Cohăind în noul an – Podcast de Week-end – Episodul 188

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Intrăm în noul an cohăind. Nu chiar în sincron, dar pe-aproape – în linie cu urbea clujeană 😀

La debut de 2023 începe și presa să se întrebe dacă se (mai) face rocada guvernamentală programată pentru finalul lunii mai în timp ce partidele se uită cu groază la sondajele din ultimele luni, sondaje în care aproape toate partidele parlamentare sunt în scădere (în ritm cu încrederea generală a românilor în politicieni). Pe fundal, 6% dintre români au suferit de foame în 2022.

Există însă și vești bune – se fac primii pași concreți în construirea primei centrare pe reactoare nucleare modulare mici iar inflația industrială în sfârșit intră într-o ușoară scădere (chiar dacă mai e mult până la un efect vizibil în buzunare).

Pe fundal, concurs de prostie în public pe subiectul unei satire dintr-o comună băcăoană dar și pe subiectul rezultatelor preliminare ale recensământului de anul trecut.

În segmentul geopolitic discutăm despre Makiivka, discuțiile lui Erdoğan cu Putin, prețurile la petrol și gaze și livările rusești (lipsă) dar și despre schizofrenia Uniunii Europene în ceea ce privește înarmarea precum și standardele duble aplicate Italiei și Ungariei.

Spre final discutăm un pic despre tradițiile germano-franceze de Revelion, tradiții care includ combustia spontană a sute de mașini, combustia spontană a ofițerilor de poliție și remarcăm faptul că acest revelion a venit totuși fără tahharush-jinsi. Între timp Croația pățește ce-au pățit toți nefericiții suficient de proști încât să intre în zona euro, Erdoğan dă drumul la campania electorală iar Bulgaria își vede de integrarea energetică cu vecinii.

Discutăm apoi despre două sondaje incorect politice. Primul din ele arată că tinerii danezi (teoretic cei mai progresiști și globohomo) de fapt nu-și doresc deloc să-și trimită copiii într-o școală în care studiază și imigranți și vasta majoritate nu-și doresc să aibă vecini imigranți sau vreo relație de vreun fel, oricât de mică, cu aceștia.

Cel de-al doilea sondaj e unul și mai incorect politic: Jumătate dintre americani cred că este probabil că serurile cu miocardită au provocat decese neexplicate. Mai mult, proporția este echilibrată între republicani și democrați – subiectul fiind unul deja bipartizan în rândul populației, arătând o deconectare aproape totală de la povestea oficială din presa controlată. Și mai rău, două treimi dintre americani prezumă din start că sunt mințiți măcar parțial de către autorități acest subiect.

La final discutăm puțin și despre pseudo-criza din Camera Reprezentanților, și asta doar pentru că presa a făcut un mare caz dintr-o situație care nu e deloc nemaiîntâlnită sau vreo catastrofă.


Știre 1 –

Știre 2 –

Efectul bumerang al unei legi adoptate în pandemie: de ce nu se declară epidemie de gripă în România deși condițiile sunt îndeplinite –

Cafenele Clujului nu mai primesc oameni cu laptop, pentru că nu consumă. ”Calitatea vieții” în Cluj, un vis electoral –

Știre 3 –

Știre 4 –

Știre 5 –

Știre 6 –

Celebrul avocat Dan Chitic a anunțat că-i va apăra gratis pe urătorii din Berzunți –

Primarul din Berzunți, după parada organizată de tinerii din sat: „Nu au făcut cu intenție” –

A înnebunit lupul? Mascații de la Berzunți, cercetați de poliție pentru că au defilat cu tractoare mascate în tancuri rusești –

Scandalul provocat de Plugușorul lui Putin la Bacău ia amploare –

Știre 7 –

Pauza muzicală #1 –

Makiivka strike: what we know about the deadliest attack on Russian troops since Ukraine war began –

Russian blame game breaks out after Moscow says its own troops’ cell phone use caused Makiivka strike –

Що відомо про український удар по мобілізованих у Макіївці –

Знову Макіївка: повідомляють про вибухи на окупованій частині Донеччини –

Минобороны России признало гибель 63 военных в Макеевке. Украинская сторона говорит о сотнях погибших –

Число погибших после удара ВСУ по Макеевке увеличилось до 89 –

Știre 8 –

Știre 9 –

Știre 10 –

Cum vede un antreprenor și analist de la Moscova economia Rusiei după 10 luni de război: „Nici funcționarii europeni și nici cei ruși nu spun adevărul” –

Știre 11 ––te–un-pa–aport-argentinian-va-deschide-multe-u–i-pentru-copilul-meu_922021.html#view

Știre 12 –

Știre 13 –

Europe Is Rushing Arms to Ukraine but Running Out of Ammo –

Pauza muzicală #2 –

Știre 14 –

Știre 15 –

Filipović: There are attempts to deceive citizens, it will not work –

Știre 16 –

Știre 17 –

Știre 18 –

Survey: Young Danes opposed to their children being educated alongside immigrants –

4 ud af 10 unge danskere ønsker ikke, at deres børn skal gå i skole sammen med børn af indvandrere! –

Știre 19 –

Știre 20 –

‘Died Suddenly’? More Than 1-in-4 Think Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccines –

Unvaccinated drivers more likely to be in a car crash, study shows –

Știre 21 –

Internal feedback request

Other struggles. This is an internal communication that didn’t fit on Telegram.

The good news is that I have finally figured it out how to set up a torrent place for us. Please let me know if you encounter problems. In theory, I should put a password to – and I will if or when it becomes more crowded (with files, that is).

And this is the issue. As seen in the photo, there isn’t much free space available on the server. This makes sense because when I rented the server, I only had in mind the website and an e-mail server and an IRC server. For those purposes, the set up is fulfilling its duties impeccably – and has been for years now. And, under current circumstances, it will continue to do its job flawlessly for at least another 4 or 5 years without any serious modification until I will have to, eventually, upgrade to something bigger.

