
The oldest ever video was shot in 1874 and it’s something really autistic – the passing of the planet Venus over the Sun. The second oldest is from 1888 and it’s a random scene from someone’s backyard/garden. Third oldest is Lumière’s now famous 1895 shot of workers leaving the factory. The scene is now relatively famous because more people look up on the Internet “oldest continuous/smooth video”. But at the time, that scene had an audience of 10. Not ten thousand, but 10 people.
Just a few months later, in 1896, the first two erotic movies are made – one in France and one in the United States. That is the moment when “motion pictures” became an industry. Sure, the two films from 1896 wouldn’t be considered “erotic” today – but they were in their time. It’s also unsurprising that they happened in France (then just as today one of the most sex-positive countries and home of the invention of cinema) and in the US (the place where permitless innovation was the norm and daring investments a routine practice).
Video cassette recorder on the Betamax format
If you know what Betamax is, you’re either very old (and from a rich Western background) or someone who worked with anything that could be acquired in the post-communist chaos of early 1990s (like me).
If you don’t know what Betamax is, you’re either younger than 20 or you already know what VHS cassettes are. Betamax was the other format of cassettes, produced by Sony, as opposed to VHS cassettes produced by JVC.
In fact, Betamax cassettes were slightly better (and smaller in size) and they were the first video cassettes to be produced. A huge intra-Japanese war ensued with the Japanese government trying to force all manufacturers to adopt Betamax (because it was the first).
But the war was swiftly won by VHS. Why? Logistics and porn. But especially porn. The porn producers’ decision to adopt VHS as the medium of distribution for their production ended up making VHS the standard for everyone regardless of how they wanted to use their recorders/devices. This got expanded to cameras/camcoders too – which initially had a VHS cassette and later on a mini-VHS for regular people, while professional studios maintained the bigger ones (I filmed with one of those as late as 2004).
Betamax cassettes were produced until March of 2016 (!!) and VHS cassettes are still being produced today, though not by big mainstream manufacturers.
DVDs? Same story. They became widespread when pornographers decided they’re great for distributing higher-quality video. Then came mainstream movies and music. The reason pornographers adopted the DVD so fast was simple: Finally they could offer their end-users the ability to jump to the… ahem… preferred scene and do so seamlessly and without risking ruining the medium – as it had been the case with VHS cassettes. Anyone who digitalized VHS cassettes knows what I’m talking about – the most watched scenes tend to be the hardest to recover from an old tape.
Pay-per-view TV? Yeap, that’s pornographers’ work as well. And it was the same incentive: How to deliver content to clients in the most private way possible and as on-demand as possible while also charging money. Pioneered first in hotels and then in digital networks, pay-per-view TV became mainstream in early 2000s after the pornographers had perfected the model in the 1990s. In fact, the same pornographers then became consultants in tech and sale for mainstream content distributors later on.
The best example is Danni Ashe, the first big name in Internet pornography in 1994. Her career as a pornographer was, naturally, short. But her experience made her a sought-after consultant for every single big media corporation. She’s just the most famous example, but many others have been in the same position.
E-commerce? Yeah, that’s porn too. Long before anyone knew what e-commerce is, pornographers were already doing that as early as 1993. For the next 15 years, e-commerce meant porn. And then when it was perfected, industry insiders offered consultancy (for hefty fees) to everyone else on how to do it.
Likely the smartphone would’ve never become ubiquitous without the incentive for porn. In fact, the investments into 3G and 4G were only green-lit after consulting with the porn industry. It was (correctly) assumed that without the ability to distribute porn, the adoption of “smart” phones would be sluggish or simply won’t happen at all and thus investments would never be recovered.
By the way, this moment (around 2002 when 3G started to become a thing) is when you see a sharp rise in women consuming porn. A fact of life that anti-porn crussaders of 2024 have yet to integrate in their narrative(s), in part due to the women-are-wonderful effect.
Fast increase in bandwidth? Piracy and porn. Netflix came much later, when the market had “matured”. Netflix would’ve never happened without ThePirateBay and Porn.
From glorified tape recorder to useful technology
Michio Kaku calls present-day “AI” a glorified tape recorder. And he’s not wrong. As opposed to nearly every other take on “AI” on the Internet which competes in the “who can be the most wrong” Olympics.
But in order for “AI” (really just LLMs and 50 year old technology with bigger hard drives) to really become relevant, it will have to pass some tests. And the testing ground will be porn – regardless of what you and I think about that.
Just two days ago the first “AI” beauty pageant was announced. Well, sort of. It’s not exactly the first and the whole thing is not exactly new. But propaganda marketing matters because it creates perception. And in the world of propaganda, perception is reality.
But what will make or break this not-exactly-new-but-better-marketed technology will be “AI girlfriends” – which is a nicer way of saying porn. For now, there’s quite a bit of talk about how much that would be worth. But so far it’s only limited to chatbots.
May I remind you that chatbots for lonely people is not exactly something new. ELIZA is almost 60 years old.
Also, by “AI girlfriend” I don’t necessarily mean sex-bot androids with a language processor either – though that would certainly be a huge improvement. It will be enough if someone manages to create an advanced enough bot that can simulate a videochat-like conversation. That is to say… interactive porn by prompt.
By the way, interactive angle-changing for sport events that was the big thing in mid 2000s had been a thing in porn for over a decade prior. And the first interactive sports broadcasts paid for proprietary software to porn studios.
