Cenzura germană e iară la modă

Țineti minte când, la început de 2016, eternul cancelar german dăduse consemn că la Köln, mai ceva ca-n Tien An Men, nu s-a întamplat nimic? Atunci presa de opoziție, în special proteica “extremă dreaptă”, și publicațiile rusofile, au sărit să …

The lockdown in Britain is criminal

A simple reason why the lockdown was/is criminal, and why you have great chances to be a victim of it, far greater than being victim of any other social issue of our time.

I just called the local clinic for …

How much do black lives matter?

Do Black lives really matter for the hysterical agitprop organizations who now pretend to be outraged over the death of the career criminal George Floyd?

Thousands of Black Christians are killed annually in Africa by Islamic terrorist organizations. Has anyone …