However, in order to make the torrent thingy indeed useful (particularly for fast distribution of podcasts and larger files), at least 15GB of available disk space is needed. The advantage over the cloud is that I no longer have to keep the file for weeks on end. It’s enough to keep it for a few hours until 2 or 3 people downloaded it and seed it. Also, with large(r) disk space available on the server, it can also serve as a “seeder of last resort” (say newcomers want an older torrent that is no longer active).

Long story short, the options are as follows:

1. As things stand, the torrent feature will be of limited use. Positive trade-off: $0 cost. Negative trade-off: No way I’m developing a forum either.

2. Grab another VPS to serve for the torrent and in the future for a forum or some other ideas that may come up.

Positive trade-offs:

  • No more cloud links
  • no more browser inconveniences due to the BS interface of the current cloud provider
  • if big enough, it can also serve as a wholesale backup (currently I’m handling backups the old-fashioned/primitive way)
  • Possibility of running a semi-private forum (or fully private). Or at least an off-the-books simpler website where I could distribute longer announcements like this one. The reason you are reading this here is because Telegram now limits the length of posts.

Negative trade-offs:

  • Additional $95 to $120/year cost.
  • Additional work for me [both at set up and later on because creating a torrent takes slightly longer]

I won’t be making any decision until after I come back from Italy, but your feedback would be appreciated – since you will be using it 95% of the time and paying for it.

Poland is not yet lost

Last Friday, November 11, marked the 104th anniversary of the Independence of Poland. As customary for over a decade now, the patriots held the Independence March from Rondo Dmowskiego to the National Stadium in Warsaw.
What made this one special was that it’s one held while war is still going on very close to Polish borders and 4 days later a stray missile was going to hit inside Polish territory.

We expected a tensed situation and so we took a quick trip with some of our younger members, thinking it would be a good opportunity to learn a bit more about the Polish ethos and the lying media, as well as to catch up with some of the older friends of the Sofa. And we hit jackpot on all three.

Rondo Dmowskiego, at the start of the Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022

The lying media

Here’s how Reuters (a source still considered trustworthy by far too many) decided to describe the event:

Thousands of people gathered in Warsaw on Friday for an annual march organised by Poland’s far-right to mark Independence Day, with a handful carrying white supremacist or anti-gay banners and firing off red flares.

Marchers, including families with children as well as representatives of far-right groups, waved white and red Polish flags and chanted “God, Honour, Homeland” as they walked through central Warsaw amid a heavy police presence.

The parts marked in red are, essentially, lies. And, since the authors of the Reuters article are Polish, we will go ahead and say these lies are intentional, premeditated and broadcast in bad faith for a political agenda.

On al. Jerozolimskie, during the Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022


There were “thousands” of people, alright. After all, 200,000 and 2000 both qualify as “thousands” even though the attendance at the Independence March was much closer to the former, rather than the latter.

This is a consistent pattern with illegitimate media: Normal people’s civic manifestations are downplayed (when they can’t outright be ignored) while the far-Left’s agitation is intentionally overplayed. For example, click this link to see how Reuters covered an equally big protest back in 2020 against a court ruling concerning abortion. Please notice that at the height of the panic porn regarding the Wuhan Flu, suddenly none of that mattered when it was leftists protesting for the right to murder babies abortion. And now please compare how Reuters covered the Independence March that took place less than two weeks after the Leftists’ protest.

”Far right”

Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022

It is a constant smear by Western media to paint anyone to the Right of the unelected, unaccountable and illegitimate Brussels bureaucrats as ‘far right’ – but it is particularly egregious when this is applied to both the organizers and the attendants of the Polish Independence March.

Like every year, the march featured the signage of Polska Walcząca (Poland uprising/Poland Fighting) – which is the oldest antifascist organization in the world. When posh Western liberals were still implementing the exact same policies as the failed Austrian painter turned German dictator, the Polish people were already organizing the resistance. Only to now have the same Western liberals come in to smear them. The fact that Polish people aren’t even harsher against West-Europe in particular is a testament of Poland’s goodwill – albeit unearned when it comes to continental west-Europe.

Like every year, the march was very explicit in its opposition to international-socialism, national-socialism, LGBT-ist ideology, Russian imperialism, Putinism, Islamism and generally all forms of totalitarian ideology. Apparently, this is ‘far right’ every year. Likely its because the Polish people oppose the West’s preferred forms of totalitarianism too, not just those that are fancy to oppose.

Poland doesn’t have genderist grooming scandals in its schools or Islamist attacks on its streets precisely because it is successfully opposing these forms of totalitarianism as well.

Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022 Banner reads: “Kyiv and Warsaw – common cause”

With that said, it is true that a legit far right contingent was present at the march and, just like in previous years, it constituted less than 5% of the overall huge march. After all, when you gather 200,000 people, it is effectively impossible not to also have some more… let’s say colorful elements showing up too.

It is worth noting, though, that the legit far right elements (or at least those willing to openly display far right symbolism) are also in full support of Ukraine – unlike the so-called far-right in the West which is always busy doing inconspicuous Putinist shilling or outright approving, quite openly so, Russia’s imperialist and expansionist agenda.

Say what you want about the ‘far right’ in Poland, but at the very least they’re not cucking for Russia nor are they in the business of being fooled by Dugin’s ramblings. Everyone would be better off if their ‘far right’ would be like this.

As for the ‘far right’ organizing… this is such a bald-faced lie that’s hardly worth debunking. The public is made to believe that the ‘far right’ in Poland is at the same time extremist but also so lovely that children, old people (who’ve seen two or three forms of totalitarianism in their lifetimes) and upper-middle class young people all come in enthusiastically at a far-right event. Yeah… right.