Similarly, the one who will be able to create interactive porn by prompt will get to set the standard for its “mainstream” offshoot (think realistic news anchors, entire sections of a featured movie and so on) and make big bucks out of it too.
There have already been some attempts at this, but they’re nowhere near close to good enough. And the only way they get good enough is through porn.
That’s when “media creators” should start worry. When the first company makes the first billion in revenue (VC investment doesn’t count) from selling access to PornGPT. That’s when we will also see the first really big REEEEE about porn in the 21st century, not dissimilar to the one from 1896 at the projection of (one of the) first erotic movies in a theater.
Or, alternatively, this doesn’t happen at all (or doesn’t happen in the next 50 years) because it’s too complicated without quantum computing – in which case “AI” goes where it deserves: A cute gimmick with niche applications – such as a glorified Grammarly to be used by kids to save time on bullshit assignments by bullshit professors/teachers in the bullshit institutions we still force them to attend because our societies are ruled by crazy people with bullshit ideas.
We’ll see what happens. But porn will be make or break.
Episodul complet în pagina dedicată, în biletul 256 sau în Donors’ Circle
Avem listele (oarecum). Le comentăm pă feeling până se decide BEC/AEP ce candidaturi acceptă sau nu.
Între timp, negocierile continuă chiar și în ceasul al 12-lea în unele județe, în vreme ce partidele deja sunt bine încălzite în campanie și vin deja cu etapa a doua – încălcând pe față normele AEP (un lucru foarte bun, de altfel).
Pe fundal, ne ajunge din urmă încă o prostie de pe vremea guvernului Cioloș, legea păcănelelor merge la promulgare, absolvenții de liceu știu mai puțină limbă română decât cei de acum 25 de ani și în goana după propaganda rusă, statul a izbutit să se facă de râs și să dea apă la moară rusofililor pe bune.
În geopolitică, o inițiativă a României în cadrul Inițiativei celor Trei Mări a fost finalizată la summit-ul de la Vilnius. Dar n-ai afla asta din presa zice-se românească.
Tehnooptimismul are consecințe majore asupra siguranței naționale, rusia rămâne fără benzină și nu-și poate îndeplini amenințările și, desigur, bârfim puțin și tensiunile dintre Iran și Israel.
Și, în fine, spre final discutăm despre religia NHS, redescoperirea algebrei dar și cum Uniunea Europeană a devenit de extremă dreapta.
În cadrul celui de-al nouălea summit al Inițiativei celor Trei Mări, procesul de aderare al Japoniei ca partener strategic al Inițiativei a fost finalizat.
Anunțul a fost făcut de Președintele României, Klaus Iohannis, pe platforma X (fostă Twitter).
In Vilnius 🇱🇹, for the 9th Three Seas Initiative Summit, to promote transport, energy & digital infrastructure connections on the EU’s North-South axis, and to stimulate business. Glad to welcome 🇯🇵 as #3SI 4th strategic partner, along with 🇺🇸, 🇩🇪, and the European Commission 🇪🇺. pic.twitter.com/XHJpcQ4Ypx
În cadrul aceluiași eveniment au participat și președinții Finlandei și Muntenegrului, țări care nu sunt membre ale Inițiativei.
În Finlanda partidul Perussuomalaiset (populist de dreapta) susține aderarea Finlandei la Inițiativă iar după alegerile din aprilie 2023, în urma cărora la putere a ajuns o coaliție de dreapta, Finlanda a devenit mult mai interesată de acest proiect.
În Muntenegru, interesul pentru inițiative occidentale a crescut treptat după 2020, odată cu înfrângerea DPS în alegerile din 2020 și căderea în dizgrație a lui Milo Đukanović care condusese țara de la proclamarea independenței față de Serbia.
Discuția privind cooptarea Japoniei ca partener strategic a început în urmă cu fix un an cu ocazia vizitei președintelui României la Tokyo unde a fost primit de Împăratul Naruhito cu ocazia depășirii centenarului de la stabilirea relațiilor diplomatice dintre cele două țări.
În cadrul discuțiilor de la cel de-al optulea summit, ținut anul trecut la București, cooptarea Japoniei în proiect a fost unul din elementele aduse de președinția românească.
Japonia s-a arătat interesată de participarea în orice formă la Inițiativa celor Trei Mări încă din anul 2021 iar cooperarea japoneză s-a intensificat după escaladarea rusească în Ucraina începută în 2022.
Președinția Inițiativei este asigurată rotativ, pentru aproximativ un an, de către țara care organizează următorul Summit. Poziția a fost deținută de România până în septembrie anul trecut. După terminarea lucrărilor Summit-ului de la Vilnius, președinția rotativă va fi preluată de Ungaria până la organizarea Summit-ului de la Budapesta în 2025.
Inițiativa celor Trei Mări este o platformă la nivel prezidențial ce reunește Austria, Bulgaria, Croația, Cehia, Estonia, Ungaria, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, România, Slovacia, Slovenia și Grecia, cea din urmă aderând în 2023 la Summit-ul de la București. Ucraina și Moldova participă în calitate de parteneri.
Episodul complet în pagina dedicată, în biletul 252 sau în Donors’ Circle
Premierul a încheiat fumigena cu programul magazinelor foarte brusc, exact când i-a convenit și cu o săgeată țintită perfect la adresa lui Orban. Ultima parte e mișto, dar prima parte trădează încă limitele clasei clevetitoare de la noi care continuă să joace în alt film.