In reality, the Independence March this year was (just like every year) an expression of unity and strength of the Polish people in face of aggression. Even lefties attended the march (at least not the insane ones, who end up writing for Reuters).

It should be noted that on the issue of Ukraine, there was also some diversity of thought. While the overwhelming majority do support the Ukrainian war effort, a few don’t – and made their voices heard at the march as well.

Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022 Banner reads: “Not our war. Stop the Ukrainization of Poland”

While it is not our place to say what Poles should or shouldn’t support, it is worth mentioning that supporting Ukraine in this conflict makes impeccable geopolitical sense for Poland’s strategic national interests – especially considering that the price in human lives low (though unfortunately non-zero).

With that said, one should also expect some backlash, particularly in Poland – a country that not only isn’t a big fan of mass migration, but a country which also spent the most resources in all of Europe to helping Ukrainians fleeing war. At least 3.2 million Ukrainians remain in the country right now (2 million refugees and 1.2 million migrant workers, most of the latter predating the onset of the war). By the end of 2022, Poland will have spent $8.3 billion on housing, health and other services for Ukrainians, the highest in Europe. So in this context (and an inflation rate at about 20%), some grumbling is to be expected.

Americans are furious at an inflation rate of 8% and immigration levels far lower per capita than Poland. So a bit of perspective is in order before classifying anyone fatigued as a Putinist.

Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022, Warsaw Putin hanged symbolically by the Poniatowskiego Bridge

“Amid heavy police presence”

The independence march is, by far, the most peaceful yearly manifestation in its category (150,000 people or more every year) so the adding of the phrase “amid heavy police presence” by the Western media’s reporting is not only a factual lie (see video at the beginning of the video) but also a sneaky trick to paint a different image in the minds of the readers than what reality looked like.

Yes, of course there was some law enforcement – just like at any protest/manifestation anywhere on Earth. But most of it was concentrated in the Old Town, around government buildings (given that both the President and the Prime Minister held public speeches before the march) – while the march itself was, just like in previous years except 2020, free of any interference by law enforcement.

One caveat though: there was heavy police presence on the street that goes to the Russian Embassy that is orthogonal to the main street that the march ran on. Such action by the police is quite understandable, given that the Russian Embassy and Russian diplomats have been constantly under various non-lethal attacks by civilians. If as little as 2% of the crowd decided to take a detour to the Russian Embassy, the situation could’ve ended up quite badly, given the understandable “love” of the Polish people for the Russian State.

Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022, Warsaw. On the Poniatowskiego Bridge with the scary red flares

The whining about the red flares (which is barely mentioned in local media) is part of the wider safetyist anti-fun nanny-statist mentality of the contemporary Left. Anything that’s fun and involves fire is reflexively opposed by the so-called liberals.

To a contemporary leftist, flares should be outright banned or at the very least so heavily regulated that only big corporations that are friends of the Party can afford the monstrous cost of compliance to do anything fun (cost which would, of course, then be passed down to regular people to then be taxed by the State).

To us, it’s a breath of fresh air and, yes, an expression of freedom. We gladly helped the teenagers along the way who asked us to take pictures or video with them doing fun stuff with the flares.

It was also great to witness the disorganized spontaneously-ordered spectacle of fireworks, firecrackers and flares – all fired by regular people (from 10 year olds to 80 year olds) as another facet of the joy to be living in a country that takes its sovereignty seriously.

A word on politics

The media only covered the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (the ruling party in Poland) versus the EU-backed Left angle. But this is not the only angle. And, when it comes to this march and national(ist) politics, it’s not even a relevant angle to begin with.

Tensions between the mainstream Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS) and the non-leftist groups that are not part of the ruling coalition have been growing over the last 3 years. And growing faster since the escalation of the war in Ukraine.

The nationalist and other non-leftist groups that traditionally supported PiS or at the very least didn’t oppose PiS have shifted gears a little bit. And some of them quite a lot.

Whether it’s intentional or not, or whether it’s just a cynical power play or they’re Kremlin stooges – the fact remains that a loud minority of self-identified conservatives are no longer busy opposing the sources of Evil in the country (the EU, Russia and the far-Left) but busy opposing PiS while remaining silent on other issues – a phenomenon known as punching right or punching to your immediate left.

Independence March (Marsz Niepodległości). November 11, 2022, Warsaw. On the Poniatowskiego Bridge. Banner by Konfederacja Korony Polskiej (Confederation of the Polish Crown). It reads: “Stop the Ukrainization of Poland”

Perhaps the biggest exponent of this is the KKP (Confederation of the Polish Crown), a far-right party that advocates the abolition of the Republic and a return to Monarchy, in addition to ”shaping the social life based on the principles of Latin civilization.”

The KKP is in an alliance with the more known Konfederacija, namely the libertarian-conservative Konfederacja Odnowy Rzeczypospolitej Wolność i Nadzieja (Confederation for the Renewal of the Republic Liberty and Hope) – routinely abbreviated as KORWiN and founded by… well… Janusz Korwin Mikke.

While Korwin-Mikke himself and the party stayed away from such messaging, the suspicions of him being a Kremlin stooge have only increased in the last 3 years – especially given that both himself and the alliance largely has become more noticeably anti-PiS rather than pro-conservative and anti-Left.

While these tensions were not necessarily visible during the march – as the KKP activists marched side by side with people and groups sporting pro-Ukraine signs, Ukrainian flags or anti-Putin messages – the political tensions in society are on the rise.

Since Poland doesn’t have a two-party system, these tensions don’t necessarily help the Left. There are 14 stand-alone political parties in the Parliament, plus two coalitions (a centrist one of two parties and a right-wing one of 4 parties). But these tensions could lead to a more fragmented Parliament (Bulgaria or Israel-style) come 2023, thus making coalition building much more complicated.

So,… yeah. Poland’s not yet lost. And it is forging its own path to go through this current crisis. Unlike others who talk about resilience, the Polish history is wholly about a resilient people so, if there’s anyone we’d bet to pull this off, it is Poland.

Honor i Ojczyzna!

Pandemic Amnesty? Not without conditions

Dear Branch Covidians,

In the last day of October, the far-Left propaganda and Regime shilling outlet The Atlantic published an astonishingly tone-deaf piece titled Let’s declare a pandemic amnesty.

As per the article itself, our response simple: NO. And by that we mean HELL NO!

With that said, however, we are open to discussion about a pandemic amnesty. We have no interest in holding a grudge forever. Unlike the Branch Covidians – who never stopped with their creepy and dystopian talk of “the new normal” – we have no intention of inflicting a revanchard agenda upon them forever.

But, we’re also not interested in unconditional amnsety. Justice needs to be served. Forgiveness can only come after punishment has been doled out, contrition has been shown and apologies have been asked. Not a second earlier.

So here are the Sofa’s conditions for amnesty both at an individual and collective level:

  • Get fired and don’t work anywhere for 24 months (work for free is an acceptable option) and live on savings. No welfare either. In the case of medical profession, the period must be a minimum of 48 months because of the inherent Evil of that profession
  • Pay an amount equivalent to 8 months of the Branch Covidian’s current income plus 20% plus all of the bank/transfer fees to a reparations fund
  • Additionally, pay out of pocket reparations to all those you personally harmed, but no more than the equivalent of 16 months of your current income. Subjected to the private arbitration of a panel of your peers – two normal people and one Branch Covidian
  • Post public heartfelt apologies and, where applicable, do a TV tour as well
  • If applicable, publicly denounce your political party’s Covid19 policies and leadership and work hard to remove them from politics altogether
  • You are automatically signed up as a volunteer for all trials of mRNA-based medical products, in addition to mandatory 4 Moderna shots per year for 10 years
  • No right to vote for 10 years
  • Make amends by amplifying those who were right about Covid19 and purposefully making space for them explicitly to the detriment of those who were wrong
  • If applicable, denounce those above you and collaborate to any investigation that can lead to jailing, firing or fining of those above you (applicable for anyone working in “public health”, education, medicine, multinational corporations, any government agency and other institutions at fault for the situation)
  • Publicly work, for at least two years, to get “public health” recognized as an illegitimate profession which thus enjoys undue and illegitimate authority

Why is this necessary

Of course, at an individual level, especially with the rank and file, we are open to further negotiations (except for the reparations fund – that’s a must). But without personal punishment equivalent to the harm(s) inflicted, this whole madness will happen again.

You can’t just come out and say “Ooops, my bad!” after two years of being consistently wrong and after two years of demonizing, dehumanizing and abusing those who were correct.

And most certainly you cannot, as Prof. Emily Oster does in The Atlantic, come out and say that those of us who were entirely correct all along were simply “lucky”. No, we weren’t lucky. You can be lucky once. Maybe twice. After the third time in a row of being correct, it’s no longer coincidence or luck.

You also cannot come out and say that despite being entirely wrong about everything, it’s all excusable because it was done with good intentions. Mao Zedong also had good intentions. We’re not interested in your “good intentions”. The policies you supported amounted to illiberal, illegal, useless and immoral abuses against basic civil liberties and human rights. That cannot and will not be forgiven by a simple ”oops!” Nor will it be waved away under the excuse that the abusers had the best intentions in mind. With all due respect, fuck your best intentions! Sideways!

If these policies had been advocated and implemented by a nominally Right Wing elite, you would be asking for public prosecutions. So you will forgive us for asking roughly the same.

You also cannot expect anyone to forgive so easily after your side closed public parks, filled skate parks with sand to prevent teenagers from having fun, called children killers (this happened in Germany, Denmark, Romania and other countries), closed churches, implemented policies that drove children literally insane (who knew that solitary confinement is torture, am I right?) and, perhaps the most unforgivable, advocated for the death through starvation of those who disagree with you (because that’s exactly what “workplace mandates” meant in practice).

It shows a tremendous sense of entitlement (and no contrition whatsoever) to simply expect to be forgiven and granted amnesty after all of this.

Your policies led to inflation, job losses, a spike in unnecessary cardiopathies, loss of careers, suicides, severe deepening of pre-existent mental health problems (in addition to creating new ones), learning losses, crime increases that we’ll all have to grapple with for decades to come (we have no idea how many new serial killers are out there and we’ll only learn the hard way over the years to come) and a whole plethora of social and economic troubles that we can’t even properly assess yet for they are yet to manifest themselves.

And this is in addition to the open celebration of the deaths of those who disagreed with you, the open instigation(s) to genocide against those who disagree with you and the destruction of important events of life (baptism, weddings and funerals).

All of this was for nothing. And you were told, a quintillion times, that you are wrong. You refused to listen. You insisted you know better.

The excuse that you didn’t know better may work for March of 2020. Maybe for April 2020. Some more charitable people (certainly not us!) may even be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for the whole of 2020. But under no circumstances is your side deserving of anything other than punishment and scorn for the brutal insanity you personally helped implement in 2021 and early 2022.

There is no way we will forgive that easily without proper punishment being doled out.

Kathleen Hochul, the presumptive frontrunner for the gubernatorial race in New York outright said she would do the exact same sanitary fascism allover again. Kansas governor stated she has absolutely nothing to apologize for the atrocious, illiberal, illegal and illegitimate way she supposedly ”managed” the Wuhan Flu.

With very, very few exceptions, virtually nobody from your side even apologized. So, under these conditions, we have no intention of discussing amnesty unless it is in the terms we laid out above.