Între timp, Mihai Neamțu intră în AUR, încă un USR-ist se crede Navalnâi persecutat de Putin, procentul de cheltuieli pe salariile bugetarilor a ajuns să depășească cotele din Grecia sau Franța, iar apetitul românilor pentru NATO rămâne și la 20 de ani la aproximativ aceleași cote la care era și în momentul aderării.
Subiectul care dă titlul episodului îl abordăm în segmentul geopolitic în care comitem oroarea de-a arăta că ”mita electorală” – departe de-a fi bau-baul crezut (dar nu și practicat) în ideologia vremurilor curente – reprezintă de fapt norma nu doar în istorie ci și pe lângă noi și o cale legitimă spre consens, mai ales când e transparentă.
Tot în segmentul geopolitic discutăm deciziile mai degrabă panicate din rusia de după atentatul terorist, de unde vine întoarcerea la (aproape) 180° a lui Macron în problema rusă, dar și cum statul român își construiește (în sfârșit) cadrul legal necesar apărării cetățenilor români aflați în afara teritoriului național.
În știri externe discutăm despre abuzurile /PAS/ din ce în ce mai evidente chiar și printre simpatizanți, dar și despre trei știri care de fapt nu sunt știri – doar că în sfârșit află și presa despre ele după ce le-am discutat la noi în podcast în 2017, 2020 și respectiv 2021.
Cel mai mult timp îl petrecem în analiza unui studiu care confirmă că iarba e verde ceva de bun simț: În speță că proiectul pandemic a făcut prăpăd în sănătatea mintală a adolescenților, nu doar în cifre absolute, dar și mult mai rău decât adolescentelor – contrar aburelilor perpetuate până în urmă cu două-trei luni izvorâte din ideologia marxist-feministă ce domină cercurile academice.
Tot în știri externe discutăm puțin despre schimbul iminent de generații din politica Turciei dar și despre viitorul apropiat din așa-zisul ”tech” – unul care va fi marcat de scandaluri de corupție, escrocherie, încălcări flagrante ale dreputurilor fundamentale și multe miliarde de dolari pe apa sâmbetei până-l vor face pe Bankman-Fried să pară un sfințișor simpatic prin comparație.
In the years following their disastrous defeat in 2015, the Social-Democratic party of Denmark underwent a hostile takeover. Mette Frederiksen’s faction seized power over the party, and with it created a fundamental shift in the ideological doctrine of the party.
Gone was the obsession with feminism under Helle Thorning-Schmidt, gone was the belief in mass immigration and Inclusivity Uber Alles, replaced instead with idyllic pictures of the Danish Cloth – a white cross in a crimson field, starkly contrasted to the blue skies of midsummer promising a return to “the Denmark you know”.
Vote for the Denmark you know
Sure the red still symbolized socialism, but the white crosses did signal resistance to the ever present, looming shadow of Islam. At the time a great many Leftists wondered how this had come to pass, that the party of Thorvald Stauning would turn its back on the progress that they’d carried the banner of for so long.
Outside of Denmark, as the decay of progressivism becomes ever more apparent, a great many more Leftists will be at least as surprised, if not outright shocked, when this event replicates itself across the Left-wing parties of the Western world. The reasons for this are multifaceted, but have their origin in how the progressive narrative is falling apart at the seems as we speak.
Part One – Narrative Folding
All narratives – no matter their quality or lack thereof, undergo some sort of decay. With every new generation the status quo created by the narrative conclusions of the previous one becomes the foundation for the next. In a way, they fold in on themselves.
This can be seen in the Nordic countries with the socialistic welfare state giving way to a state enabled solipsism, most prevalent in their elder care systems.
It became so easy to simply throw your grandparents to the institutions that it has become an absolute norm to send them to a state run elder home at first given opportunity. It’s not the family’s responsibility but the state’s. And you’re weird for doing otherwise.
We also see this in much of modernity in the Christian thinking world. We began from the premise that man is violent, that force is the solution to all problems, to Christ’s teachings that we must show restraint. As restraint became the new baseline, this gave way to the notion that not only is it important to show restraint, one must be incapable of violence whatsoever; i.e. Pacifism.
Much of the West’s issues, in particular with immigration are a result of ideological pacifism on a societal level against the less obvious violence of the state and the very obvious violence of Islamist’s and Left-wing extremists
A similar effect was seen in the islamisation of the once Christian Levant. It’s mostly known as a textbook example of the power of intransigent minorities, as per Nassim Taleb:
…the spread of Islam in the Near East where Christianity was heavily entrenched (it was born there) can be attributed to two simple asymmetries. The original Islamic rulers weren’t particularly interested in converting Christians as these provided them with tax revenues –the proselytism of Islam did not address those called “people of the book”, i.e. individuals of Abrahamic faith. In fact, my ancestors who survived thirteen centuries under Muslim rule saw advantages in not being Muslim: mostly in the avoidance of military conscription.
The two asymmetric rules were are as follows. First, if a non Muslim man under the rule of Islam marries a Muslim woman, he needs to convert to Islam –and if either parents of a child happens to be Muslim, the child will be Muslim. Second, becoming Muslim is irreversible, as apostasy is the heaviest crime under the religion, sanctioned by the death penalty. The famous Egyptian actor Omar Sharif, born Mikhael Demetri Shalhoub, was of Lebanese Christian origins. He converted to Islam to marry a famous Egyptian actress and had to change his name to an Arabic one. He later divorced, but did not revert to the faith of his ancestors.
Under these two asymmetric rules, one can do simple simulations and see how a small Islamic group occupying Christian (Coptic) Egypt can lead, over the centuries, to the Copts becoming a tiny minority. All one needs is a small rate of interfaith marriages.