Until an amnesty is reached, as far as we are concerned, we continue to be at war with your side. All out war, to be more precise.

Anything is fair game: Your career, you as a person, your family, your children, your business, your finances, your hobby/ies – anything you hold dear. If it is legal for us to attack, we will attack without any regards on how this makes you feel. Until you yield to our demands. Because our demands are just and rightful and your position is illiberal, illegitimate, morally reprehensible and downright Evil.

There is a time and place for amnesty. That time has not come yet. It is up to you when that happens.

Kind regards,
The Sofa.

The reckoning is here – World Sofa Report – Episode 32

Audio version: [Download 450MB]

This show survived long enough to catch the commencement of reckoning on several topics.

So… the reckoning is here for all the campus violence flamed by the far-Left and entertained by the Academia. It is here for all those who supported school closures now finding themselves in deep trouble (although not enough trouble in our view). It is here for all the politicians and pundits who supported extremist and anti-scientific policies that led to children being mutilated, mentally impaired and with a myriad of long-term issues that can’t even be assessed, yet.

Reckoning is here for Joe Biden as well – as railroad workers may end up striking, thus b0rking the supply chain even more, an issue entirely under the control of the federal government, and an issue that did not exist under Obama and Trump.

Reckoning is slowly approaching for Putin as well. Dissent was virtually non-existent until 10 days ago. Now it’s elected officials and even federal TV stations. And it’s only going to get worse.

Reckoning is seeping in for Европейски съюз in general and for Germany in particular. Because for all the belly-aching about Poland and other Intermarium countries – the Russophilia in Europe has had its capital in Berlin.

Reckoning is coming in Sweden as well. Much to the mainstream’s shock (but to the shock of exactly nobody who was following the Swedish society) the Sweden Democrats came in second in the election and a new bourgeois government is likely to be formed – and a government that will explicitly adopt immigration and integration policies that were “far right”, censored from discussion and unthinkable merely 10 years ago.

Meanwhile, in France, the underground institutions of the Right are finally yielding results after 18 years of work – showing a way for dissidents in other countries on how to advance.

Reckoning is coming in Armenia as well. Nobody is coming to its aid and the conflict reached a dead-end for Pashinyan – one of the few politicians that was simultaneously the darling of both the West and of the Kremlin. Ooops! Seems like playing both sides has limits.

Meanwhile, theft, corruption and downright stupidity is creating energy woes in Africa – particularly Nigeria and the South African Republic. All while in Ethiopia, the efforts to maintain ceasefires in Tigray continue.

Energy woes is exactly what India and Japan do not want to have. So both countries are pouring enormous amounts of money in nuclear and coal. Indians are a bit more honest while the Japanese still try to sweeten the deal by mentioning the nonsensical “decarbonization” claptrap – all while enhancing coal and setting the stage for SMRs and new big reactors.

Chinese biopharmaceutical stocks took a slump after US sanctions on intellectual property kicked in, all while the citizens in Uyguristan enter their 6th week of lockdown and a biosecurity totalitarian state.

Reckoning is coming in Oceania as well. Even with removing all of the pandemic theater, New Zealand’s children still aren’t coming back to school. The government expects 70% of children to come back to school in the next four years. All while neuropsychiatric issues continue to mount amongst the country’s minors.

Food prices are way up in NZ, even though it’s a country with a top-tier agricultural sector; and in Australia a “mortgage time bomb” is ticking – as the central bank called it.

Reckoning is coming for everyone. For many, it is already here.

These, and other news and sub-threads, are explored in great detail in the longest episode of the series. The music breaks will also bring exclusive footage from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. We thought that we’d go down with a bang since this will also be the last one in this format. We hope you enjoyed this version of traveling through the whole world’s (geo)politics.


News #1 –

News #2 –

School is for everyone –

News #3 –

News #4 –

News #5 –

News #6 –

Music break #1 –

News #7 –

In isolated Russia, a tale of two economies:

Music break #2 –

News #8 –

News #9 –

News #10 –

News #11 –

News #12 –

I don’t recognize Sweden anymore –

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ОДКБ отказала Пашиняну в военной помощи: росСМИ анонсируют выход Армении из организации Путина –

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Argintul la ruleta rusească – Podcast de week-end – Episodul 179

Versiunea video [Download 7,8GB]:

Versiunea audio [Download 332MB]:

Un studiu internațional a relevat că politicienii trăiesc mai mult decât oamenii pe care-i reprezintă. În virtutea echității precum și a îngrijorărilor privind mediul și sănătatea publică, acest lucru ar trebui adresat prin common sense politicians’ age control legislation.

Într-o notă mai serioasă, presa militară începe să scrie despre candidatura lui Geoană pentru Trei Coceni – un subiect discutat aici acum mai bine de doi ani de zile. Tot din știrile vechi, faptul că România are o presă comparabilă mai degrabă cu Rusia (adică miluită și controlată de Regim) a ajuns în sfârșit pe masa Adunării Parlamentare a Consiliului Europei, după ce peste doi ani de zile era conspirație de extremă-dreapta (sau dezinformare rusească, în funcție de focă).

ASF interzice temporar ”investițiile” în private equity ale fondurilor din ”Pilonul II” (lucru pe care l-a mai făcut în trecut, în vreme ce fondurile din PII oricum nu se înghesuiau la private equity); o nouă schimbare în anul școlar (evident, nu în bine, pentru că nimeni nu vrea să admită că învățământul de Stat se poate repara doar prin desființare); BNR a crescut dobânda (deși insuficient) iar Facebook-ul românesc va fi cenzurat în funcție de cheful organizației de extremă-Stânga Funky Citizens – că așa e libertatea de exprimare în Rusia cu smiley face.