Taleb’s analysis is mostly focused on the stubbornness aspect of the process, but does also hint at a rather important part: not why the parents pretended to convert but why their grandchildren became genuine Muslims (and radical ones at that).
As the original event that birthed the new status quo, that being the conversion to Islam, occurred, the fake converts may still have been Christian but they had to behave Muslim in public.
Their children then found this behavior natural and therefore effortlessly acted Muslim in public, but were still close enough to the experiences of their parents that the original narrative of simply pretending to convert would hold. This may even have been true of the grandchildren in some circumstances, but eventually – and inevitably, the internal and initial narrative faded, as it had no external reality left to be attached to anymore. As a result, the descendants eventually grew up behaving Muslim, being treated Muslim and thought themselves Muslim.
The original reasons for the status quo had faded and what remained where the consequences that where seen, felt and acted upon. And any narrative anchored in perceived reality will supplant one exempt from external affirmation. Eventually.
Current year Leftism will begin to undergo this at an accelerated pace, simply because it cannot sustain itself anymore, as too many facets of their ideology have become self destructive.
The most obvious example of this self destructive tendency is the transgenderist narrative.
It is already loosing ground, we are already seeing puberty blockers being banned for minors in the UK of all places, with the rest of the narrative to follow suit over the next five to ten years With it, the rest of the trans narrative is bound to follow suit, due to the internal inconsistencies and radicalism of the ideology.
As biology cycles out the older generations, the younger ones who grew up witnessing the consequences of seeing friends and family members suffer under the consequences of being trans’d, some of which might even have experienced it themselves, they will develop a narrative of great resentment to the consequences of the previous one.
The riots and damage in the wake of BLM and following attempts at normalizing crime in American blue-states will eventually force a resolution. With or without the Left. The younger generations are already being confronted with this havoc, and propaganda can only do so much to make them ignore reality, when it hits them in the face.
The rest of the sexual deviancy of the Left – from shoehorning in homosexuality everywhere, to the attempts at normalizing pedophilia, are not only deeply unpopular with any sane person (for good reason), they’re also unpopular with the migrants the Left themselves have imported. Most immigrants from the third world – whether Mexican or Muslim, are devoutly religious and deeply opposed to such… excesses, and keeping them as a base would require the Left to begin discarding their progressive ideals.
This is not helped by their view of Israel and World War 2. WW2 is sufficiently far in the past that can no longer cause much emotional reaction when invoked.
Combine this coming emotional irrelevance with the younger Left’s hatred of Israel – and that many of the Muslim voters they pay lip service to, loathe the Jewish State as well, and it doesn’t take a genius to see what direction they’re going in.
In addition, most of the narrative power regarding the horrors of the Nazi regime is depleted. The aspect that they they were a product of nationalism, patriotism and militarism (the positive view of a strong military) are slowly decaying, partially due to this lack of emotional interest, partially accelerated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The racism aspect meanwhile is similarly unraveling as the the narrative about the Holocaust has begun to fold in on itself. Since the younger generations are growing up – not with the premise that the Holocaust was a horrid thing they saw with their own eyes (like the Greatest Generation) or with the post-Nazi sentiment that the horrors of WW2 must never be repeated and society must be organized around preventing a repeat at all costs (like the Boomers and Millennials), but with a post-post-Nazi paradigm, that any invocation of the Holocaust or Nazis or racism is used exclusively as a tool. As a tactic used in order to unfairly shut down any conversation critical of the awful policies of the current status quo. And this has reached its zenith in the last ten or so years and is well known by anyone intellectually honest.
Whether or not this results in an anti-Semitic resurgence depends on the amount and effectiveness of the censorship in the next 20 years, as the only reason the alt-right ever had anything resembling relevance was the fact that no other group than the Neo-Nazis where willing to interact with those critical of the current narrative surrounding WW2.
In some ways, we can already see that the Left is abandoning this tactic in favor of other forms of thought-terminating cliches.
A recent Atlantic article covered the rise of “chaos agents” – people willing to spread propaganda regardless of its angle solely because it would cause more conflict within the society. What this really is, is a smoking gun, that the old Nazi accusation tactic does not work anymore and that they’re now trying to replace it with new ones, in order to maintain at least some of the power that the Nazi accusations had. This specific tool will likely not work on the level of the commoner, but it will spread through the universities and intelligentsia as a tool for keeping intellectual discussion in line.
When you take all of this into account – the collapse of the trans narrative, the conservative leanings of the Left’s migrant base, the need for law and order in the wake of immigration and BLM and the increasingly radical anti-Semitism within the younger Left, it becomes obvious that the Left is going to fracture along the lines of progressive versus non-progressive
But while this faction may in ways resemble conservatives on social issues (and here I make the exception of anti-Semitism as it simply does not exist on a large scale on the right) in theory, in practice they will differ quite severely. Why?
Because at the end of the day, the modus operandi of the Left has for decades, if not centuries, been securization.
Part Two – Securization
Securization is the political science term for the study of how narratives are (re)framed to justify the centralization of power under the pretense of security (what they call a “securitized narrative”), and it has been a blatantly obvious tool of the maximal state for decades if not centuries by now.
The most obvious example of this in practice in recent memory was the pandemic project. That society must be locked down and controlled for the security and protection of our (elder’s) lives.
People who grew up in the 2000s got to see this in the shape of cases like the Patriot act – attempts at expanding the surveillance state under the pretense of security from terrorism.