În geopolitică: Kazahstan va confisca transporturile rusești dacă acestea conțin mărfuri aflate sub sancțiuni sau mărfuri furate din Ucraina; tot Kazahstan va face permanentă închiderea conductei CPC (lucru care afectează și România); în Uzbekistan 18 oameni au murit, peste 200 au fost răniți și peste 500 arestați într-un rar moment de proteste populare în provincia autonomă Karkalpakstan; Finlanda își trântește gard la frontiera cu Rusia; Lavrov a mers la G20 (prima întâlnire cu miniștri occidentali de la declanșarea agresiunii în Ucraina); linia ferată cu ecartament larg din portul Galați a fost redeschisă după 22 de ani; Boris Johnson a demisionat iar geostrategia spațiului ex-iugoslav se decide în perioada asta.

Tot în segmentul geopolitic discutăm despre falsul zâmbet al Chișinăului care face hore cu românii și pișcoturi cu Bruxelles-ul însă lucrurile care contează – lucrările de infrastructură, privatizările, etc. – le face în continuare direct cu firmele lui Putin. Regimul maMaia Sandu se dovedește fix atât de pro-rus pe cât am zis noi încă de la alegerile din iulie 2021.

În alte știri, Comisia Europeană reduce PNRR-ul Bulgariei pentru că țara o duce prea bine (nu-i glumă – fix așa s-a exprimat Comisia!) și redirecționează banii țărilor foarte sărace precum Germania și Spania. C-așa-i în Evropeiski Soyuz.

Pe fundal, clasa politică putinistă din Austria e tare supărată că energia nucleară va fi în continuare permisă; opoziția din Franța a depus moțiune de cenzură; opinia publică în lumea arabă s-a întors împotriva democrației; fostul premier japonez Shinzo Abe a fost asasinat iar în Macedonia (de Nord) protestele au dus la rănirea a zeci de polițiști după ce guvernul a fost de acord să treacă minoritatea bulgară în Constituție.

Petrecem mai mult timp în știri externe să discutăm despre Țările de Jos. Olanda este apăsată de asasinate în stil mafiot în plină stradă, o corupție endemică tipică oricărui narcostat și paralziată de un Regim hibrid care-și dorește exproprierea și/sau distrugerea sectorului agricol olandez. Un subiect vast de care presa din RSR a fugit cât a putut întrucât e periculos să afle românii că până și în țările pe care (în mod fals) presa i-a făcut pe români să creadă că sunt ”tolerante” și ”liberale” de fapt există opoziție vehementă față de extremismul eurocrat. Vă arătăm și imaginile de la protestele olandeze pe care televiziunile nu vi le vor arăta.

Acestea, dar și alte știri sunt discutate pe larg în ultimul episod de dinainte de pauza lungă pricinuită de deplasările spre documentare în Ungaria și Asia Centrală. Podcastul intră în pauză, dar nu și restul operațiunilor.

Știre 1 –

Ciolacu: Cutuma că preşedintele PSD este automat şi candidatul la preşedinţia ţării a luat sfârşit / Statutul va fi schimbat –

Știre 2 –

Știre 3 –

Știre 4 –

Știre 5 –

DOCUMENT Va fi încheiată o singură medie anuală pe disciplină, potrivit ROFUIP 2022 / Profesorul trebuie să acorde cel puțin 3 note peste numărul alocat de ore săptămânal –

Știre 6 ––945228

Năsui, fost ministru al Economiei: Descoperirea fraudei de la un administrator de Pilon 2 de pensii arată că sistemul funcționează. El invocă trei argumente –

Știre 7 –

Daea, propus la Ministerul Agriculturii, contrazice apelul făcut de Guvern împotriva risipei de apă: „Planta nu poate trăi fără apă” –

Ni se cere să raționalizăm apa. Seceta afectează grav multe părți din România –

Știre 8 –

Peste 100 de mineri protestează la Târgu Jiu –

Știre 9 –

Cel mai mare dolar din istorie. Francul elveţian depăşeşte euro – Curs BNR 5.07.2022 –

Euro coboară sub 1,02 dolari pentru prima dată din 2002 –

Știre 10 –

Pauza muzicala 1 –

Știre 11 –

Kazahstanul amenință Rusia că va rupe contractele cu companiile care transportă cereale furate din Ucraina –

Rusia închide o conductă de petrol care alimenta și România. Ce rute alternative există pentru petrolul din Kazahstan –

Știre 12 –

Protests in Uzbek autonomous region over constitution reform plan –

Știre 13 –

Захарова высмеяла планы Финляндии построить забор на границе с Россией –

Știre 14 –

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Știre 18 –

Știre 19 –

Pauza muzicală 2 –

Știre 20 –

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Știre 22 –

Știre 23 –

Cazul Egisto Ott, un simbol al penetrării profunde a Rusiei în Austria, de la politică și industrie la serviciile secrete –

Parlamentul European a votat ca energia nucleară și gazul să fie considerate combustibil „verde” de tranziție –

Știre 24 –

Știre 25 –

Știre 26 –

Franța: Guvernul nu-și va angaja răspunderea pe discursul de politică generală în Parlament, unde nu are majoritate/ Opoziția de stânga anunță depunerea unei moțiuni de cenzură împotriva Guvernului –

Știre 27 –

Știre 28 –

Știre 29 –

Știre 30 –

India farm law: Seven months after repeal, farmers are ready for new protests –

Real madness is about to begin – World Sofa Report – Episode 31

Video version [download 7GB]:

Audio version [download 276MB]:

One of the great advantages of publishing on Odysee is that we can discuss the three main topics of this period without being afraid of upsetting some “algorithm” from Goolag Inc. The topics are Roe v Wade, the sentencing of Ghislane Maxwell and the upcoming recession.

Speaking of Goolag Inc., the tech corporation has been infiltrated by a sectarian apocalyptic cult and, like any other virus/parasite, it seeks to replace everyone in the firm with their own NPCs. Dis gon b gud!

In other news, Ecuador lifts the state of emergency after the president’s attempt to consolidate power didn’t quite work out, Austria scraps its vaccine mandate after even their fans noticed that approximately nobody takes the myocarditis-inducing experimental gene therapy clotshot out of fear of some BS fine; the terrible Harvard leftist who was the prime minister of Bulgaria now blames Russia for his own incompetence and inept leadership; Russia itself went into a little bit of default and FC Sherriff Tiraspol found itself sanctioned.

In the background, Jarosław Kaczyński resigns from a visible role to get back to what he’s best at: preparing the agitprop for the election; and finally in Italy a serious ECR leader emerges and is now in pole position to replace boomer Draghi.

The fertilizer shortage and high prices is driving domestic investment and production in Africa; South Korea is on track to severely cut dependency on China on rare earths and other connected industries and the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Kishida, turns out to be more hawkish than previously believed.

Meanwhile, in Australia the consumers are behaving like 2003 Eastern Europe (birthday parties and washing machines on expensive credit) while the Prime Minister slashed staffing for independent MPs and crossbenchers – a move which will result in a more hostile Parliament for the newly elected Labor leader.

These, and other news are discussed thoroughly in the 31st edition of the World Sofa Report – the first in the new studio, the last one before a long break and the first one with a guest. Hope y’all enjoy it.


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Y’all in 1980s Eastern Europe – World Sofa Report – Episode 30

Video version [download 7GB]:

Audio version [download 343MB]:

When we titled episode 28 “We’re all living in Eastern Europe” we were thinking more like Eastern Europe of the 1990s – that is to say increased corruption, a good dose of institutional chaos, increased inflation and a decent dose of infrastructure decay. What we weren’t thinking of is Eastern Europe of the 1980s – namely all of the above plus food shortages, electricity shortages and full HONK propaganda. Yet the latter is increasingly more present, particularly in the so-called ‘civilized’ West.

A recession is a foregone conclusion in the US (and by consequence in most of the world) and the only reason this word is not being uttered is because the midterms are coming. Meanwhile, Ohio governor signed the bill to allow teachers to be armed – a step in the right direction. In the background, 10 retiring boomer ‘republican’ senators are joining the far-Left in an attempt to pass an obviously unconstitutional gun bill while California Dems want to weaponize the local IRS against patriotic groups in a bid to prevent California’s slow march towards becoming red again.

In Sweden, Ukrainian refugee children are being beaten up by Arabs who tell them to “go home” – in yet another event showing the deep problem that exists in Sweden as a result of the catastrophic decisions made back in 2015-16.

The European Commission may end up in a spat again with the United Kingdom as the Johnson government is trying to correct a provision of the Brexit agreement which, at the moment, de facto turns Northern Ireland in a third-party state. Meanwhile, Nord Steam 1 is working at a lower capacity as more and more countries in Evropeiski Soyuz are being compelled to embrace nuclear.

But while the problems in Europe and North America are causing some turbulence, they are for sure mild in comparison to the spillover effects on Africa. Even in wealthier space-program operator Nigeria the fuel prices are threatening the domestic flights, public transport is almost entirely paralyzed in Zimbabwe and in Cameroon thousands of truckers spend weeks stranded at highways and border crossings due to lack of diesel which threatens to cause its own local version of supply chain chaos.

Also in Africa, Moscow is trying to get approval to build a military base in Sudan as the transition to democracy is blocked in Khartoum and the negotiations seem to have hit a dead-end.

In Israel the country might get its fifth election in three years as the coalition of Naftali Bennett is now officially a minority government and thus subjected anytime to a successful vote of no confidence given that Benjamin Netanyahu has made no secret that he is vying for a return to power.

Disney has a film banned in UAE for consistent pidar in public; the Yemeni government is slowly progressing in its peace negotiations with the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and while the world is grappling with oil shortages, Idemitsu Kosan, a Japanese oil company is phasing out one of its big refineries as Japan is preparing for an economy with a smaller population.

Meanwhile, the CCP is using the Cough19 QRkodizatsiya programme to prevent protests from taking place against the financial mismanagement of four rural banks which may have lost at least $3bn in depositors’ money; all while Xi Jinping is trying his best to divert attention from all of these issues as he’s preparing for the Congress of the Party in the second half of the year.

The new majority government in Australia is already showing strong 1980s Ceaușescu vibes in terms of its approach to energy; the Australian Reserve Bank makes no promises that the interest rates won’t go to the Moon, while in NZ the country is only now finding out about the principle in commercial law called “abuse of dominant position” all while the country is also trying hard (and for the most part failing) to disarm its population.

These and other news are discussed thoroughly in this long-waited 30th edition of the World Sofa Report. Let’s explore!

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Why We Won’t Raise Our Kids in Suburbia –

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Music break #1 –

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Monkeypox – History with links –

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The meanders of the practical – World Sofa Report – Episode 29

Audio version [download 334MB]:

Finally some more visible non-Leftists are willing to do what it takes: namely to compete and go on the offensive – not just occasionally, but all the time.

The last couple of weeks were quite good in this department: There is now a full fledged children’s right-wing entertainment complex that terrifies CNN (the same CNN that flopped CNN+, hehe) and Ron DeSantis imposes the correct policy against globohomo Disney.

Meanwhile, the glowing-in-the-dark case of alleged kidnapping plot of tyrannical governor of Michigan collapsed in court. With a bit of luck and a lot of work, she will collapse in November too.

In Europe, dozens were injured after an Allahu-Ackbar set of riots in Sverigestan. The “new Swedes” were deeply aggrieved that someone exercised his fundamental right to freedom of expression by engaging in a special operation of increasing the temperature of a Qu’ran.