As the Left grew more dominant we’ve started to see their attempts at securization more often:
Censorship is justified under the pretense of security, from “nazis”.
Mass immigration is justified under the pretense of security, of the immigrants’ human rights.
The deterioration of law and order in democrat cities is justified under the pretense of security, from police brutality
Transing of children is justified under the pretense of security from their biology, as the therapy wont work as well if they wait, so they have to get them while young, you see.
While securization has been a tool of the establishment Right as well, it has typically been less obviously intrusive and directly harmful, as the right still has libertarian factions within it to counterbalance it. Even now that the Right began to talk about a potential Tiktok ban the suggested policy – being totalitarian as ever – has not been embraced fully by the Right, with Trump himself weighing in against it. It’s debatable whether a ban of Tiktok would be to the benefit of Facebook but, at the end of the day, his concerns do result in a limiting of governmental overreach.
On the Left meanwhile, there are no libertarian reflexes and little pragmatism inhibiting their totalitarian urges.
The thing is that most of the attempts at solving the problems caused by the insanity of the current Left can easily become securitized narratives themselves.
Now that the censorship has created extremists, their existence can be used to either justify even more censorship – or the extremists themselves can begin to argue in favor of their own forms of totalitarianism.
The violence caused by immigration and BLM can be used as justification for a massive police and surveillance state. This already happened under Mette Frederiksen where not only they argued for a massive surveillance state like totalitarian hellholes like China or Britain, but the justification for doing so was as a means of safety from the “consequences of a mistaken immigration and integration policy”. On a side note, during parliamentary debates the minister of Justice argued that since it is impossible to have any sort of freedom without safety, and a massive surveillance state would increase safety, therefore increased surveillance is an increase of freedom. This is one more reason a social-conservative Left-wing both can and will come into existence.
At this point in time, where progressivism is close to being exhausted, social-conservatism simply seems to be the easiest path to grabbing and centralizing power under the maximal state. It would also allow the Left access to the “churchcommie” elements among the politically activated.
Churchcommie is a slang term for a certain type of authoritarian social-conservative that wishes to implement a maximal state in order to stomp out whatever they view as degeneracy in society. If you told one of these people about Ceaușescu’s views on abortion (complete ban alongside contraceptives), without telling them what politician suggested it, they’d probably want to vote for him.
We have already seen such reflexes be used to securitize pornography: bans on various porn sites which we have so far first seen attempted in Britain. While the system inevitably failed due to being unenforceable, the underlying puritanical values that gave birth to this bill are real and a threat to civil liberties. And thus, easily subverted by the future Left.
Part Three – The next Left
The Left will not abandon progressivism overnight. What will happen is the fracture within the Left between progressive and non-progressive will widen ever more as the Left begins to loose power in elections. Eventually, after one too many defeats at the hand of the right, such a non-progressive faction will attempt a hostile takeover – as it happened in Denmark.
The replacement of progressive ideas with social conservative ones has happened many times before in the history of Leftism.
After Lenin’s extremely degenerate views (even by Russian standards), Stalin went in the exact opposite direction and imposed extremely harsh conservative policies (also even by Russian standards) on the Russian people(s).
Similarly Ceaușescu emerged after a much more feminist (yes, really) Soviet puppet regime in Communist occupied Romania.
After Mao’s Great Leap Forward, China slowly began to implement what can be viewed as a form of capitalism – though a very crony and highly state controlled one, as they found out that collective farms simply didn’t work.
While I doubt the Western Left’s social conservative switch will be as brutal, as they still have to win votes at the end of the day, it’ll no doubt still be terrible for the society as it will be used as a means of centralizing power – and lining the Left’s pockets in the process.
But it simply seems to be the only good means of achieving securization in the post-progressive paradigm. And also allows them to tap into the disgruntled totalitarian forces among the politically activated right.
As simple pragmatism forces the lines to blur between Left and Right it’ll become a lot harder for the right to make their case, since their current Trumpist narrative is build around them being against an obviously evil foe. You can’t do that if the foe uses your exact arguments with a different coat of paint and slightly different motives.
(On a side note, it shocked me how easy it would have been to frame this analysis as an elaborate plan by the Left: that they intend to sell a cure for a disease that they created. Though this might literally happen in some parts of California where the bubonic plague is reemerging. That said, this runs on the assumption that the Left actually knows what they’re doing. And they don’t.)
The form that this new Left would take would therefore be much more akin to the Danish Social-Democrats, not just because it is the closest they have to a template that actually makes sense and could work, but also because it is coming from a Scandinavian country.
Most of the bad ideas that are currently haunting the West may have their origin in the USA, but the R&D for them is done in Scandinavia before being shipped back for final testing and publication.
Some of the examples of this include transgenderism, the first “modern” gender reassignment surgery was performed in Denmark after all (look up Christine Jorgensen, if you must). Modern Feminism which was first implemented in true form in Sweden and the recent Atlantic article regarding “chaos agents” is based on the research of a Danish sociologist who worked with the government during the pandemic.
Even the concept of securization theory was heavily influenced by the work of Ole Wæver – also a Dane. Not to mention the notion of the welfare state itself.
“Getting to Denmark” is a common trope in political science, that a welfare “utopia” like Denmark is the desirable end goal of any society.
The Left’s fetishization of Scandinavia and it’s bad ideas is not going to end any time soon and, no doubt, looking to the now much more socially conservative, but still economically Left-wing politics of the region, is a good indicator of where the Left will go next once progressivism has been drained of all it could offer.
Part Four – Conclusions
For the Right this paradigm shift will be a poison chalice; it will only mean a renormalization of conservative values in the short term, as long as such values can be exploited to seize more power for the state. Long term, if not properly managed, this will result in the generation that will follow becoming one extremely hostile to conservative values. And, when a brain drain eventually begins to take hold on the Right, they will be stuck and incapable of inventing new ideas to work around this stigma.
It has been said that Conservatism is not so much about conserving what matters, but ensuring that the innate vices of human nature are managed in such a way their damage is minimized and hopefully turned to benefits.
Perhaps it is time that the conservatives begin managing the vices of Social-Conservatism.
Episodul complet în pagina dedicată, în biletul 246 sau în Donors’ Circle
În sfârșit a prins viteză campania electorală deși, legal, încă nu suntem în campanie electorală – dar e de apreciat că acum toate partidele pur și simplu ignoră normele AEP. Și bine fac. Și mai bine ar face dacă s-ar apuca de lucrat și la schimbarea legii.
Pe lângă piedoneposting, s-au mai clarificat niște lucruri în ultima săptămână. Reacția noastră instinctuală mai mult de săptămâna trecută cu privire la lista PSD pentru europarlamentare s-a confirmat și în practică, comasații renunțând la ilustra necunoscută cu pronume ciudate din capu’ la listă. Pe fundal, continuă mercato-ul.
Între timp, USR iar n-a citit Constituția înainte să scrie sesizări la CCR și acum iar plâng pe la colțuri că are CCR-ul ceva cu ei. Pe fundal, ANAF deja aplică legea așa cum a fost ea gândită încă de acum 7-8 ani – înțelegând într-un final că a cheltui un pol ca să ”recuperezi” un leu e ineficient.
Tot în segmentul intern abordăm mai multe subiecte economice decât de obicei – însă cu o lecție importantă la final: Cine nu e dispus să-și apere pe bune interesul economic, merită tot ce i se întâmplă.
În segmentul geopolitic discutăm despre negocierile din ce în ce mai complicate cu privire la următorul secretar general al NATO, despre cea mai mare bază NATO din Europa, diplomația Partenerului Strategic dar și puțin despre atentatul terorist din Federația Dusă.
Tot în segmentul geopolitic abordăm și două ciudățenii diplomatice – una a Partenerului Strategic și una a lui Xi Jinping.
În știri externe discutăm predominant despre socialism dar și despre similitudinile strategiilor electorale pentru alegerile locale din Budapesta cu cele de la București.
Well, Hell has just frozen over. The New York Times, a former newspaper, just published an article that barely scratches the surface of the crimes committed against our youth during the Pandemic Project.
The piece focuses on school closures and it leaves much to be desired, as it omits some details (such as the role of teachers’ unions and the systemic disinformation and censorship practiced by “public health”), but, even so, this is the first time when the leftist half (globally, not just in the US) is exposed more thoroughly to what we, in Team Reality, have known and explained since roughly 4 years ago.
And nowhere it is more evident that the leftist half is scared than in the comment section (which I urge you to read in its entirety so you familiarize yourself with the unreason and anti-thinking that permeates the mainstream Left).
Out of touch teacher
The comment section is choke full of limousine liberals and severely out of touch overly-paid bureaucrats – because that’s exactly what public school teachers are.
In every country – from the US, to Brazil, to Germany, to Romania and all the way to Kazakhstan – there’s the discussion that teachers are underpaid. I insist that the opposite is true. Public school teachers are way overpaid compared to the value that they deliver. And, in fact, given what the teachers’ unions did to our youth during the Pandemic Project, lowering their salaries by 50% and then freezing them at that level by decree for the next 20 years would be a good start before we start the discussion about what punishment teachers deserve for the crimes they committed.
But, since that is highly unlikely to happen (except Argentina where it is happening, mashallah!) the next best thing is preferable: The obliteration of public schools. By decree where it’s possible or by death by a thousand cuts where it isn’t possible (school choice initiatives, vouchers, homeschooling, unschooling – all are valuable tools that must be supported to the explicit detriment of public schools).
One self-aware NPC
But one comment in particular drew my attention: This one where the Pandemic Project mythology of “kids are resilient” is regurgitated, followed by a hope that the youth won’t judge them too harshly. My reaction to this is genuine laughter. Because you have to be a leftist to think that a traumatizing experience of senseless and brutal authoritarianism during the formative years will not have consequences over how those kids will eventually end up seeing those older than them.
You see, it’s not just school closures. If anything, in a lot of places, the school closures were indeed a blessing in disguise. But it’s the totality of the Pandemic Project. The mental health and the cognitive future of our youth has been intentionally harmed so that 85 year olds can live for another month or two. THAT, is fundamentally uncivilized. And always ends up badly.
And that’s just before I delve into the dystopian shithole that Australia was – a collective madness that made even the Taliban look reasonable by comparison. Australia is the only country except North Korea that refused to let its citizens leave the country. It is also the only country except North Korea in which no pandemic lawsuit was successful in court. Even in communist China some measures were struck down by the courts.
And no, it’s not a metaphor with the Taliban being reasonable. The Taliban gave asylum to an unmarried pregnant New Zealander (straight up haram in their “culture”) when her own country refused to let her come home. New Zealand is the country that arrested people for doing contraband with KFC, in case you have forgotten. And, after driving their youth crazy (in a very medical, psychiatric sense), NZ locked them up for days in a treatment that was considered inhuman even in Ceaușescu’s time.