In other news in Europe – the Russian MoD is whining that there are Romanian, Polish, American and Georgian mercs in Ukraine; the VP of Gazprombank got suicided in Moscow; the British government is trying hard to get its civil service back to work and Germany is trying to acquire floating LNG terminals.

But perhaps the most important event in Europe is the upcoming second round of the presidential election in France – where the people have a choice between secular Putinism with a skirt (Marine Le Pen) and pro-Islamic Putinism without a skirt (Emmanuel Macron). With a bonus that the incumbent was the biggest arms supplier of Russia from 2017 and until April 2022 (yes!) and is on record to wanting a Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok (something so extreme that not even the Sberbank lady isn’t keen on saying it out loud). So, of course, we dedicate a longer segment to this event.

Meanwhile, the Saudi Crown Prince is trying to gauge the impact of sanctions against Russia so the Kingdom can then hedge the bets and an incident in Libya creates a bit more panic on the oil market.

In the far-east, the forced labour system in Nepal gets some attention via its victims working in the richer Gulf states; Japan is sending drones to Ukraine and then we take a longer time to discuss the health theatre in Shanghai.

And, finally, in Oceania, the plebs are finding out what we’ve been saying for almost two years: the sanitary fascism was not only useless, but in fact explicitly NOT recommended even by their own “experts” – yet the far-Left China-serving Regime in New Zealand went ahead and implemented anyway. New Zealand is that country whose citizens were better treated by the Taliban than their own government.

Meanwhile, 7 in 10 Aussies live paycheque-to-paycheque with no savings, the construction industry is about to collapse (in part thanks to sanitary fascism), and the regional security framework just took a boot in the teeth after Solomon Island’s security deal with China – negotiated and signed whilst the Australian regime was busy fighting with Novak Đoković.

These and other news are covered in this only episode for April as we work through other projects.


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DeSantis announces expanded special session targeting Walt Disney World property –

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20 Years of the Euro: Winners and Losers – An empirical study –

Music break #3 –

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We’re all living in Eastern Europe – World Sofa Report – Episode 28

Video version [Download 7.4 GB]:

Audio version [Download 370 MB]:

Since Putin rolled in the tanks, the world now moved to Eastern Europe. Not just in the sense that everyone has an opinion about Ukraine, but in the sense that suddenly most societies on Earth have to adopt at least one Eastern European feature or defect. And it’s happening at remarkably fast pace. So here’s the news for this episode and in parentheses we’ll put the year and the Eastern European country when this happened in the past.

Over 60% of Americans support limits on K3 lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity (Hungary, 1919) on the backdrop of an American legal system slowly taken over by militant communists (Romania, 1949) and all while Disney announces plans to oppose Texas’ move to criminalize those who mutilate children under the guise of “gender affirming care” (okay, this never happened in Eastern Europe – we were never THAT messed up).

Meanwhile, the US Senate is ready to confirm a SCOTUS judge that is a bit too liberal on sex offenses (she does have a point from time to time but she also goes way too far, too often – kinda like DDR’s approach in the 1980s).

Apparatchiks from “public health” whine that their “work” of curbing everyone’s freedoms isn’t appreciated. In fact, those pesky peasants (formerly known as free citizens) have the audacity to criticize the Stakhanovism of the enforcers of sanitary fascism and want legal measures against the plebs who talk against the apparatchiks (Romania 1952; Poland 1980). On the background, the apparatchiks raid schools to check muzzle compliance on two year olds (Romania 1978).

Energy independence has always been a topic in Eastern Europe – but now suddenly the rest of the world is discovering it too.

Meanwhile in Italy the unions support Russia by sabotaging Italy’s weapons transports to Ukraine; more and more people are proven to have died as a direct result of the myocarditis-inducing clotshot even as the government claims the clotshot is “safe” (all drugs given en-masse in Eastern Europe under communism were subjected to the same policy of censorship, lies, statistics and dismissal of victims).

The reverse is kinda true too. In Eastern Europe discussions are now about gun rights (which only Americans have properly solved), territorial accords (in Bosnia), and mass boycotts and protests against the companies who continue to support the Russian Regime (which is a first in Eastern Europe).

Egypt fixes the price of bread (Eastern Europe 1948-1989), South Korea elects a hawkish anti-feminist president (Poland 2015-present), property developers in China fail to meet their audit (Eastern Europe, 2009), Kazakhstan is bracing for democratic reforms and moving away from a president-centric autocracy (Eastern Europe 1988-1991), Saudi Arabia mulls accepting yuan for its oil and Germany seals a deal for LNG with Qatar.

In Oceania, the Australian government tries to increase its energy output but it’s prevented by eco-Marxist and other far-Left groups (Romania, 2022) and in New Zealand the government denies there is a mental health crisis despite skyrocketing numbers of adolescents on anti-psychotics as a result of the tyrannical Regime over a cough. Also in NZ, the police is being given hell for not being tyrannical enough against the populace that sought its freedom over the past month (kinda like in Romania in 2012 and 2018).

A long, robust episode, properly tagged so you can easily find the topic of interest. Just enough to last for while we’re in Hungary/UAE.


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The Takeover of America’s Legal System –

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Music break #1 –

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‘We told you so!’ How the West didn’t listen to the countries that know Russia best –

Минобороны сообщило, что российские войска завершают разгром националистического батальона «Донбасс» –

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Music break #2 –

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Patronul lui Sepsi, înaintea alegerilor din Ungaria: „Normal că-l dorim pe domnul Orban! Opoziția nu e pasionată de sport” –

Transcarpathian Hungarian Orgs Condemn Márki-Zay’s Comments on Transcarpathian Refugees –

Music break #3 –

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Music break #4 –

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Why misogyny is at the heart of South Korea’s presidential elections –

How South Korea’s new president could shake up the region –

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Music break #5 –

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