Of course, I could go on like this for another 100,000 words and I’d still barely scratch the surface. And maybe one day I should. But in the meantime, what I’m trying to point out is that the Pandemic Project had a disproportionately negative impact on the youth. Especially those unfortunate enough to be between ages 7 and 18 during the Pandemic Project.
Given the crimes committed intentionally by adults against them, I can’t blame any young person for having zero respect for “our institutions” (whatever the fuck that means these days) or, really, for adults in general. There is no reason anyone younger than 20 to have ANY respect for any institution or for 2/3 of the adults. At least two thirds of adults enthusiastically or passively supported sacrificing the 12 year olds’ future so that 85 year olds live one or two months extra. There is no rational reason to ever forgive that.
Sure, we can ignore the problem for a while but, if we couple it with the already existent disdain for the elderly, described really well here by our Danish collaborator, the recipe for disaster is already baked in and cooking. Ignore it at your own peril. I have a clear conscience regarding the Pandemic Project. I not only said the right things, but walked the talk too. I’m still doing trips to the courthouse because of that. I regret nothing.
What to do?
A lot more needs to be written about the Evils committed against our youth during the Pandemic Project. And hopefully more will be. But an equally important topic is “and then what?”
Acknowledging the crimes is an important step. One which will be fought every step of the way by the adults at fault – because that’s how human psychology works: Nobody wants to admit he was part of Evil.
Meanwhile, all sorts of nefarious interests will, for sure, try to take advantage of the situation to further radicalize the youth in their preferred direction. In fact, this is already happening. I remember in 2020 when I was told by a “conservative” that I’m heartless because I was already working on the necessary deradicalization tools in post-pandemic and, yes, with an unapologetic bent towards my preferred policy outcomes.
But at least I’m honest about it. I make no secret that I want the youth to value freedom, much lower taxes and accountability and I want the youth to virulently despise “public health” in its totality, nearly all government bureaucrats and to presume that the experts are intentionally lying to them as a matter of routine and demand extraordinary evidence for absolutely everything an expert claims.
Other interests are less transparent about this. China for instance feeds our youth transgenderist propaganda through TikTok while it feeds its youth wholesome educational videos on DIY, relationships, healthy ways to have fun and so on. Russia uses the very real resentment over the Pandemic Project to demoralize the non-russian youth. And the response from our elites is essentially retarded.
You wonder why so many youngsters fall for russian disinformation? Well, check the mirror first. You might be at fault for it. When you call(ed) opposition to mask mandates “russian propaganda” – guess what? You just legitimized russian propaganda. This is also the work of the “wise” and oh-so-enlightened adults whom the youth, once again, is absolutely correct to disrespect.
I don’t purport to have all the answers, or even most of them. But here’s what I know: If we don’t make amends, and fast, things will get far worse.
Because while the youth have very good reasons to be angry at the world, the responses they come up with aren’t equally good.
If you are part of the 1/3 of adults who did not support the committing of Evil against the youth so that 85 year olds live a bit more, you have a duty to help with making amends.
In civilization, the old sacrifice for the youth, not the other way around.
The pushers of the Pandemic Project in the west loved to quote Japan as an example to follow. Well,… in Japan there was no mask or vaccine mandate, no lockdowns and, by the way, in Japan it is indeed customary for the old to take one for the team. Old and skilled people marched to almost certain death in 2011 to clean up the area after the Fukushima disaster – explicitly citing that it would be immoral for any more young people to be put at risk.
You are not asked to risk radiation poisoning for the youth. You are asked to do your duty to the next generation. Mentor a young person (preferably a man) in your profession. If a choice is between a young guy hurt by the Pandemic Project over a Covid Karen – always fire or purposefully disadvantage the Covid Karen in favor of the young guy. It is only moral to punish the guilty in all possible ways.
Other things you should do:
Talk to them. Seriously! You have no idea how lonely our youth have become. Sure, some countries are far worse than others – but the problem has gotten far worse everywhere (except Sweden) in the last 4 years.
Listen to them. Listen to their anger. And then judge it. Non-judgmentalism ideology has also weakened our youth. Judging it gently is what allows for growth and preparation for the real world.
Promote or invest in normal activities, preferably outdoors. I’m actively looking for an opportunity myself. We must bring back summer camps where they were allowed to fade away or have been shutdown by adults.
Speak up when the opportunity presents itself. I’m due for a meeting this week with an alderman over a youth project. He saw my virulent rationales and agrees that he and his equally old boomers have been too out of touch. Maybe nothing will come out of it. But you won’t know until you try.
This is the bare minimum you owe. First to your child(ren) and then to other youth.
Or… you can do nothing. That’s also fine. But don’t complain 10 years from now, please.
Two years ago a German teenager killed an old lady in Mediaș. He was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment a few months ago but there’s still strong resistance to discussing the motive. And that’s because the killer had been radicalized online (the real kind, not the bullshit sold by the corporate media) – a phenomenon that surged starting with 2020.
Don’t worry – you will see a lot more of these in the coming years. Coupled with random “unexplainable” suicides too. And, in larger countries, new serial killers as well. Because that’s the consequence of mass Evil committed against the youth.
But hey, what do I know? 🤷🏻♂️ I’m just a guy on a sofa that got roughly 90% of the predictions right on the Pandemic Project. I’m not an expert. Which is a good thing.
Prin primăvara lui 2021 a venit ideea unui video mai lung despre istoria cenzurii în România postdecembristă. Pornise de la o discuție în jurul unui protest din Proiectul Pandemic pe care presa îl ignorase la început. De fapt, în ciuda impresiei din mijlocul ochiului furtunii, situația libertății de exprimare în România s-a îmbunătățit considerabil în ultimii 35 de ani – însă memoria selectivă (precum și partizanatul) îi face pe mulți să-și amintească doar coborâșurile, nu și suișurile.
Seria Cenzura în postcomunism nu-și propune să fie un tratat academic – ci o trecere în revistă a unor evenimente importante din ultimii 30 de ani care au dus la schimbarea nu doar a mentalității dar și a jurisprudenței privind cenzura în România.
Libertatea de exprimare nu este un parametru cu 0 și 1 – ci cu nuanțe. Iar istoria acceptării ei în România la rândul său este cu nuanțe și suișuri și coborâșuri. Iar odată câștigată, ea trebuie apărată și, ori de câte ori este posibil, extinsă. Pentru a putea purta bătăliile pentru libertatea de exprimare ce vor avea loc în următorii ani, ajută mult să înțelegem și de unde am pornit.
Vom trece prin incidentele de trupe arestate pe scenă, confiscări de casete, procese intentate cu scopul de-a descuraja și reduce la tăcere (astăzi se numesc SLAPP – pe-atunci nu era nici terminologia), îl veți (re)vedea și pe Ralu Filip și, desigur, veți putea asculta casete de acum peste 20 de ani.
În mod ironic, seria despre cenzură e dificil de răspândit… chiar din cauza cenzurii pe motiv de copyright. Chiar și când legea este respectată, în practică de multe ori nu e suficient. Aceasta fiind una dintre bătăliile ce vor trebui purtate în următorii ani.
Până atunci, însă, vom folosi instrumentele care ne sunt la îndemână: Primele trei episoade vor fi disponibile integral doar pe Odysee. Din păcate Odysee taie mult din calitatea video, așa că toate cele patru episoade vor fi disponibile și pe tracker-ul nostru de torrente în format 1080p@50fps.
Episodul complet în pagina dedicată, în biletul 234 sau în Donors’ Circle
E prima dată când lipsim și nu se întâmplă nimic major – doar împlinirea unor predicții. Cu o excepție.
Cât am fost plecați, Dulapul și-a început campania pentru șefia NATO, Suedia a aderat la NATO (+1 portavion pentru dotarea alianței), marele dosar de pedofilie la Untold s-a clasat, numărul de ruși care vor să studieze limba română a crescut logaritmic și mai-puțin-stânga a câștigat alegerile în Portugalia – toate prezise în prealabil.
Însă s-a întâmplat și ceva ce nu trebuia să se întâmple: Guvernul României a câștigat procesul cu Gabriel Resources – un rezultat care i-a surprins inclusiv pe cei care erau plătiți să apere guvernul în acest proces.
În alte știri, un băiat de la USR/REPER vrea să omoare pisicile de pe stradă dar și mâța ta din curte dacă nu i-ai raportat-o lui la Autoritate; Iulian Bulai de la USR pierde procesul cu CNCD; PSD pune o ilustră necunoscută în capul listei la europarlamentare; un ideolog marxist-leninist se retrage în sfârșit din politica românească, iar OMV face cunoștință mai pe bune cu ANPC.
Între timp, polițiștii CCP-ului vor patrula pe străzile din Ungaria, Armenia ia în serios aderarea la Uniunea Europeană, armata Germaniei continuă să se deterioreze iar decalajul dintre Europa și SUA continuă să se adâncească și să accelereze – în timp ce presa continuă să încerce să vă convingă că socialismul e răspunsul.
Acestea, dar și alte subiecte sunt luate de-a fir-a-păr într-un episod filmat în condiții extreme.
Episodul complet în pagina dedicată, în biletul 219 sau în Donors’ Circle
Ultima săptămână a fost marcată de ziduri de text menite să acopere altceva.
Ziduri de text despre serviciul militar obligatoriu (deși propunerea nu există), ziduri de text despre ”comasarea” alegerilor și mai ales despre constituționalitatea mișcării (deși jurisprudența e clară încă din 2020), apoi la finalul săptămânii a mai venit și Putin cu un zid de text 🤦♂️
Între timp, Green Peace continuă să servească interesele dușmanilor României și nici acum nu vedem niciun fel de acțiune împotriva acestor sabotori.
Pe fundal însă sunt și vești bune, pe care însă nu vrea să le audă nimeni – și mai ales politicienii pentru că, dacă lucrurile merg bine, s-ar putea să nu mai avem nevoie prea mare de politicieni.
În segmentul geopolitic, pe lângă podcastul lui Putin cu Cucker Carlson, discutăm puțin și despre Biden – care recent s-a întâlnit cu Helmut Kohl și François Mitterrand.
Tot în segmentul geopolitic luăm la puricat realinierile din peisajul politic de la Chișinău – unde clovenereala e deseori mai spectaculoasă decât la București.
În știri externe urmărim evoluția politicilor verzi în UE, corupția din Parlamentul European, evoluția reformelor lui Javier Milei și realinierile profunde de personal în zona IT.
Iar la final abordăm un subiect neconvențional pentru Podcast, dar unul care, credem noi, va avea și consecințe politice: așa-numita „recesiune sexuală” – pornind de la cel mai recent studiu pe subiect făcut în Franța.
Un episod făcut pe repede-înainte în timp ce pregătim mai multe subiecte controversate pentru următoarea perioadă.